
Saving Warrup Forest

The Western Australian Forest Alliance will work with Bridgetown-Greenbushes Friends of the Forest to oppose prospective logging of Warrup forest, which is located in the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, in the south west of Western Australia. On Sunday morning, July 10, WAFA, hosted by the BGFF, invited me to a fact finding mission in the Warrup.

REPORT and PHOTOS - Solidarity with Julian Assange outside the High Court/ London July 12th by Ciaron O'Reilly

High Court/London Solidarity for Julian Assange Tuesday July 12

The day ended as it began, with Julian emerging from the High Court, as he had entered, surrounded by a hungry press pack. Nothing draws a pack like a condemned man doing the walk to the gallows. But on the way out Julian emerged to the soundtrack of Dylan's
"I Shall be Released" led by Kiwi blues guitarist John McClean and those of us who had gathered through the day in solidarity in full voice. Here's "The Band's" version

Assange faces court in London 12th/13th of July

Julian Assange is appealing is extradition to Sweden to face questioning in the politically motivated rape investigation. He was in court on the 12-13th of July. A judgement is due three weeks from this date. Assange has been the victim of character assassination and there have been many calls for him to be killed by high profile U.S. figures. There is plenty of evidence Assange's extradition is part of an attempt to ultimately have him extradited to the US where he is likely to feel the full wrath of the Empire, an Empire comprehensively exposed by WikiLeaks revelations. In the UK a small group of activists including Australian peace activist Ciaron O'Reilly have gathered in solidarity at the court and are having a public meeting. Disapointingly it appears no-one has organised a solidarity event in Australia to coincide with the court. Like other war resisters like Bradley Manning, Julian deserves solidarity as both a peace activist and champion of the free press.
Solidarity actions in the UK:UK Indymedia feature on extradition -- Turkish TV clip of solidarity action at court -- Ciaron's O'Reilly's account of the first day in court -- Supporters speak outside the court -- Ciaron O'Reilly's report on day 2 in court


Carbon pricing policy a small start to tackling climate change

On Sunday the Gillard Federal Government announced it's carbon tax at $23 a tonne of carbon to be imposed on the 500 largest carbon polluting companies starting from July 1st, 2012. More than half the money raised will be returned to low and middle income earners, pensioners and retirees as compensation. Additional packages include $10 billion renewable energy and low emissions technology fund, substantial assistance packages to 'trade exposed' industries, $1.9 billion to fund carbon geo-sequestration in the land sector, and a $1 billion biodiversity fund.

The initial rate of $23 a tonne will be indexed at 2.5% for 3 years before an Emissions Trading Scheme is introduced in 2015 with a cap and floor price set by the Government. An independent Climate Change Authority will be established to recommend targets when the emissions trading scheme commences to take some of the politics out of the process. A target of 80% emissions reduction from 2000 levels by 2050 will be set.

See also: Carbon price in a nutshell according to the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. Full Details are available on the Government compensation package and of the carbon price modelling from Treasury Department.


Sign our petition!â€

The Peasant Patrols and the population of Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad require an audit in the Mixed Court of Santiago de Chuco, as the judge and the prosecutor are very biased. We make the petition to do a legal audit to them and they have to renounce their charge within fifteen days / since July 4, 2011 / !

Mumbulla Mountain forest activist found not guilty

SFER Press Release: July 9th 2011 The Castle Matter –‘Its the Vibe of the Thing’: In Moruya Local Court on Friday Mr Ryan Castle was found not guilty on multiple charges of obstruction and damage. Mr Castle spent nearly 11 hours atop a twenty metre tripod in Mumbulla State Forest, north of Bega, to draw attention to the fact that Forests NSW were logging a gazetted Aboriginal Place unlawfully in April 2010.


Julian Assange spoof Mastercard - Julian to face court on 12th/13th of July

Julian Assange faces UK court on the 12th and 13th of July in the next stage of his politically motivated extradition hearing in the UK. Below is a spoof Mastercard ad made for Wikileaks which highlights that Mastercard and Visa and other major credit card companies have blocked payments to Wikileaks. An outrage given Wikileaks or anyone associated with its running have not been found guilty of ANY crime.

Westernport Bay legislation sets government on collision course with environment and community groups

Thursday, 30 June 2011: Media release New legislation due to be debated in State Parliament today will set the Victorian Government on a collision course with environment and community groups over plans to expand the Port of Hastings in Westernport Bay.

The legislation will establish a new Port of Hastings Development Authority to fast-track port expansion plans and transform the area into a highly urbanised industrial zone, projected to be busier than the Port of Melbourne.


Peace activist arrested trying to attend Talisman Sabre Ball in Rockhampton

As part of a campaign to challenge Rockhampton mayor Brad Carter, who is a shameless advocate for turning Rockhampton into a garrison of the US Empire, peace activists Bryan Law and Margaret both bought tickets to the Council hosted Talisman Sabre Ball which is also attended by members of the U.S. military brass for $120 each. The Council then proceeded to cancel the two's tickets by delivering a hand delivered letter from the CEO.


Australian solidarity protests for Bersih democracy movement in Malaysia

While "thousands and thousands" marched in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia today (July 9th) for democracy (braving police roadblocks, hundreds of arrests, water cannon, teargas, etc), in Australia some 750 Malaysian rallied in Melbourne, 300 in Sydney, 200 in Perth, 150 in Adelaide, 40 in Canberra and 100 in Brisbane.

Scientist: Less rain across southern Australia a long term climate trend

Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations is increasing atmospheric temperatures changing the dynamic of the sub-tropical jet stream and thus the number and intensity of storms bringing autumn and winter rainfall to southern Australia, according to CSIRO climate scientist Dr Jorgen Frederiksen. He was addressing the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics conference in Melbourne this week regarding recent research on changes to atmospheric circulation, storm intensity and reduction in winter rainfall in Australia.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 15 events from 9 July 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May to Sun 9 October 2011: Kalgoorlie, WA
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Thu 30 June to Sun 17 July 2011: Newtown, Sydney, NSW
Exhibition: Stars, Sky, Breeze, Trees
Photo artist: Jagath Dheerasekara
Gallery: At The Vanishing Point

Swan Island Peace Convergence: A week of resistance to the Afghan War

From July 4th to July 8th, a small group of peace activists took direct action against the Afghan War by blockading the secretive Swan Island military base in Queenscliff in Victoria. The peaceful picket resulted in 10 arrests throughout the week. It was a week of empowering actions that will hopefully be a stepping stone towards building a mass movement of direct action to stop the Afghanistan War.
Related: Day1: Claiming Space -- Day 2: Four activists arrested -- Day 3: Resistance continues -- Day 4: Third day of arrests -- Day 5: Week culminates in arrests and meditations -- Convergence website -- Transparency or collusion: Reflections on the Convergence


R.I.S.E. Press Relase 8th July: Concern over suicide attempts at Darwin Detention Centre

RISE is deeply concerned at the reported epidemic of attempted suicides which have taken place at Darwin Detention Centre this week.

The lack of transparency and openness between the detainees and the Australian Government is causing severe mental anguish for the detainees. They feel they are no longer able to cope and that their pleas are continuing to fall on deaf ears.

Ramesh Fernandez CEO and Founder of Rise posed the following question;


Save the Kimberly's blockade update: police violence and 25 arrests

Before first light the police arrived in force. There have been 25 arrests today. Around 100 campers were woken by police. At least 70 Police ahead of a huge convoy of Browse Joint Venture vehicles including bulldozers and other heavy machinery approached the camp. In the pre-dawn 7 Police cars were at first held up. After some discussion the police vehicles were allowed through – just like all tourists and local vehicles have been for 30 days (without the friendly wave and well wishes that were customary).


HADI KURNIAWAN - one of 100 children in Australian adult prisons.

by Gerry Georgatos An impoverished Indonesian mother, in front of an Australian journalist, lies on a cement floor clutching a photograph of her 16 year old son who is now in an Australian adult prison and whom she hasn't seen since he was fourteen. Abject and acute poverty ravages Indonesia, a country where only 10% of the population has a refrigerator, where most people do not have electricity let alone a television, where many people live half lives working in sulphur mines and where most folk will never rise out of the shanty towns and villages they are born to die in.


WGAR News: 25 protesters arrested at James Price Point blockade; Petition handed to Minister

Newsletter date: 9 July 2011

* 25 protesters arrested at James Price Point blockade
* Kimberley Gas hub petition handed to Minister
* Film Reviews: Our Generation
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- Protest and blockade updates

Save the Kimberley: Police attempt to break blockade – update Day 30

Warming Arctic air temperatures causing more rain, less snow, faster ice melt

Arctic air temperatures are warming faster than anywhere else on Earth. Although the level of precipitation is remaining unchanged, there is reduced snowfall in summer which is being replaced by increasing rain. The loss of summer snow and increase in rain is resulting in a positive feedback mechanism increasing warming and melting of the Arctic ice.