
WGAR News: Reactions to government discussion paper: 'Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory'

Newsletter date: 24 June 2011

* Tent Embassy Leaders demand an end to the NT Intervention
* Reactions to government discussion paper: 'Stronger Futures in the NT'
* Fight for alternative to NT Intervention comes to Sydney on Sat 25 June 2011
* Aboriginal Rights - Upcoming events around Australia - From 24 June 2011
* Doing Time - report into high rates of Aboriginal imprisonment
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles

World Refugee Day - Sydney 2011

In the biggest refugee rights demonstration in Australia in years, more than a thousand people marched through the Sydney CBD on June 19 to mark World Refugee Day and to demand that the Gillard Labor government end mandatory detention of refugees arriving by boat and abandon its plan to deport refugees to Malaysia and other offshore refugee processing centres.
Text and video by Peter Boyle


Fight for alternative to NT Intervention comes to Sydney

Media release 23 June 2011 For immediate release

Fight for alternative to NT Intervention comes to Sydney

On Saturday June 25, the Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney (STICS) will hold a demonstration demanding an end to the NT Intervention and support for a new alternative program 'Rebuilding from the Ground Up'.

The program was launched at a strong demonstration in Darwin on Tuesday by Aboriginal leaders from across the Northern Territory.

10 reasons to oppose US war games in Australia

In July this year the Talisman-Sabre 2011 (TS11) U.S.-Australian
joint exercises will take place on land and sea in many Australian
locations. An estimated 30,000 troops, the majority U.S. Military,
and their tanks, trucks, cars, troop carriers, ships, submarines and
other vehicles will descend on Bradshaw and Delamere training areas in
the Northern Territory and on Shoalwater Bay Training Area in
Queensland, as well as locations in the Coral, Arafura and Timor Seas
and ports and airports in Cairns, Townsville, Gladstone and Brisbane.

Protest at Ferguson's office opposing Muckaty nuclear waste dump

On Tuesday about 50 people gathered outside Federal Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson's electoral office in Preston to say Don't Let Martin Ferguson Dump on Muckaty in regard to inflicting a nuclear waste dump on an indigenous community who do not want it. For 18 months anti-nuclear organisations & activists have succesfully kept Minister Ferguson National Radioactive Waste Management Bill from becoming an act. In April 2010 250 Traditional indigenous owners and anti-nuclear activists protested in Tennant Creek in opposition to the proposed Muckaty Station Nuclear Waste Dump.

Related: Nuclear waste legislation must wait until Muckaty landowners objections heard in Federal Court | Audio from Canberra June 14 rally

Government discussion paper will keep NT Intervention architecture in place

Media release 22 June 2011 For immediate release

Government discussion paper will keep NT Intervention architecture in place

The Stop the Intervention Collective (STICS) in Sydney says a government discussion paper 'Stronger Futures' will leave the architecture of the failed NT Intervention in place.

Paddy Gibson, an organiser with STICS says the government's report fails to acknowledge clear evidence of deteriorating social conditions under the NT Intervention.

Tent embassy leaders demand an end to the NT Intervention

Press Release:

Tent Embassy Leaders demand an end to the NT Intervention

Aboriginal leaders, academics and participants at a symposium in Canberra have passed a resolution in support of a rally in Darwin today calling for an end to the Intervention.

The resolution included support for the Statement Rebuilding from the ‘Ground Up’ - An Alternative to the NT Intervention which is being launched at the Darwin Rally.

Climate change blamed in extreme shift from drought to flood in China

An extreme shift in weather in June across much of southern and eastern China has been put down to the effects of global warming and climate change. Usually light rains start in June in the middle and lower Yangtze valley leading in to the summer monsoonal rains and typhoon season, but this year torrential rains and storms struck on June 3 and have continued unleashing devastating floods, the worst in over 50 years.

WGAR News: 4th anniversary of NT Intervention; Website - ‘An Alternative to the NT Intervention’

Newsletter date: 22 June 2011

* A 'national crisis': Aboriginal youth imprisonment
* Background to Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and incarceration rates
* Ngarla Kunoth-Monks, Barbara Shaw & Richard Downs speak about UN trip
* Fourth anniversary of the NT Intervention
* Website exploring 'An Alternative to the NT Intervention' program
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles


- Media Release

We Rebel With Our Dancing And Singing (a personal account of what happened on June 15th at Syntagma sq in Athens)

Today, in Syntagma Square, the people have exceeded themselves. Facing the violence of the MAT [=riot police force], of tear gas and molotov cocktails, they responded with drums, dancing and singing.

World Refugee Rally in Melbourne 2011 Coverage

On World Refugee Day on Sunday June 19th, rallies were held around Australia including in Melbourne. In Melbourne the crowd heard from well known human rights lawyer Julian Burnside. He was quoted on the ABC online as stating:

""If (Ms Gillard) were in that position, what would she do? What would you do? Wouldn't you want to make a run for safety? Wouldn't you want to get your kids to safety, wouldn't you want to do what it takes to get yourself to safety and make sure you have a life," he asked the rally.


Look at Fergo and Gillard did!

Onlookers were shocked in Melbourne on 20th June by the sight of Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Energy and Resources Minister Martin Ferguson literally sending money up in smoke! The pair were in Melbourne to demonstrate the effectiveness of HRL's coal gasification technology on a small scale, but found that just like on the large scale, the demonstration plant could only be kept chugging along by being fed a generous helping of tax-payer dollars!


RISE Exclusive Media Release 20/06/2011

On World refugee day, June 20 2011, RISE feels compelled to express our concern about the asylum seeker deal between the Malaysian and Australian governments. This day marks the 60th anniversary of the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (July 28) and the 50th anniversary of the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (August 30). Events are being held around the world where refugee communities are being invited to dance and sing and help celebrate this landmark day with refugee agencies all over the world.


Forests NSW began logging critical Koala habitat in Bermagui State Forest today.

SFER MEDIA RELEASE 21/06/2011 Forests NSW began logging of Compartment 2001 of Bermagui State Forest today. Cpt 2001 is critical Koala habitat, which FNSW themselves now admit. The Office of Environment and Heritage were unaware that logging had commenced. The logging is on the shores of Black Lagoon, an official sanctuary zone and part of Wallaga Lake Batemans Marine Park.


NT Intervention has failed on jobs - petition in parliament today

Media release 20/6/11 for immediate release

Intervention has failed on jobs – petition presented today

A petition against lost jobs and exploitative working conditions under the NT Intervention is being presented to the Federal Senate today by Greens Senator Rachel Siewert. It is being sponsored by Unions NT, the CFMEU and anti-Intervention campaign groups across the country.

Income Management under spotlight in Bankstown, South West Sydney

Media release 20/6/11 for immediate release.

Income Management under spotlight in Bankstown

The national expansion of the controversial Income Management system will be the subject of a public forum today in Bankstown in South-West Sydney.

Bankstown is one of five new trial sites where Income Management is scheduled for introduction in 2012.

Missouri River floods endanger nuclear power plants - time for climate adaption

Large parts of the US midwest are experiencing heavy rainfall and flooding, not unlike what Queenslanders saw in December and January this year when Brisbane was inundated. A major problem with urban infrastructure on flood plains is the risk of innundation during flood events, flood events likely to become more frequent with climate change. In Nebraska two nuclear power Stations are threatened by floodwaters.

WGAR News: Speeches from Canberra rally against NT waste dump; Upcoming Aboriginal Rights events

Newsletter date: 19 June 2011

* Aboriginal Rights - Upcoming events around Australia - From 19 June 2011
* Speeches from Canberra rally against NT waste dump
* Plans for Australia to become world’s nuclear waste dump
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump


Click on the links for details of the events ...

27 May to Sun 9 October 2011: Kalgoorlie, WA
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970