
Pervy Kinsey was no love doctor

Mohawk Nation News, Sept. 7, 2011.

The natural center of Indigenous society are the women. Everyone is equal and has a voice. The mind is independent. The Europeans developed a system where a boss orders around scared obedient people.

Pure sex is a known creative impulse. The state wanted to stimulate and control sexual energy from birth, to destroy free will and conscience. Sex had to become perverted and guilt-ridden.

Urgent push for a media inquiry - 48 hours left!


On Tuesday PM Gillard will decide whether to support a full inquiry to clean up our media -- and an urgent outcry from all of us now could swing the decision.

Last week, The Australian, Murdoch’s flagship newspaper, was caught publishing lies about the Prime Minister -- proving that we need to look deeply into the state of our media. And powerful Labour MPs are supporting the inquiry, but Murdoch’s press is rabidly campaigning against it. We can drown out their lobby and bring an overwhelming call for change.


Asylum seeker policy: What will be the result?

Let us face it, it is not illegal to seek asylum in another country. On 31st of August, the High Court of Australia ruled the “Malaysia Solution” as simply invalid and unlawful; which demonstrated public expression of relief when this outcome was announced. However, it led to a game by which the government had to find a different direction to run from this issue.

WGAR News: 'Listen to us - negotiate with us.' - Central Land Council statement at Kalkaringi NT

Newsletter date: 10 September 2011

13 September 2011 - Fourth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

* Central Land Council statement, Kalkaringi, 26 August 2011
* Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT: 'Response to Stronger Futures'
* Perth launch of book: "Walk With Us" - Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention
* Interview with Barbara Shaw about the NT Intervention
* Poems by Isobel Phillips, Muckaty Traditional Owner
* Paddy Dujack and Gus George at Wave Hill homestead

Australian companies “directly helping” dictatorship in Burma – US diplomats

Media Release: Scott Ludlam, Senator for Western Australia. September 6th, 2011

US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks support the Australian Greens’ claim that oil and gas companies investing in Burma are “directly helping to strengthen the military hold on power”.

Greens spokesperson on Burma Senator Scott Ludlam said US diplomats had echoed Greens calls for stronger sanctions against the dictatorship.


Lock on occuring at Save the Kimberley blockade: September 7th update

Direct action continues at the Save the Kimberley blockade. A protestor, "Rolly", has been locked on since 2.50PM to a drill at the Manari Rd camp, werhe support and live music accompanied the protest. The level of police repression continues to increase though, with police denying Rolly any assistance. The following message was received from the protesters


Children in adult prisons STILL LANGUISH - Justice delayed is justice denied.

There are near one hundred of the world's most impoverished children incarcerated, whether on remand or sentenced, in Australian adult prisons. The brunt of these numbers are in Western Australian adult prisons. It has been confirmed to me by various authorities and by an Indonesian Vice-Consul that at least 16 of the age-disputes are in HAKEA Correctional facility, a maximum security prison which I have visited on a number of occasions over the years. There may be up to 40 age-disputes in Western Australian adult prisons.
Related: Campaign Facebook page -- Interview with Gerry Georgatos on the Drum -- Hadi Kurniawan one of the 100 children in Australian adult prisons


It is high time for the media to do its job properly and break the silence on 9/11

As of today 1,550 Professional Architects & Engineers, including the architect Jan Utzon the son of Jørn Oberg Utzon the architect of the Sydney Opera House, and 12,907 supporters including A&E students, ( ) have signed a petition demanding a true investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks. So did many other Professional bodies. It is becoming critical for the Media to follow suit and break the silence and be true to authentic Journalism by dealing seriously with this important subject.

Burma: 27 years jail for taking a couple of videos and driving an unregistered motorcycle

By access

When we think of crimes worthy of 27 years in jail, taking a couple of videos and driving an unregistered motorcycle isn’t exactly what comes to mind. But that’s exactly what’s happening to 27 year-old Hla Hla Win, a video journalist in Burma, one of the most repressive countries in the world.

Reactionary turn of events in Libya

Statement, Communist Party of Australia

Triumphant reports in the media about the fall of a “dictator” in Libya and the victory of “rebel” forces mask a dramatically different reality. The US, Britain and NATO have notched up a major geo-strategic objective in the region through long-term planning, including the cultivation of opposition forces in Libya.

Despatches from Leonora (January-February 2011)

In January 2011 Giovanni Torre travelled to Leonora to interview local residents, community leaders, Traditional Owners and asylum seekers detained at the Leonora Alternative Place of Detention. He conducted further interviews in February.

The names of unsuccessful or unresolved asylum seekers have been concealed to protect them and their families.

“Pashtun always say; Tajik go to Tajikistan, Uzbek go to Uzbekistan, Pashtun live in Afghanistan and Hazara go to graveyard.”


WGAR News: Petition calling for a national moratorium on government’s income management

Newsletter date: 6 September 2011

* Indigenous groups challenge 'Doctrine of Christian Discovery and Domination'
* Petition calling for a moratorium on Income Management
* Upcoming 'Save the Kimberley' events
* Environmentalists: Kimberley Heritage listing inadequate
* AMSANT: Year of the Aboriginal Health Worker
* Unions support Aboriginal opposition to nuclear waste dump
* Remembering Wave Hill Walk-Off
* Sydney activists celebrate Wave Hill Walk-Off
* "Walk With Us" presents views of NT Elders on Intervention

Borehole breakthrough for Botswana’s Bushmen

Survival International has been speaking to Bushmen from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve as they celebrate drinking water from the Mothomelo borehole for the first time in nine years. It marks a significant step towards their full return to their ancestral lands in Botswana following a landmark court ruling in 2006.

Guardian Newspaper initiates WikiLeaks ass kicking party while circling the wagons to protect its own butt!

Guardian Newspaper Initiates WikiLeaks Ass Kicking Party while Circling the Wagons to Protect its own Butt!

We are ten years into a war on Aghanistan, 20 years into a war on Iraq and 250+ daze into the confinement without charge of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange who has done so much to expose the true nature of these wars. Wars that have no end date, no popular support and presently little visible opposition.


RALLY FOR OUR HOMELESS FOLK/OUR STREETIES - "We will not be moved on" - This Thursday, WA State Parliament.

The Human Rights Alliance

THE RALLY FOR JUSTICE FOR OUR HOMELESS PEOPLES - the Streeties - "we will not be moved on".

Watch this footage from our encounter at State Parliament: Police Minister Rob Johnson speaks to our Homeless Folk:

September, 8th, Thursday from 11:45am at the steps of State Parliament.

* The State Government has failed to deliver on promises for genuine accommodation to our Streeties during the CHOGM
