The word Permaculture is a marriage between the words permanent and culture. The most fundamental ethics of permaculture are care for Earth, care for people and fair share of abundance; a true existence in harmony with nature. Welcome to Perma- - Indicating a fixed state, i.e. permanent. Synergy - Combined, cooperative action or functioning. If one could say of synergy that the whole is greater that the sum of its parts, then one could surely say of permasynergy that the whole of the community is greater than the sum of its individuals. This is the essence of
Who are we?
We are a nonprofit web-based community of permaculturists, permaculture educators and permaculture web content producers. Our intention with Permasynergy.comis education and awareness through a synergistic effort by all those involved.
Who are those involved as yet?'s administrators are: Sophia Novack - responsible for and maintains the very informational Permaculture Media Blog. Sheryl Dutton - a veritable crusader for our planet and founder of The American Society of Permaculture (ASP). Robert Puckett - freelance writer obsessed with permaculture and founder of Missouri Permaculture.
Who else is involved?
We would like to see permaculturists from far and wide contribute to this communal effort of education. Look at this site as a wiki site for permaculture. Any and all information pertaining to permaculture all around the world is welcome. The three of us can not to it all on our own, though. If you maintain a blog and would like to link a blog post here, we'll post a snippet of your content and then provide a link to the original source of the content. This way, you are contributing to global education with your content as well as gaining more exposure for yourself and your site amongst the digital world of permaculturists as full credit will always be given to the original author of contributed content. How symbiotic can we get? Let's ask the above question again. Who else is involved? Hopefully, you will be.
How do you get involved?
This one is easy. If you would like to be involved with this site in any way, drop us a line at Maybe you just have a suggestion for the site or a video you saw on Youtube the other day that you think contains great permaculture information; it doesn't matter. We welcome all contributions that are relative to permaculture information and, above all, the regeneration of our planet's natural systems. With the help of all of those within our mutually agreeable community, we look forward to cultivating this site to become your main source of permaculture information.