Onlookers were shocked in Melbourne on 20th June by the sight of Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Energy and Resources Minister Martin Ferguson literally sending money up in smoke! The pair were in Melbourne to demonstrate the effectiveness of HRL's coal gasification technology on a small scale, but found that just like on the large scale, the demonstration plant could only be kept chugging along by being fed a generous helping of tax-payer dollars!
Despite this awkward setback, Ms Gillard and Mr Ferguson remained all smiles throughout their demonstration, which was reported by Channel 10 and SBS. Many observers were still unconvinced however, including Stop HRL's own Shaun Murray, who was on hand for comment.
“At a time when we’re talking about pricing pollution, it seems ludicrous that the federal government would be maintaining a $100 million dollar grant for a dirty new coal power station in Victoria,” he stated.
“Maintaining Howard-era funding for so-called “low-emissions” technology, when that technology is equivalent to a black coal-fired power station, is just bizarre. Genuine, commercially proven and potentially abundant renewable energy technologies are crying out for support in Australia, and this money should be redirected towards these projects."
Intriguing stuff. Will the Prime Minister and Energy Minister be swayed by such unerring rationality? Will more tax payer dollars be churned into HRL-brand greenhouse emissions? Did Fergo really just kiss Julia on TV?