
Stop coal seam gas mining action: Sydney 18 August 201

There was a dramatic unfurling of a giant "Enough Is Enough: Stop Coal & Gas Expansion" banner by two activists who abseiled down the front of the hotel where mining company executives were meeting to plan the wholesale exploitation of NSW even at the cost of communities and the environment. This was the highlight the protest organised by Lock The Gate, an alliance of urban and rural groups opposing coal seam gas mining.
Text, video and picture by Peter Boyle


The Shortwave Report 08/19/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 19) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Sylvia Creek blockade update

The report below is from Don Butcher, a campaigner involved in the campaign to save Sylvia Creek from logging in the Toolangi State Forest east of Melbourne. This campaign has been going for more than a month and involved ten arrests so far.

Some of the community actions so far.

Community protests at Sylvia Creek


'Keep the Kimberley' - rally at State Library, Melbourne, 14 August 2011

Organisers estimated up to a thousand people answered the call for Melbourne solidarity with the campaign to stop industrialisation of the still-pristine Kimberley - many of them wearing red 'to represent the Pindan (red dirt) of the region's remarkable terrain, the blood of this country'.

The callout was posted to this site:

Help stop the Gas Plant at Walmadan (James Price Point) and protect the Kimberley!


Rally and March for Equal Marriage Rights - Melbourne, 13 August 2011

Drag queens provided a colourful finale to a rally that really shouldn’t have been necessary, a point made by more than one speaker – seven years since the re-writing on the Marriage Act to exclude same-sex couples, and seven years of rallying and campaigning for equality is seven years too long.


Freedom: A cry for help from Hazara asylum seekers in Curtin Detention Centre

The following message was received by Indymedia from within Curtin Detention Centre with a request that it posted on the site. Please circulate this cry for help and solidarity amongst your networks. It is known to all and history has also proven that Hazaras have always and systemically been target of national, religious and ethnic oppression and cruelty and yet thousands of people including women and children have lost their life and thousands of families have lost their guardian and thousands of children are now orphan, who do not just have access to education but also experiencing a horrible and miserable life.


Respect for our Poultry Workers: Safer Work, Better Jobs, Quality Chicken

This is a campaign aimed at building a better poultry industry, one that provides quality jobs for workers, and better chicken for families and communities.

The three main objectives of the campaign are:
Abolishing unethical and unlawful employment practices in the industry – these methods include sham contracting, cash paid workers, over-casualisation and piece rates.


Australia rallies against live export

Animals Australia report Thousands of people across the country have united in a public call for an end to the cruelty of live export at the Ban Live Export National Rally

Massive crowds in capital cities across the nation exceeded all expectations today as Australians publicly expressed their opposition to live animal export ahead of a vote next week in federal Parliament which could end the live trade.


Stop Uranium Mining in Australia Campaign @ the Channon market

The Be Clear, Not Nuclear crew landed up at the Channon market on Sunday 14th Aug with whistles, drums, samba bells and facepaint to send out the message: "NO" to uranium mining in Australia.

In keeping with the traditions of the Drum & Dance Circle everyone joined in to create the groove and keep the vibe alive and many decided to add their voice to keeping the tribe alive by signing the petition against uranium mining in Australia.

Sayachan was there to give many people a yellow nose, to keep them on their toes on the uranium issue.


Save Ballarrt Mooroop College Campaign Update: (15th August 2011)

Workers returned to the site today still without a Traffic Management Plan endorsed by Council - This is a breach of OH&S. The workers requested Police protection! (while they are breaching the OH&S law!) - They seemed to think that if a Traffic Management Plan is being worked on they can still work there. 'Work Safe' have been advised and are sending an Inspector to the site.

Local residents who parked their cars in Trevannion and Hilton Street corner earlier today have been requested by police, to move them. - CFMEU have also been advised that the workers are in breach of OH&S.


Eden chipmill court pellet factory proceedings commence

SEFR Media Release 15th August 2011 The conservation group South East Forest Rescue has today served summons on both South East Fibre Exports, the Eden Chipmill owned by Japanese company Nippon Paper Group, and Bega Valley Shire Council. SEFR have commenced court action in the Land and Environment Court over the chipmill’s proposal to build a factory that makes pellets, to be burned in heaters, from native forest trees.

SEFR are seeking an order by the Court that the development consent be declared invalid.


2 Adelaide Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Upcoming Event: Central Adelaide, SA
Adelaide Kimberley Support Rally postponed – a bigger better event is already being planned, date and details soon!
Event details:

Event: Mon 22 August 2011: Adelaide, SA
'Our Generation' Community Screening
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:!/event.php?eid=233274766693612

4 Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 15 August 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May to Sun 9 October 2011: Kalgoorlie, WA
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow - Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Thu 18 August - Sun 30 October 2011: Wiluna to Perth, WA
Walk Away from Uranium Mining
"By coming to Wiluna you will be supporting Traditional Owners in their opposition to uranium mining."

Massive banner unfurled in Tasmania drawing attention to Harvey Norman forest destruction

Giant ‘No Harvey Norman No!’ banner unfurled in the midst of Tasmanian forest destruction

This morning, 25 activists are unfurling a giant banner in a 72ha clearfell logging coupe in Tasmania’s south to protest retailer Harvey Norman’s continued sale of wood products sourced from native forests.

The banner, which states ‘No Harvey Norman No! Don’t buy forest destruction!’, is one of the largest banners ever unfurled in Australia, measuring 60 x 18 metres.

3 Melbourne Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 15 August 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Ongoing protest: Glenroy, Melbourne, Vic
Save Ballerrt Mooroop College
This Koori Pathways School is under threat
"The Local Indigenous Community is campaigning to keep the Glenroy Koorie Pathway School on Wurundjeri Country at its current Hilton Street Glenroy site."
Campaign Updates:

Event: Wed 7 September 2011: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Indigenous Social Justice Association:
Discussion of Justice Reinvestment


9 NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 15 August 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 3 July to Sun 25 September 2011: Sydney, NSW
Exhibition: FREEDOM RIDERS - Art and activism 1960s to now
Sydney University Art Gallery
"A unique and daring exhibition has pulled together some of the most important political artworks produced by NSW's leading Aboriginal artists and put them in one room for the public to see." ABC News
Event details:
Featured in Video:

Over 500 people at the inaugural Anarchist Melbourne Bookfair

A large and diverse crowd participated in the first anarchist bookfair in Australia, held on Saturday 13th August at Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne. Over 500 people visited the open, welcoming, and child-friendly space filled by twenty-seven stalls of activist groups and political bookshops and publishers. Workshops ran all day on the theory, strategies and tactics of the struggle against capitalism and for a world of social and environmental justice. They included 'Apocalypse Now or Community to the Rescue?', 'Beyond the Gender Binary', 'Genocide, Sovereignty Treaty', 'What, no bosses?' and much more.

Before next year's Anarchist Melbourne Bookfair there will be Camp Anarchy: three days of discussion, music and films to strengthen networks and move from ideas to action.
