
Australian detention centres in crisis: Refugee Advocacy Network

Refugee Advocacy Network Media Release: July 28th 2011 “Australia’s detention centres are in crisis”, said Refugee Advocacy Network spokesperson Pamela Curr, as the protests by asylum seekers in detention centres around Australia are becoming more desperate and more frequent. One of the asylum seekers on the roof of the Darwin detention centre has already lost consciousness.

Curr says that many people seeking asylum have been detained for up to 22 months.


Swan Island peace protestors back in court July 27th: results and court statements

Another chilly morning in Geelong on July 27th, with 30 people coming along to join the 3 defendants in court. We had some pre-court reflections in the park opposite the court, sharing reflections of the Peace Convergence, and some inspiring words from heroes of the movement (Jesus scored a mention or 2). We then processed to court with some standing out the front, and others joining the wait inside the court.

Thanks to the Geelong activist crew, family, and Melbourne friends family and activists for joining us.


WGAR News: Interview with Randa Kattan about expansion of Income Management to Vic, NSW, Qld and SA

Newsletter date: 27 July 2011

* Interview with Randa Kattan about the campaign against the expansion of Income Management to Vic, NSW, Qld and SA
* Interviews with Alistair Nicholson and Ian Viner about the current round of consultations in the NT over the Intervention
* Videos opposing Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 22 events
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

Illegal logging halted in Buckenbowra State Forest

SEFR Media Release July 26th In Buckenbowra State Forest on the south coast of NSW a person is atop a structure 20 metres in the tree top canopy. There are four logging machines attached by cable to the structure. The conservation group South East Forest Rescue today confirmed that the illegal cutting of native forests continues. The state run agency Forests NSW have not ensured that their authorised contractors obey the law.


Refugee Action Collective condemns the Malaysian solution

Refugee Action Collective Media Release July 24th 2011/> The Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) condemns the Australian government’s agreement to send 800 asylum seekers to Malaysia in an agreement to be signed with the Malaysian government tomorrow. We insist that arrivals by boat be processed in the Australian community. We should also accept more refugees from the camps in Malaysia, increase the quota and actually abide by it instead of deporting people who risk their lives to get here.


Boys at Broadmeadows Detention Centre sew lips together

On the afternoon of Sunday 24th of July, The Refugee Action Collective received distressing images and news of 3 boys sewing their lips together at the Broadmeadows Detention Centre. When trying to visit these boys Serco officers would not comment on whether the boys had received medical help. All three boys are unaccompanied minors from Kuwait, Iran and Iraq. They have been unlawfully detained for up to 11 months. They are desperate and need immediate medical care and support. We demand Serco to release information on the condition of the boys immediately.


NSW forest activists say Ya Basta!

In the wake of the Commonwealth notices on applications for protection of public forests in the Five Forests area and Bodalla area the conservation group South East Forest Rescue today announce they have stepped up the campaign to end native forest logging on the south coast.

“We have repeatedly requested that Forests NSW listen to the community’s concerns,” said Ms Lisa Stone, spokesperson for South East Forest Rescue. “We have repeatedly requested that Forests NSW adhere to the law. This has fallen on deaf ears.”


Students protest on roof of Monash University in solidarity with asylum seekers

On July 27th fefugee rights student activists have taken to the roof of the Monash University campus centre (Clayton Campus) in protest against the Gillard Government’s treatment of asylum seekers. The rooftop protest was called specifically to support the refugees currently detained at the Darwin Detention Centre, who are demonstrating against their imprisonment.


Darwin rooftoop asylum seeker protest ended 4.30PM July 27th by force

The following message was forwarded via email by the Refugee Action Collective of Victoria announcing they had heard direct from Darwin Detention Centre of the forcible ending of the rooftop protest by asylum seekers. The email from the Detention Centre is included below:


Peace Convergence convener in Court in Rockhampton

Media Release July 27 2011 Graeme Dunstan (68), Convener of Peace Convergence 2011, will be in Rockhampton Magistrates Court Friday 29 July. He will be facing charges arising from his role in assisting Bryan Law in his ploughsharing of the brand new $36 million Australian Army Tiger helicopter at Rockhampton airbase on 21 July. The charges, include two counts of wilful damage, one of unauthorised entry, and one of possession of tainted property, namely a digital camera.


Anonymous declares war on NSW DEC

Internet hactivists Anonymous have declared war on the NSW Department of Education and Communities, with attacks being carried out on blogs related to the maligned Carenne Public School and the publication of a video on Youtube.

In an announcement on carennetruth's blog attacked by Anonymous, Anonymous states:

Why has Anonymous decided to fight the NSW Department of Education and Communities, a Goliath while Anonymous is David?


Impacts of climate change on the NSW south coast and Illawarra regions

A new report by the Climate Commission says the Illawarra region and South Coast of NSW highlights the increasing risks of the impacts of climate change. These impacts include an increase in the likelihood of large and intense fires as temperatures increase, rising sea levels causing coastal flooding of buildings and infrastructure, changing rainfall patterns and more intense storms increasing the dangers of severe flooding, and impacts to the regional biodiversity.

UFO Sylvia Creek logging coup

UFO Sylvia Creek logging coup video

UFO Sylvia Creek logging coup is a video to raise awareness of the destruction of habitat for a rare species of possum in Sylvia Creek and planned logging of water catchment in beautiful Cement Creek, both survivors of the Black Saturday Bushfires in 2009 near Melbourne Australia. Now help them survive GovCorp vandalism.

Support the Yarra Ranges Shire Ethical Paper Pledge

Support biodiversity

Rote Flora: "Access all areas" - International day of action

This is a proposal for a International day of action at the end of the year against capitalist urban development and gentrification. We are different activists around the squatted Rote Flora and the Right to the City Network in Hamburg, organized in the campaign “Flora remains disagreeable”, to defend this project against a potential eviction. As regards content, we don’t want to focus Rote Flora itself, but on political issues being symbolised by it and on issues connecting it with your local struggles.


Access all areas

4 Melbourne Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 27 July 2011: Melbourne, Vic
'Our Generation' Community Screening
Event details:
Film details:

Event: Thu 28 July 2011: Carlton, Melbourne, Vic
Gary Foley speaks on the history of Aboriginal resistance
Event details:

Event: Wed 7 September 2011: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Indigenous Social Justice Association:
Discussion of Justice Reinvestment


10 NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 3 August 2011: Kempsey, NSW
'Our Generation' Community Screening
Event details:
Film details:

Event: Tue 9 August 2011: Gymea, South Sydney, NSW
'Our Generation' Community Screening
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]
Film details:

Australia's response to asylum seekers

The 'Pacific Solution' didn't work, and now Australia is trying the 'Malaysian Solution'. Under the Malaysian Solution, signed on 25th July 2011, Australia is once again out-sourcing its obligation to aid and help people seeking asylum. The agreementmeans that the next 800 asylum-seekers arriving in Australia by boat will, within 72 hours of their arrival, have their bio-metric data recorded and be flown to Malaysia. In return, Australia will allow 4000 people, who have already had their application for refugee status approved by the UNHCR, to move to Australia over the next four years.


No Harvey No! Forest activists unfurl giant banner at QV building, Melbourne

Today, two activists scaled trees outside the QV building in Melbourne’s CBD and unfurled a giant banner, stating ‘No Harvey No! Stop selling forest destruction!’ The climbers have positioned themselves high in the trees in front of a Harvey Norman sign and are intent on staying up the trees as long as possible to take a stand against forest destruction. They are being supported by ten activists on Swanston St, who are distributing information to members of the public.


HRA Media Release: Malaysian deal is illegal & cannot absolve Australia of duty of care. 578 here will stay.


It is the right thing to have occurred in that the 578 at Phosphate Hill Compound at Christmas Island Detention Centre, who have been segregated thus far, will not be sent to Malaysia. They are relieved.