
Was the shutting down of Borders bookshops an attack on freedom of speech?

It has been widely rumoured that the same people who stole countless technology from humble but diligent BBS Bulletin Board Systems so as to build the IT Information Technology mainframes shut down borders bookshop so as to basically put a gag order on freedom of speech.


Rolling back reality.

Rebuilding the Chaos, from the Ground Up: anti-Intervention groups call for a return to year zero in remote Aboriginal communities. (A version of this article also appears on The Drum.)

By Bob Durnan

Winter is icumen in, here in central Australia; the car windows are filling with frost.
The solstice is nigh.


The Shortwave Report 06/10/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 10) is up at the website (NOTE THE URL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY DUE TO SERVER SWITCH) in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) of the John Adam St Gang

ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) held a fundraiser on June 9th in London. This was the first official engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

ARK (Absolute Return for Kids)are not what they say. Google 'ARK EIM Schillings', or go to UK911forum 'War on Children' thread titled ‘Schillings solicitors letters re ARK, direct links’ for links to solicitors letters etc. Wikileaks links to this story keep breaking.......therefore this story is being hidden.

It is no surprise that ARK's offices lie within the John Adam St Gang.

Media Release: Refugee campaigners to demand Labor axe the “Malaysian solution.

Refugee Advocates are to demand that the Labor government axe the “Malaysian solution” with a protest outside Labor Party Headquarters in Melbourne from 1pm Friday 10th. 360 King Street, West Melbourne. Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) condemns the Labor government’s policy to ship asylum seekers to Malaysia. It is not a solution for refugees fleeing war and persecution. It is a return to the dark days of John Howard and offshore processing.


Australians for troops out of Afghanistan

Australians for troops out of Afghanistan

The first part here is an extract dictated to me from an Australian distinguished 2nd world war veteran:
"They shouldn't be there, the Australians, the Canadians and the Americans, we went there and it's unwinnable, it's a pointless war, and our troops should come home now."
Listen to more of their voices and hear what they have to say if you want more grass roots knowledge.

Extract from Micah Sifry's "Wikileaks and the age of Transparnecy" also writes of Afghanistan an (I quote) "unwinnable war".


WGAR News: Prime Minister Julia Gillard visits Mparntwe Alice Springs

Newsletter date: 9 June 2011

* Prime Minister visits Mparntwe Alice Springs
* One week to go! June 14 Canberra Rally against NT nuclear waste dump
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- Media Release

Intervention Rollback Action Group, Alice Springs:
Aboriginal leaders tell Gillard: The Intervention is a failure - Self-Determination now

Queensland Security Intelligence agents torture and arrest young judicial corruption victim

Because Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has banned TV news cameras from parliament, the public has no idea what happened to my son on 25 November 2010 when we were both ejected from parliament and my son Jordan Nash was assaulted by the SIB and then arrested for no reason.

WGAR News: Aboriginal Rights - Upcoming events around Australia - June 2011

Newsletter date: 7 June 2011

* Aboriginal Rights - Upcoming events around Australia
* Prime Minister Julia Gillard visits Alice Springs today
* Bankstown Income Management forum, 20 June 2011 - Organised by STICS
* Central Australian delegates return from UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York
* Calls for Native Title reform
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


Click on the links for details of the events ...

Iraqis Wage Grassroots Fight

Susan Webb

Eight years after the US invaded Iraq, the Iraqi people are waging a grassroots fight for democracy and an economy that works for them. Some democratic trappings are in place. Violence is markedly down, even though bombings and similar attacks continue. The United States is scheduled to withdraw its remaining 46,000 troops by the end of this year.

Only 5% of Philippine coral reefs remain

Read this and weep: A marine scientist from the University of the Philippines has revealed that only 5 percent —equivalent to just around 1,000 square kilometers—of the country’s total reef area remain in good condition in the face of the wanton destruction of our coral reefs by poachers.

The estimated reef area of the Philippines ranges from 19,000 to 27,000 square kilometers, depending on the territorial boundaries and depth ranges. This makes the Philippines’s reef areas one of the biggest in Southeast Asia, more so if those in the disputed Kalayaan Islands were included.

Major Protest Ignites Education Department undermines Commonwealth and State Heritage Applications

Press Release 6th June At 7.00am today the VDEECD sent workers and police onto Ballerrt Mooroop College against the Community Picket to fence off two thirds of the school's land to start building a second school on the same site. There is currently a major Sit In and Blockade in protest at the education department's three year plan to build another school on the site when other schools have become vacant.


Thousands rally to price carbon on World Environment Day

An estimated 10,000 people packed the lawns of the State Library on Swanston street Melbourne on World Environment Day to Say yes to a safe climate and support the introduction of a carbon price by the Gillard Federal Labor Government. About 8000 people also gathered in Sydney, 5000 people rallied in Adelaide's Victoria Square, 5000 in Brisbane, 3000 in Perth, 3000 in Hobart, and 2000 in Canberra. Organisors estimate up to 45000 may have attended rallies across Australia today to support climate action and pricing carbon.


WGAR News: "Rebuilding from the Ground Up: An Alternative to the NT Intervention" Document

Newsletter date: 5 June 2011

* "Rebuilding from the Ground Up: An Alternative to the NT Intervention" Document
* June 21/25 Rallies around Australia: 4 years since announcement of NT Intervention
* Problems with Native Title
* Newcastle Rally: No Waste Dump at Muckaty, 11 June 2011
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles


- The Document

Slutwalk Melbourne 28th May 2011

On May 28th, Melbourne saw its protest as part of the global "slutwalk" movement against the blaming of women for sexual assualts. This is a statement from organisers on what they felt of the day. "It was a magnificent day - more than we could have possibly hoped for. After having only announced the date of SlutWalk Melbourne three weeks prior, the response from the public, the media and importantly, survivors of assault and rape was overwhelming.
