
The Animal Rights Zone Tom Regan Week.

Preeminent animal rights philosopher Professor Tom Regan is the award-winning author of more than 20 books, including The Case for Animal Rights (1983), Defending Animal Rights (2001) and Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights (2004). He has been described as “the philosophical leader of the animal rights movement” by the editors of Utne Reader (October, 2010) , who named him, along with the Dali Lama, as “one of fifty visionaries who are changing the world” [1] and is co-founder (with his partner Nancy) of the Culture and Animals Foundation.[2]

Counter-demonstration against Fascist rally - Federation Square, 15 May 2011

Against a background of a Buddhist festival promoting peace, harmony and enlightenment, the latest incarnation of Fascism in Australia, the so-called Australian Defence League, chose Melbourne's Federation Square to spread their message of intolerance, divisiveness and ignorance. But a counter-demonstration saw them first outnumbered, then drowned out, and finally forced to an ignominious retreat.


Solar panels mounted on minister's office in budget protest

The electoral office of Climate Change Minister Greg Combet was targeted by climate activists this morning. A banner was hung from the roof of the building saying "Make Polluters Pay, Fund Renewable Energy!", and four photovoltaic solar panels were put in place on the building roof.


Budget cuts and paste mp3

media collage, 57 billion repair by Clarke and Dawe, credit to the family excerpt, local voxpops about the budgie, cash money money by Robyn, American dream is dead by Onion News Network, Sub Primal Scream Therapy from youtube, Woolworth manager song by Michael Brown, an in depth budgie report with Graham, Swimming in denial by Dana Lyons

28:25 min 128 kbps stereo 26 MB

Audio interview with Irish Australian Ciaron O'Reilly & 3 other anti-war activists protesting this week's Queen's visit to Ireland!

LINK-"The British Queen's Visit to Ireland"- Radio Interview with Catholic Worker Ciaron O'Reilly & 3 Irish Anti-War Movement Activists.

The next ten days sees the first visit of the British monarchy to Dublin in a century. Britain still militarily occupies 6 of the northern counties of Ireland.

Ireland is constitutionally neutral. It is illegal under the Hague Convention for a beligerent force to pass through a neutral country, yet most U.S. troops that invaded and occupied Iraq in this U.S.U.K. War passsed through Shannon Airport, Ireland

Aboriginal leader calls for social justice outside Australia House in London

Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra OAM, senior elder and Dhurili Clan Nation
leader of the traditional Yolngu peoples of Northeast Arnhem Land, has
delivered a speech to the world's media outside the Australian High
Commission in London.

He expressed the deep hurt of Aboriginal people
in the Northern Territory caused by the Northern Territory
Intervention and other policies that breach their human and cultural

Rev. Dr. Gondarra announced the Global Call to Action for
Aboriginal Rights, whose statement has been signed by former

Retreating on climate policy - Victorian Government stops discussions on Hazelwood closure

While all eyes focused on Canberra and the Federal Budget this week, the Victorian Government quietly announced that all discussions have been discontinued on retiring all or part of the Hazelwood brown coal fired power station. Environment groups strongly criticised the decision.

"Sadly, what this announcement seems to confirm is that the Coalition government has absolutely no plan to reduce greenhouse emissions in the state. Although environmental groups were unanimous in demanding the full closure and replacement of the ageing and dirty Hazelwood power station, the promised partial closure would have been a good step in the right direction" said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator, Cam Walker.


Oppose the Malaysian 'solution' - End mandatory detention. Rally and march - 13 May 2011

A few days after the Malaysian Bar Association issued a statement opposing the recently-announced refugee swap between the Malaysian and Australian governments (“Asylum seekers and refugees are not commodities to be traded” – full text given below), the Refugee Action Collective in Melbourne called a protest at the GPO in Bourke Street, followed by a march down to the steps of Flinders Street Station.


WGAR News: Aboriginal elder raises international awareness of the NT Intervention

Newsletter date: 14 May 2011

* Aboriginal elder Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra raises international awareness of the NT Intervention
* Federal Budget and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
* More on Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles


- Media Releases

'concerned Australians':

Oil giant ConocoPhillips ‘pulls out’ of controversial Amazon project

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 13 May 2011 - - US oil giant ConocoPhillips has reportedly announced it is pulling out of the controversial oil block 39 in the northern Peruvian Amazon.

The decision comes after global outrage over the risk oil companies pose to the lives of two uncontacted tribes living in the area.

More than 50 international NGOs signed Survival’s letter last year asking oil companies Repsol, Perenco and ConocoPhillips to withdraw immediately from the region.

How the Murdoch press keeps Australia’s dirty secret

By John Pilger | World Citizen

The illegal eavesdropping on well-known people by the News of the World is said to be Rupert Murdoch’s Watergate. But is it the crime by which Murdoch ought to be known?

In his native land, Australia, Murdoch controls 70 per cent of the capital city press and the only national newspaper. Australia is the world’s first murdochracy, in which smear by media is power.

Budget for billionaires

The following is a critique of the 2011 Fedreal budget from Peter Boyle from his blog Peter's Notepad The mining and banking companies creaming billions in super profits from the Asian industrialisation-driven mining boom in Australia – the biggest ever mining boom in this country’s history – have done very well from the federal Budget delivered by the Gillard Labor government on May 10.


Detention centres at crisis point, far too much access being denied

Media release by the Human Rights Alliance
Gerry Georgatos, Convener

The Human Rights Alliance is calling for a Senate Inquiry into the treatment of our Asylum Seekers. We are also calling for demarcated Investigators to enter Detention Centre facilities and inspect and report in the public interest on the condition of our Asylum Seekers, on whether there are adequate medical and psychological attention, and to report the extent of self harm and attempted suicides.

The Shortwave Report 05/13/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 13) is up at the website (NOTE THE URL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY DUE TO SERVER SWITCH) in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27mb), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Be careful of what you ask for

By Kitty Carra

A year ago this month, Australians for Native Title & Reconciliation (ANTaR Qld) released a media release and e bulletin entitled Rights, Justice and then Reconciliation.

At that point the family on Palm Island, and the broader Queensland
community, had been waiting a whole six years for a satisfactory
outcome on the death of Mulrunji Doomadgee.

One year later neither Hurley, nor any of the six other police
officers involved in bungling up the subsequent investigation, have
been held accountable for the tragic death of the perfectly healthy 36

In support of Bess Nungarrayi Price

"Alice Springs News" issue 1813.28/4/2011

Sir, This is an open letter to those who think they know us better than we do ourselves.
We are Warlpiri people from the communities of Yuendumu, Wirliyajarrayi, Lajamanu and Nyirrpi
as well as the town camps of Alice Springs.
Bess Nungarrayi Price is with us today
to say goodbye to one of our lost children.
We are sorry and in mourning.
Bess Nungarrayi is one of us.
She was born here at Yuendumu and grew up here.
We are all family to her.
It makes us sad and angry when we hear that


Adam Bandt must do the right thing and pull the pin. Adam must bring on history and the tumult

The Human Rights Alliance, and every right minded person in Australia calls upon Adam Bandt to exercise his moral and legal propriety, his moral and political convictions and pull the pin on the ALP, a government representing a malaise of indifference to people, representing inhumanity.

Adam Bandt has the capacity to bring the warranted voice to our suffering Asylum Seekers.

Adam Bandt must not put his tenure as a parliamentarian before the warrants of the people.

The life of Anarchist Journalist is in danger

A notorious opportunist terrorist of a Bangladesh Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury has threaten anarchist journalist William Nicholas gomes ( face the Bangladeshi intelligence for his continuous work on favor of people. William is Bangladeshi correspondent of online news journal Srilnaka Guardian. He is also working to send report of police torture, extrajudicial killings to Asian Legal Resource Center and Asian Human Rights Commission.