
LONDON -YOUTUBE (11 mins) Australian & 2 U.S. Catholic workers arrested at "Free Bradley Manning" Good Friday blockade & stand off at 10 Downing Street!

LONDON - YOUTUBE (11 mins) 3 Catholic Worker's "Free Bradley Manning" Good Friday blockade, stand off and arrest at 10 Downing Street

Previous posting: 3 CW'ers - Ciaron O'Reilly, Steve Jacobs and Frank
Cordaro - arrested at 10 Downing St. on Good Friday in a "Free Bradley
Manning" Protest after annual London CW Stations of the Cross
11 min edited Youtube video of 3 Catholic Workers 40 min "Free

Call for dramatic return to proactive political action at Aboriginal summit

Media Release: 25 April 2011

By Michael Anderson and Ellie Gilbert

Canberra 25 April 2011, Anzac Day -- The Aboriginal New Way Sovereignty Summit here over Easter was informed that given the state of Aboriginal Affairs in this country today it is now time to make a dramatic return to proactive political action.

Within the coming months legal submissions will be completed for two challenges. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will be asked for an Advisory Opinion on the status of the Aboriginal Sovereignty.

Refugee protest at Maribyrong met with police violence

Hundreds of people rallied at Maribyrnong Detention Centre in Melbourne on the 25th of April 2011 as part of a national day of action against mandatory detention that also saw protests in Curtin in WA and Villawood in Sydney. The rally heard from speakers before marching around the rear of the detention centre. For a second time in a number of weeks protestors were capscium sprayed outside a Detention Centre by Victoria Police. The police attacked protestors several times with capscium spray, batons and horse charges to prevent protestors from tieing ribbons or shaking the fence. It is becoming clear that the Victorian Police has now adopted the use of capscicum spray as standard practice as a crowd control technique.
Related: Account of the rally by John Passant: Maribyrnong, refugees and democracy -- Political analysis of the day by John Passant: Tear down your detention centres, Julia Gillard


ANZAC Day Villawood refugee rally

About 300 people marched on Villawood Immigration Detention Centre in Sydney's west on April 25 to demand an end to mandatory detention of refugees. The rally was in solidarity with all people caught up in mandatory detention but also offered specific support to the three detainees still up on the roof protesting on the roof of Villawood where they have been for six days without food. One of those on the roof Majid Parhizkar, a 24-year-old Iranian spoke to the crowd via mobile phone. His mother and sister and brother are already in the community and were present at the rally.


25th Anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear meltdown: Australia wide events

25 years since Chernobyl...
Australia must stop fuelling Fukushimas...

25 years on since the disaster at Chernobyl, Australia sells uranium to TEPCO, the nuclear power company involved in the ongoing Fukushima radioactive saga. Australia also sells uranium to nuclear weapons states, while the government proposes to build a radioactive waste dump in the NT and continues to push for an expansion of the uranium mining industry.

Photos: Villawood Detention Centre burns, April 20, 2011

Over 100 asylum seekers imprisoned within Villawood protested last thursday against unending detention. Nine buildings burned to the ground. Currently 3 detainees continue their hunger strike atop a roof in the Centre, while 22 detainees are being held in solitary confinement in Silverwater prison. now is not the time to turn back, let's keep on until we end the rotten detention system. Solidarity forever!


Converge 2011 Day 3: Protestors return to unlawful Curtin Detention Centre - DIAC and SERCO disgrace themselves

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship has continued its criminality in its unlawful establishment under the instruction of the Australian government of Mandatory Detention Centres, such as the unlawful establishment that is the Curtin Detention Centre.

Hunger strikers, sit ins, petitions by brutalised souls cannot inspire the Government, DIAC and Serco to allow their visitors to meet them. The culture of secrecy and silence is unbelievable. The layers of racism in Australia continue unabated.

Still not free

"Write of life / the pious said
forget the past / the past is dead.
But all I see / in front of me
is a concrete floor / a cell door / and John Pat"
- by Jack Davis

15 Arpil was the 20th anniversary of the royal commission into black deaths in custody in 1991. Since that time there have been 397 black deaths in custody. Why?


16 human rights activists arrested outside Curtin IDC

RRAN Press Release 24.4.2011 16 Refugee Rights Action Network protesters were arrested today. Six of the group were issued with move on notices - none were charged. All of the protesters have now moved on and will be spending the night in Derby before heading back to Perth. The Refugee Rights Action Network were protesting in solidarity with those inside who had requested on Thursday, via a 700 signatory letter, that a delegation from RRAN be allowed to enter the Curtin IDC in order to observe conditions inside the centre.
Related: Photos by Alex Bainbridge on Picasa -- Footage of arrests on Youtube


MP Tanya Plibersek: Israel not so bad after all

Sydney Labor MP Tanya Plibersek does a backflip on Palestine in the wake of the stupid Marrickville boycott “debate”.


In 2002 the left wing member for Sydney was pretty clear about what she thought of the government of Israel.

She said: “I can think of a rogue state which consistently ignores UN resolutions whose ruler is a war criminal - it is called Israel and the war criminal is Ariel Sharon”.

She also said: “There have been criticisms of Israel's policies, but I don't think that's being anti-Israel”.

Villawood detainees held in solitary confinement at Silverwater prison - lawyers shocked at conditions

Refugee Action Coalition Press Release 24.4.2011 Solicitors visiting asylum seekers now incarcerated at Silverwater prison are shocked at what they have seen. Stephen Blanks, solicitor and secretary of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties briefly interviewed two of the 22 (mostly Iranians and Kurds) locked up there. He said: “They are in solitary confinement, locked down for 18 hours a day with no access to communication, either with each other or with the outside world.


Refugee protest spreads to Curtin, refugee supporters banned from visits

Press release Refugee Action Coalition 24.4.2011 A hunger strike and sit-in involving 300 and more asylum seekers at Curtin detention centre is expected to escalate overnight. The asylum seekers are asking that they be allowed to see refugee supporters who have travelled from Perth and cities to see them over the Easter weekend. Already hundreds of asylum seekers have asked Serco if they can meet the refugee activists.


WGAR News: Two urgent petitions on the NT Intervention - sign by early May 2011

Newsletter date: 24 Apr 2011

* Jobs with Justice - Petition Lauch & Rally - May 5
* UN Petition to restore Human Rights to NT Aboriginal People - sign by May 7
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Australia’s Indigenous languages "Top 10 moments in the sun"
* Help Stop the Muckaty Radioactive Waste Dump - May 7-8
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

Efforts to undermine the nationalism and militarism of ANZAC Day continue

On 25th of April each year, Australia “celebrates” ANZAC Day. The day has become a chance to whip up nationalist fervour and to perpetuate the myth that Australian identity was formed during the carnarge of World War One. Instead of being a day to remember the victims of war it pushes the historical lie that “our freedoms” were won and protected by participating in a imperialist invasion of Turkey on behalf of “King and Country”. The myth serves helps to bolster our current involvement in imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. However the peace movement and the left continue to try to undermine these militaristic efforts and mark ANZAC day differently by holding a range of peace and social justice events around Australia and by publishing articles in the alternative press that offer a counter historical view.


Lies preventing visits at Curtin Detention Centre as hunger strike begins by 300 detainees: Refugees being driven to suicide and mental illness

By Gerry Georgatos

(I have not had the chance to proof this article, it has been written on a laptop powered by a generator with a limited power supply, from nearby the Curtin Detention Centre as we are in grip of divisiveness between peoples.... please read and circulate widely. Please.)


Villawood protest on Anzac Day – demanding a fair go for refugees

Refugee Action Coalition Press Release 23/4/2011Wayne Swan is wrong to criticize Monday’s planned refugee rights protest at Villawood detention centre, refugee supporters say. Following this week’s unrest at Villawood, refugee rights advocates will stage a mass show of support for Villawood detainees on Easter Monday, 25 April. The 25th is also Anzac Day. Refugee supporters will meet at Chester Hill station at 12 noon, before marching to the Gurney Rd side of the detention centre for a rally in support of detainees.


Veterans group calls for troops out of Afghanistan in lead up to ANZAC Day

Stand Fast Press release 22 April 2011 Australian based veterans group Stand Fast is calling on people to reject blind flag waving this ANZAC Day and to seriously question Australian support for the war in Afghanistan. The group stands against this war due to the impact on people living in Afghanistan, the price being paid by other foreign forces (especially the US) and the physical and psychological harm being done to Australian military personnel who people claim to be honouring on 25 April.


Refugee groups plan show of support for Villawood detainees on Easter Monday

Refugee Action Coalition Press Release Friday 22 April 2011Following this week’s unrest at the Villawood detention centre, refugee rights advocates will stage a mass show of support for Villawood detainees on Easter Monday, 25 April. Refugee supporters will meet at Chester Hill station at 12 noon, before marching to the Gurney Rd side of the detention centre for a rally in support of the detainees.
