Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

WGAR News: "Four actions to help stop the proposed NT nuclear dump" Beyond Nuclear Initiative

Newsletter date: 8 February 2012

* Four actions to help stop the proposed NT nuclear dump
* More on the Aboriginal Tent Embassy protest on Invasion Day
* Submissions received on Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


Beyond Nuclear Initiative: Four actions to help stop the proposed NT nuclear dump

WGAR News: Only a few weeks left to voice opposition to 10 more years of Intervention

Newsletter date: 2 January 2012

* Only a few weeks left to voice opposition to 10 more years of Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Submissions on the role of languages in protection of indigenous rights due soon
* 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra - 26 to 29 January 2012
* Congress Peoples' Forum: Sovereignty and Self Determination - Canberra - 24 to 25 January 2012
* Interview with ANTaR's Jacqui Phillips about the ‘Locked Up and Locked Out’ campaign

WGAR News: Euahlayi tribal leader Michael Anderson addresses Occupy crowd in London

Newsletter date: 15 December 2011

* Michael Anderson addresses Occupy crowd in London
* Gerry Georgatos: Aboriginal Tent Embassy - Canberra, January 26 2012
* Recordings from the Forum: Hot Politics - Radioactive Waste Management in Australia
* National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples: Leaders meet in Canberra
* ANTaR: Act now to ensure a free and equal future for Aboriginal and TSI young people
* Greens Penny Wright: Native Title Wins Few and Far Between

WGAR News: ABC Video: Kimberley gas hub opponents claim legal victory

Newsletter date: 11 December 2011

* ABC: Kimberley gas hub opponents claim legal victory
* Michael Anderson: Aboriginal sovereignty confirmation expected soon
* Yananymul Mununggurr addressing 'The case against the NT Intervention'
* New Updated Version of Our Generation is out
* Tom McMahon: Govt fails to heed lessons of the Intervention
* What's Working: Language and Wellbeing
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

WGAR News: Djiniyini Gondarra message to ALP conference; Analysis by Hilary Tyler and Paddy Gibson

Newsletter date: 7 December 2011

* Herald Sun: Aboriginal leader takes fight to Europe
* ABC: Major Arnhem Land employer in financial trouble
* Video: Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra message to ALP conference
* Dr Hilary Tyler and Paddy Gibson: Still no evidence for Macklin’s Intervention
* Jon Altman: The cunning of consultation: school attendance and welfare reform
* 2SER's Razors Edge: Labor looking lost on Poverty
* Eva Cox: Stronger Futures demands are un-Australian
* Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud exhibition: support needed!
* What's Working: Valery's Bus

WGAR News: Interviews with Dianne Stokes, Kylie Sambo and Barbara Shaw

Newsletter date: 3 December 2011

* Interview with Dianne Stokes and Kylie Sambo re Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* MAPW: Risks of transporting radioactive waste to Muckaty
* Interview with Barbara Shaw, vocal opponent of the NT intervention
* Michael Anderson: Aboriginal tribal leader off to Europe to challenge Australian sovereignty
* Aboriginal Tent Embassy to mark 40th anniversary
* Michael Mansell: Why The Preamble Is A Hollow Gesture
* ANTaR: Govt commits to act to reduce Aboriginal imprisonment
* Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians': Opinion - NTER Evaluation 2011

WGAR News: Government 'consultation' report and plans for a new Intervention

Newsletter date: 25 October 2011

* Government 'consultation' report and plans for a new Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- The Report

- Media Releases

Stop the Intervention: Stop the Intervention campaign blasts sham consultations


WGAR News: "The Intervention is killing our people" - IRAG media release

Newsletter date: 15 September 2011

* Nicole Watson: Intervention’s measures are inhumane, degrading
* IRAG media release: "The Intervention is killing our people"
* Fourth anniversary of UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
* Muckaty (NT) Aboriginal activists to address Melbourne conference
* Video compilation from the Sydney book launch of "Walk With Us"
* Tracker Magazine Analysis / Opinion on various issues
* Other articles
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 32 events from 15 September 2011

WGAR News: 'Listen to us - negotiate with us.' - Central Land Council statement at Kalkaringi NT

Newsletter date: 10 September 2011

13 September 2011 - Fourth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

* Central Land Council statement, Kalkaringi, 26 August 2011
* Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT: 'Response to Stronger Futures'
* Perth launch of book: "Walk With Us" - Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention
* Interview with Barbara Shaw about the NT Intervention
* Poems by Isobel Phillips, Muckaty Traditional Owner
* Paddy Dujack and Gus George at Wave Hill homestead

WGAR News: 45th anniversary of Gurindji Wave Hill walk-off - Kalkarindji NT - 26-28 August 2011

Newsletter date: 28 August 2011

* 45th anniversary of Gurindji Wave Hill walk-off
* Amnesty International Australia: 'Tell the government: don't abandon homelands'
* Interviews with Emma Davidson of Equality Rights Alliance
* Productivity Commission report into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage
* 'strong corporations, strong stores, strong communities' report
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles


45th Anniversary - Wave Hill Walk-Off - Gurindji Story