Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

WGAR News: Gurindji tell consultations meeting: 'stop the Intervention immediately'

Newsletter date: 30 July 2011

* Gurindji tell consultations meeting: 'stop the Intervention immediately'
* Background to the 2011 round of consultations in the NT over the Intervention
* Update on Kimberley gas hub protest
* Survey: 88% of NCAFP members want constitutional recognition
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Minister meets with Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust community
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 21 events

WGAR News: NT traditional land owners claim they were not consulted about mining deal

Newsletter date: 11 June 2011

* NT Traditional Land Owners claim they were not consulted about mining deal
* Prime Minister faces protests on last day of NT visit
* New campaign to cut Aboriginal prisoner numbers
* Background to Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and incarceration rates
* Official Launch of the National Congress Meeting
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles
