
FIND! FALCONIO - Dead or Alive


TEN years ago on 14 July 2001, the British tourist Peter Marco Falconio disappeared in the Northern Territory of Australia. Reports say he was driving a VW Kombi to Darwin with his girlfriend. It is documented they had been arguing and that she had assaulted him. Falconio vanished not far from Barrow Creek just over 300 kilometres north of Alice Springs.

Scherger Hunger Strike ENDS. Canberra Officials promised them some hope.

Ten minutes ago the Six Day Scherger Detention Centre Hunger Strike by up to 100 Hazara folk ended.

They just called to explain that 'Canberra Officials' arrived to speak to them and ultimately promise them some hope and that they will ensure reviews and 'speed up the process'.

The Hazara folk decided that for now they will trust them and trust in Canberra's promises. Let us hope!

Some have been there for 18 and 20 months.

Gerry Georgatos.

Our Hazara folk at Scherger have said to me that they will resume hunger strikes if they have been deceived. Please scroll down:

Uranium Australis mp3

Documenting Uranium Mining on First People's Land

various samples of Muckety Nuclear Waste Dump Rallys, Kylie Sambo, Dr. Helen Caldicot, Della Rae Morrison, Australian Conservation Foundation, Wiya Angela Pamela launch, ICAN Melbourne, Green Peace Australia, "Uranium - Is it a country ? excerpts", Al Jazeera, Coloured Stone, Kinja, Little Sisters Collective and Super Realene BrosYothu Yindi

30:00 min 128 kbps stereo 27.5 MB


Human Rights Alliance media release - Christmas Island, Scherger, the facts


Christmas Island Detention Centre - the facts have not come out. UN Observers must be stationed there. We have written to the UN Special Rapporteurs.

The facts about the protests, the police raids, the state of Asylum Seekers have not been fully and accurately reported to the Australian media. Reports conflict with what is coming out from 'personnel' and Asylum Seekers at this ill fated Detention Centre.

Australia West Papua Association calls on Australian government to call for a halt in military operations in West Papua

The Australia West Papua Association has written to the Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd calling on him to use his good offices with the Indonesian President asking that he call a halt to all military operations in West Papua and to return all military personal to their barrack as a way of easing tension and saving lives.

See letter below:

The Hon Kevin Rudd MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Parliament House
ACT 2600

19 July 2011

Dear Mr Rudd


Ballerrt Mooroop campaign update 22nd July 2011

No meeting has been organised by the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (VDEECD), Ballerrt Mooroop College (BMC) and Glenroy Specialist School (GSS) and the Minister to obtain his support for a modified BMC/GSS Site Plan for both schools and to secure major funds for a new "Gathering Place".

BMC Architect has reviewed the modified Plan from the joint negotiations between BMC, CoM, GSS and VDEECD (Bus bays can be reconfigured) and discussions are continuing on the Plan.


Platypus feeling the heat of climate change

Some of Australia's most iconic animals are feeling the heat of climate change and global warming. New scientific research shows the Platypus is under threat due to increasing summer temperatures. The scientific paper - Early response of the platypus to climate warming - is to be published in the international scientific journal 'Global Change Biology' later this year.

Related: Scientists have already reported that Koalas face starvation, extinction due to climate change

Conservationists shut down Harvey Norman outlet in Nowra

SEFR Media Release: 23/7/11 This morning 12 conservationists have shut down the Harvey Norman store in Nowra. The company is being targeted for selling furniture and flooring made from native forest timbers.

One activist has climbed atop a lamp post in the store’s carpark and is suspended by cables that are attached to structures blocking access to the store. A coalition of grassroots conservation groups from across Australia have come together to take part in today’s action. These groups include South East Forest Rescue, Still Wild Still Threatened, Chip Stop and Friends of Five Forests.

“Recent research has shown clearly that Harvey Norman are implicated in the industrial scale destruction of irreplaceable forests across Australia,” said Miranda Gibson, spokesperson for the coalition.

“Pristine forests are being destroyed every day in Australia, threatening endangered species, degrading water catchments and contributing to climate change. This wood is then being shipped overseas to China and brought back to Australia to be sold as furniture in Harvey Norman stores,” said Ms Gibson

“Within kilometers of this furniture store the forests of the south east coast are being decimated at an alarming rate,” said Lisa Stone from South East Forest Rescue. “Core habitat areas for threatened and endangered species like spotted quolls, koalas, yellow-belly gliders is being lost. It’s not lawful, it’s unsustainable and it’s time for retailers to take responsibility. It’s time to bring an end to native forest logging in this country.”

“We are calling on Harvey Norman to stop sourcing timber from native forest, and start using alternatives such as plantation and recycled timber,” said Ms Gibson.

harvey norman protest

harvey norman protest2


Human Rights Alliance update: People burying themselves in protest. This cannot go on

Asylum Seekers at Christmas Island Detention Centre, Green and Gold compounds, said they have had enough, they cannot cope and remain sane and that there would be en masse suicides, both their bodies and minds having endured far too much ("had enough, no more").

Human Rights Alliance media release: Chaos at Christmas Island detention, raids. Suicide threats

The Human Rights Alliance have filed submissions and calls to the UNITED NATIONS and to UN Special Investigators and Rapporteurs to call upon the Australian Government to allow for UN OBSERVERS to be stationed at Christmas Island Detention Centre, and at Darwin, Villawood and Scherger Detention Centres.

The Human Rights Alliance have filed complaints and reports to the UNITED NATIONS seeking an urgent investigation of the Christmas Island protests and the police raids and use of tear gas.

Chaos, protests, police brutality has sieged Christmas Island Detention Centre.

The Shortwave Report 07/22/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 22) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

WGAR News: 24 prominent South Australians call on the government to end the NT Intervention

Newsletter date: 22 July 2011

* 24 prominent South Australians call on the government to end the NT Intervention
* Government uses Aboriginal money to pay for leases on Aboriginal land
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 28 events
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles


- Media Release

Northern Territory Intervention And Government Consultation

Second night of protests on Christmas Island

Refugee Action Coalition Statement 21 July 2011 UPDATE–SECOND NIGHT OF TEAR GAS Around 10pm Christmas Island time, Federal police began the indiscriminate use of tear gas inside the Christmas Island detention centre. Asylum seekers not involved with the protest have been affected by the tear gas. Tear gas was also fired at the roof top protesters, but the roof top protest is continuing.



Mass hunger strike as protests spread to Scherger Dentention Centre

Refugee Action Coalition Statement: 21 July 2011 Around 60 Hazara asylum seekers in the far north Queensland Scherger detention centre have begun a hunger strike this morning, Thursday 21 July. Many more people are expected to join the hunger strike as the day goes on.

Many of the Hazaras have been in detention for between18 and 22 months, and are waiting for Federal Magistrates Court judicial review of failed appeals.


Nonviolence Activist Disarms Helicopter in Rockhampton

Bryan Law is currently in police custody after using a garden mattock to smash a military helicopter in Rockhampton Airport during the Talisman Saber US/Australian wargames.

Bryan caused a stir in Rockhampton by announcing his intention to disarm a military helicopter to the Rockhampton Airport, Defence Dept and QLD Police many months prior to the Talisman Saber military exercises.

Related: Listen to Bryan Law's CIB interview | Graeme Dunstan - CIB interview | Youtube - Win TV News coverage




Tear gas used from about 10pm at the Christmas Island Detention Centre. The tear gas has affected many people including people not involved. Protestors are frustrated with issues relating to waiting periods of hearings and appeals and they are frustrated in the ways they have been treated.

Asylum Seekers feel that they are in a war zone, they feel persecuted and do not know who they can turn to. They are prepared to hurt themselves to be heard.

United Nations Observers need to be stationed at Christmas Island Detention Centre.

Darwin Detention Centre rooftop protest ends

Refugee Action Coalition Statement July 20th 2011 After seven days, the roof top protest by five asylum seekers at Darwin detention centre ended this morning (Wednesday 20 July), after Immigration officials spoke again to the protesters.

Three of the protesters left the roof last night but the remaining two only came down around midday Darwin time. All the detainees, two Iraqis and three Ahwazi Arabs, have been waiting months for answers to their appeals.


Talisman Sabre Peace Pilgrimage walkers arrested

Media Release 20th July 2011 Margaret Pestorius, Andy Paine and Robert Jones, the Three Jaegerstaetter Amigos, who trespassed into the Shoalwater Training Facility intent on hindering and disrupting the Talisman Sabre Exercise have been arrested and transferred to the Rockhampton Watchhouse.

After three days the trio had themselves arrested by blockading military transport within the Training Area.


Footage of Rupert Murdoch getting pied (because its funny), plus some analysis

Australia’s most venal export was given yesterday a taste of justice as he appeared before a UK Parliamentary Committee, when Anarchist comedian Johnnie Marbles threw a cream pie in his face. Unfortunately, this is probably the only justice this all powerful billionaire will face. Whilst the worlds media has condemned Johnnie for his actions and the left doesn’t seem that interested, I say bravo Johnnie, you gave that union busting, right-wing, war mongering, corrupt power hungry billionaire a custard pie on behalf of all of us! Check out Johnnie’s Anarchish Blog and he his