
WGAR News: Aboriginal voices criticize NT intervention at consultations

Newsletter date: 2 August 2011

* Aboriginal voices criticize NT intervention at consultations
* Interview with Dr. Lynn Arnold about the NT Intervention
* Background to the 2011 round of consultations in the NT over the Intervention
* Forty organisations oppose income management in Bankstown
* Interview with Prof. Sir Michael Marmot about impacts on people's health
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 21 events from 2 August 2011
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

Black Saturday Community Organiser Arrested by 'Baillieu\Ryan' Government for Defending the Last Remaining Green Forests in Toolangi

Steve Meacher was arrested this morning (1st August) while attempting to talk with Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) officers at the coupe about a response to an alleged breach received from DSE Head Office on Sunday. The response from DSE head office stated VicForests should conduct further habitat surveys. Without refusing to leave Steve was arrested by DSE staff.

Meanwhile Vicforests defies DSE Order


Massive cost of housing and living protests in Israel - why not in Australia?

Israel has become the latest country to be swept by a citizens uprising. On July 30th 150,000 Israeli's both Jews and Arabs marched to demand the government act on the cost of housing and the cost of living more generally. Other specific demands of the protest movement include more affordable child care, more money for public hospitals and opposition to the policies of privitization and the free market that have exacerbated the gap between the rich and poor.


HRA MEDIA RELEASE: First load of victims to Malaysia - Australia's racism for all to see

HRA Press Release 31/7/2011The first boat load of lawful Asylum Seekers will be victimised by the Australian Government under its illegal Malaysian Deal policy. The boat load of lawful Asylum Seekers has presented themselves to the Australian Navy's HMAS Ararat in Australian waters north-west of Western Australia, near Scott Reef. There is irony in the name of the Australian Navy vessel - 'Ararat'.


Tony Blair on trial in Sydney

Julia Gillard might've been chuffed after Tony Blair gave her carbon tax campaign the thumbs up, but not everyone is happy to see the former British prime minister in Australia.

Mr Blair has been on a speaking tour of the country, in part to promote his new book of memoirs.

But the Stop the War Coalition accuses Mr Blair of committing war crimes in Iraq and say by selling his book he's profiting from proceeds of crime.

To voice their concerns, the group staged a mock trial down at Sydney's Darling Harbour.


Five hundred rally for boycott of Max Brenner and Israeli apartheid in Melbourne: July 29th 2011

A month after the Victorian Police attacked a non-violent BDS demonstration at Max Brenner cafe @ QV (arresting 19 people who now face fines up to $30,000) a follow-up rally was held by the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) to show support for those arrested and assert our legal right to continue protesting against those who support and fund Israeli apartheid.


Eastern Marr and Gunditjmara peoples granted native title in South West Victoria

On July 27th The Gunditjmara and Eastern Maar peoples were y granted native title ownership of Deen Maar Island, also known as Lady Julia Percy Island, and 4000 hectares of Crown land between Dunkeld and Yambuk on Victoria's south-west coast. The announcement came after a 15 year long legal struggle. The decision was handed down by Justice North at a special hearing of the Federal Court held at the Yambuk.


Media Alliance calls for better access to asylum seekers

MEAA Press Release July 26th 2011 The Media Alliance has written to the minister for immigration, Chris Bowen, and the minister for home affairs, Brendan O’Connor, calling on them to re-examine the guidelines under which journalists are allowed access to asylum seeker detention centres and detainees, and to review the policy for releasing footage of incoming asylum seeker vessels.


WGAR News: Gurindji tell consultations meeting: 'stop the Intervention immediately'

Newsletter date: 30 July 2011

* Gurindji tell consultations meeting: 'stop the Intervention immediately'
* Background to the 2011 round of consultations in the NT over the Intervention
* Update on Kimberley gas hub protest
* Survey: 88% of NCAFP members want constitutional recognition
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Minister meets with Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust community
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 21 events

Thorium , clean , safe , cheap , mobile power for the next million years ,

This is the Tech talk that got me interested .

this is a great extension of the argument .

I believe we must build this technology , the alternative is just to worrying


Extremism essential to Australian culture

by Nick Carson After recent events in Norway it comes as no surprise that the Australian media are bad-mouthing 'extremism', to quote The Age, as having "no place in our culture". They seem to be collectively missing the point. Having an extreme point of view or ideology isn't a crime in itself. Extremism, regardless of the values or ideologies behind it, not only has a place in a given culture, but is quite essential.


Get involved with the Melbourne Indymedia collective!

Interested in getting involved in Melbourne Indymedia?

We need people to write features and stories, moderate the site, promote the site and help with tech support. If you want to help come along to our next meeting which will be held during the Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair at the Abbotsford Convent. Come along and help build Melbourne Indymedia into a vibrant newswire that helps build the peace, indigenous rights, environment and workers rights struggles. There is more to life than Facebook! The meeting is at August 13th, 1-2PM at the Abbotsford Convent - come to our stall to ask where exactly.

The Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair web site is here.


Australia’s detention centres explode in protest and despair

The last fortnight has seen protests by asylum seekers erupt at a number of detention centres, including Christmas Island, Darwin in the NT, Scherger in Queensland and Broadmeadows in Melbourne. Australia has 23 such centres which would be more aptly described as concentration camps. Asylum seekers took to the roof in Darwin for days before being forcibly removed. A solidarity rooftop protest occurred at Monash University. A hunger strike continued for six days at Scherger. A protest at Christmas Island was again violently suppressed by the AFP with tear gas and synthetic bullets. Detainees at Christmas Island dug buried themselves in shallow graves to symbolize their despair. Unfortunately threats to self-harm are not just threats with five detainees taking their own lives in the last ten months in detention. In Broadmeadows a number of boys sewed their lips together. All of this occurred at the same time the Gillard ALP government hardened its policies towards asylum seekers even further by signing off on the Malaysian solution.


Two protestors arrested in Artec woodchip mill shutdown

Two female protesters from CODE GREEN have been released on bail from the George Town police station this afternoon after shutting down the Artec ancient forest woodchip mill facility at Bell Bay.

Sarah Doornbusch 28, a veterinary support officer in Launceston and Dinah Too,21 studying furniture design at UTAS in Launceston were acting as environmental advocates for Tasmania's ancient forests.


Asylum Seekers will die in greater numbers after release - this from Gerry Georgatos. An important insight.

Australia is in the tragic phenomena of Detention Centre Deaths in Custody. Five suicides in the last ten months. Over a thousand suicide attempts and thousands of self-harms among our Asylum Seekers. There have been two suicide attempts at Darwin Immigration Centre, last night and yesterday. There shall be more. One Hazara man suffered a heart attack following efforts to rescue him from his suicide attempt.

The War on Terrorism Undermining Globalnorms and Institutions: How the United States is Fracking Up the World

Since the failures of management that resulted in the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon Washington D.C. there has a concerted Counter-Terrorist effort by the government of the United states of America. This effort far from fighting and defeating terrorism has undermined the global norms and institutions by that are already in pace to deal with and to combat terrorism.

The Shortwave Report 07/29/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 29) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

YOUTUBE(8 mins)-Police/ C.I.B. Interview with Bryan Law, Helicopter Gunship Ploughshares @ Talisman Sabre military exercises

YOUTUBE (8 mins) -
Police Record ofInterview by Queenlsand/ Australia Criminal Investigation Bureau of Bryan Law who explains ploughshares actions and his intentions to disarm a helicopter gunship in Australia in nonviolent resistance to the war on Afghainstan

In July 2011, Bryan Law from Cairns , north Queensland / Australia , travelled to Rockhampton central Queensland to the biannual "Operation Talisman


Hadi Kurnawian - 16 year old still in an Australian adult prison

HUMAN RIGHTS ALLIANCE MEDIA RELEASE July 24th 2011HADI KURNIAWAN - born in 1995, 16 years old, is still languishing in Australian Adult Prison - HAKEA PRISON, Western Australia In recent weeks three Sinhalese whom I campaigned for and visited while incarcerated in HAKEA Prison have been released after 15, 11, 10 months in prison.
