
Living the longest – indigenous Brazilian celebrates her 121st birthday

Maria Lucimar Pereira of the Kaxinawá tribe
is thought to be the oldest person in the world.
© INSS/Survival

August 30, 2011 - Survival International has located a Brazilian Indian, believed to be the oldest living person in the world, as she prepares to celebrate her 121st birthday.

Maria Lucimar Pereira is one of the Kaxinawá tribe, and lives in the western Brazilian Amazon. She says she will spend her birthday, on September 3rd, with her family.

Martyrdom or Victory: Truth Soldiers on The Front Line in Libya

You too can support this victory!
There is no way out and we are OK with that: it is always better to die standing than live on one's knees.
Every day we have martyrs.

We don't want to mention their names yet, the time will come to celebrate their lives, know only that they are still living, they are near Allah, and they know as we do that Victory is coming.

Stop the machine! Create a new world!

Mega Green Smurf

A Call to Action - Oct. 6, 2011 and onward

October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions.

Friends of the Earth take on mega coal mine in court

On the eve of a court hearing due in Brisbane on August 29-31, Friends of the Earth International called on Swiss mining giant Xstrata's shareholders and investors to act to stop Xstrata's massive 'Mega Coal Mine' project in Australia. Research from climate change experts released this week shows that coal mines and subsequent carbon emissions will accelerate the loss of the Great Barrier Reef resulting in jobs losses and massive impacts on the Queensland economy.

Media Release
Date 29 August 2011
Coal mine linked to accelerated loss of Great Barrier Reef

Indigenous health: Not bleeding hearts, just the bleeding obvious

To many Aboriginal people in Central Australia the narrative of illness is very different from the one described by western clinicians, argues longtime pro-Aboriginal activist, Prof. Don Palmer Tjungurrayi. “Western doctors would say that kidney disease, for example, is out of control because Aboriginal people make poor choices about food and exercise. For many Aboriginal people the causes are personal and spiritual. They feel they have been cursed.


WGAR News: 45th anniversary of Gurindji Wave Hill walk-off - Kalkarindji NT - 26-28 August 2011

Newsletter date: 28 August 2011

* 45th anniversary of Gurindji Wave Hill walk-off
* Amnesty International Australia: 'Tell the government: don't abandon homelands'
* Interviews with Emma Davidson of Equality Rights Alliance
* Productivity Commission report into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage
* 'strong corporations, strong stores, strong communities' report
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles


45th Anniversary - Wave Hill Walk-Off - Gurindji Story

Direct action halts construction at the James Price Point “Save the Kimberley” blockade

A convoy of Woodside vehicles working on the James Point Price gas hub construction site have been held up for over two days starting on August 26th by the community the “Save the Kimberly’s” blockade in Broome, Western Australia. Four protestors have been arrested for standing on the road and also do a number of fairly spectacular lock on actions on heavy vehicles. The campaign against the $30 billion gas hub is gaining momentum both on the blockade site and nationally in an effort to protect the landrights of the traditional owners and the unspoilt beauty of the Kimberley.
Related: Campaign Website -- Facebook page -- John Butler opinion piece -- Youtube footage of action -- Earlier mass arrests action -- Melbourne Rally


Gurindji Memorial Day in Sydney

On 26/8/2011 a protest was held in Sydney on the 45th anniversary of the Wave Hill walk-off, when Aboriginal people walked off a cattle station in 1966 and became pioneers of the Aboriginal land rights movement. Just over 100 people demonstrated outside the Sydney electorate office of federal Minister for Social Inclusion Tanya Plibersek in an action, organised by the Stop The Intervention Collective Sydney, calling for an end to the discriminatory Northern Territory intervention. 1000 were at a re-enactment of the walkoff in Wave Hill, the protesters were told by phone from Wave Hill, NT.


Injunction halts logging at Sylvia Creek for next three weeks

On August 25th a three week interim injunction was granted in the Victorian Supreme court on logging at Sylvia Creek/Gun Barrel coup after an application by the My Environment conservation group that the logging coupes contain habitat of the endangered Leadbeater's possum and should be protected under state law.


Wikileaks releases new files and U.S. attempts to arrest Assange continue

This week has seen Wikileaks release thousands more secret U.S. Diplomatic Cables. Wikileaks is calling on the general public via its Twitter feed to use “crowd surfing” to help make discoveries in the documents. Meanwhile a U.S. court order from 4th January has been released which uses the U.S. Patriot Act to demand that Dynadot, Wikileak’s server hand over information to help prosecute a case of espionage or terrorism against Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

Irish blockade in solidarity with Broome

Campaigners from Rossport Solidarity Campaign in Mayo, Ireland did an arm-tube blockade against Shell this morning. They dedicated it to the people of Broome Community. For the full story see

For international solidarity.

The Shortwave Report 08/26/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 26) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan..

Code Green demands exit from BenLomond

Code Green media statement August 25th 2011 10 members of environmental community group CODE GREEN have blockaded a logging coupe in East Ben Lomond in Tasmania’s northeast. Tasmania Police and Forestry Tasmania are on-site and have instated a 4.5 km radius exclusion zone. The protesters have been directed to leave the exclusion zone and nine members of the demonstration have complied. A protester is still suspended from a tree-sit thirty metres up a Black Peppermint Gum attached to three machines.


Leader of the Green Committees Movement Addresses the World

From the international liaison office of the Green Committees Movement

Oppressed people around the world, the battle has begun. Do not despair, help is nigh. Do you realize that this is the Night of Power? What is the Night of Power? It is better than thousands of other nights, it is the destiny, when the heavens are open to receive your prayers thousands fold.

5 Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 30 August 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 30 August 2011: Carlton, Melbourne, Vic
Book launch: "Walk With Us"
- Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention
To be launched by Hon Sally Brown and Melissa Brickell
Brought to you by 'concerned Australians':
Event details:
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]


5 Sydney Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 August 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 3 July to Sun 25 September 2011: Sydney, NSW
- Art and activism 1960s to now
Sydney University Art Gallery
"A unique and daring exhibition has pulled together some of the most important political artworks produced by NSW's leading Aboriginal artists and put them in one room for the public to see." ABC News
Event details:
Featured in Video:

R.I.S.E. call out for action on stopping the Malaysian Solution

The Refugee Survivors and Ex-Detainees organisation R.I.S.E. has issued the following call for action to take action against the Malaysian Solution. They offer a number of seteps you take to register your dissent against this barbaric, racist policy which traumatises the most vunerable people even further and makes a mockery of Australia's international legal obligations.

R.I.S.E. Suggested actions against the Malaysian Deal


More arrests and court action to Save Sylvia Creek

Two more people have been arrested at Sylvia Creek on the 23rd of August bring the total number of arrests to 16 at the blockade. The pair locked on to a logging truck holding up logging on the site in the Toolangi State Forest for 3 hours. The site represents some of the only old growth forests to have survived the Black Saturday fire intact and is also habitat for the endangered Leadbeaters Possum.
