Ballert Mooroop College

URGENT call out from Aboriginal school Ballerrt Mooroop College - picket back on

URGENT call out from Aboriginal school Ballerrt Mooroop College - THE PICKET IS BACK ON. The govt has rejected the appeal to save the school's gymn and ceremonial grounds. The locks have been changed and the power disconnected. Builders are expected within the next few days to begin demolition. On Wednesday the 10th the entire parklands & oval were fenced off. 2-4 security guards will be patrolling the site 24 hours a day and protestors have been told that if anyone goes into the park they will with unlawful trespass. As yet the school has not been fenced.


Ballerrt Mooroop campaign update 22nd July 2011

No meeting has been organised by the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (VDEECD), Ballerrt Mooroop College (BMC) and Glenroy Specialist School (GSS) and the Minister to obtain his support for a modified BMC/GSS Site Plan for both schools and to secure major funds for a new "Gathering Place".

BMC Architect has reviewed the modified Plan from the joint negotiations between BMC, CoM, GSS and VDEECD (Bus bays can be reconfigured) and discussions are continuing on the Plan.


Ballerrt Mooroop Campaign Update 14th June 2011

Gary and Dottie have asked if people can continue to come to Ballerrt Mooroop College and support the picket, especially over the next few days. While there hasn’t been any direct threat communicated, it is important that we remain vigilant. It is possible that work could commence tomorrow (14th June) after the long weekend.
