
Nazis terrorising a German town

(Picked up from German IndyMedia

There are areas in Germany in which it is more difficult than in other places to spread libertarian ideas or to make them visible in everyday life. These are areas in which everybody who does it is in danger to become a victim of Nazi violence or to get prosecuted by the German state.

Example Limbach-Oberfrohna

WGAR News: Online petition: Call for a moratorium on government Income management

Newsletter date: 24 September 2011

* Change of venue of 'Rebuilding from the Ground Up' launch with Barb Shaw
* Call for a Moratorium on Government Income Management
* Melbourneā€™s only Aboriginal school wins fight against closure
* National Sorry Day Committee: National Curriculum Online Petition
* Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians
* Jeff McMullen: Donā€™t buy the NT Intervention lie
* Review of the book "Walk With Us" - Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Other articles

Urgent few hours for Palestine


Emergency -- within hours, President Abbas will decide whether to stand up to US pressure and let the world vote on Palestinian statehood, or leave New York with nothing achieved. Let's flood our governments with phone calls and messages telling them to stand behind Abbas, and send a massive wave of support to him to stand strong -- it will be delivered by an Avaaz flotilla of ships that will sail past the UN tomorrow morning:

The Shortwave Report 09/23/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 23) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Thais jailed for hosting anonymous blog comments - petition

Can you imagine being put in jail for an anonymous comment left on your blog? Itā€™s outrageous, but itā€™s going on in Thailand, where leading opposition journalist Chiranuch Premchaiporn (pictured here) is on trial for just that. Besides Chiranuch, countless others have been charged and jailed under the Computer-related Crimes Act. Similar laws are being looked at in other countries and we need to stop it in Thailand before it spreads.

A message from occupied Wall Street (day five)

Published 2011-09-22 07:51:42 UTC by OccupyWallSt

This is the fifth communiquƩ from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.

On September 21st, 2011, Troy Davis, an innocent man, was murdered by the state of Georgia. Troy Davis was one of the 99 percent.

Ending capital punishment is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, four of our members were arrested on baseless charges.

Ending police intimidation is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, the richest 400 Americans owned more than half of the country's population.


Northern NSW Aboriginal family sets custody precedent

A KYOGLE mother and son have won a protracted challenge to what the NSW Supreme Court now deems an unlawful arrest, setting a statewide precedent expected to bring a change in police policy.

Gloria May Williams and her son, Robert Lee Anthony Williams, were found guilty in the Kyogle Local Court last year of hindering police when officers arrived at an indigenous dance ceremony to arrest Robert's younger brother, Joel Nathan Williams, on a 2009 shoplifting charge.

Marriage discrimination in Australia - a summary

Subsection 5(1) of the Australian Marriage Act 1961 defines marriage as ā€˜...the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.ā€™ In these nineteen words, Australian law promotes inequality, marginalises and discriminates against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) Australians. Same sex marriage, the celebration and recognition of love and commitment by members of the same gender, is outlawed by the Australian Government in the grotesquely out-dated Marriage Act 1961.


Occupy Wall St! The American revolution declared.

Inspired by the Arab Spring, protestors declaring the start of the ā€œAmerican Revolutionā€ held a USA Day of Rage on September 17th. The call to Occupy Wall St had first been made by the group Adbusters in July this year, backed by others such as Anonymous and culminated in a march by 5000 on September 17th. The aims of the movement is to reclaim U.S. democracy from the corporate interests that have captured it and to fight back against the attacks on ordinary people being made in the U.S.

9/11 anniversary: The forgotten victims of terrorism

Brief: This article explores the issues of stateā€™s sponsored terrorism and points out the reality that all weaponry in the 21st century are lethal including those that belt around the human body. Therefore, 21st century is a century for corporation not confrontationā€¦ā€¦.

Amazon in peril from planned mega highway - add your protest signature


Bolivia's government is on the verge of approving a mega-highway that would slice through the Amazon, fueling destruction of the rainforest. But, after a massive outcry from Avaaz members across Latin America, the government is feeling the heat and top Ministers have just agreed to personally receive our petition in New York this week! Let's supercharge our call to protect the Amazon -- sign now and forward to everyone:

Refugee activists oppose removing human rights from Migration Act

Refugee Action Collective Media Release: 20/9/2011 Refugee activists oppose removing human rights from Migration Act; All MPs who support human rights should vote against Gillardā€™s amendments.

The Refugee Action Collective opposes the proposed changes to the Migration Act by the Labor government and any amendments proposed by the Liberal opposition. It believes all amendments seek to strip any safeguards for human rights and defies international law.


Sylvia Creek update - Injunction on logging extended to February 6th 2012

MyEnvironment wins interlocutory injunction! This morning the Supreme Court case for an interlocutory injunction was heard in Melbourne for alleged logging of Leadbeaters possum habitat by VicForests.

There is now an injunction in place for the Gun Barrel coupe at Sylvia Creek! The case will be heard by Justice Osborn on Feb 6, 2012. This is the same Justice who heard the Environment East Gippsland vs VicForests case over Brown Mountain. A big thank you to all who have supported the case so far. The work is now just beginning so we will continue to keep you up to date.


Free Troy Davis! Thereā€™s no justice in the capitalist courts!

Parole Board Delays Decision on Legal Lynching Scheduled for Weds Sept. 21st

Free Troy Davis! Abolish the Racist Death Penalty!

Thereā€™s No Justice in the Capitalist Courts!

By Steven Argue

During slavery a slave named Dred Scott was taken by his master to what is now Minnesota and Illinois. Slavery was illegal in those territories so Dred Scott took his master to court to sue for his freedom. In 1857 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Dred Scott saying that a Black man ā€œhas no legal rights that any white man was bound to respectā€.

Australian Labor government repudiates international law on refugees

Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)

By Patrick Oā€™Connor

The Labor governmentā€™s proposed amendments to the Migration Act and Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act represent an unprecedented repudiation of all international and domestic legal norms governing the treatment of refugees.

A message from the queen of Australia

By Graeme Taylor

Dearest subjects, loyal or not, citizens of Australia,

Since inheriting my position in 1953, I have seen many changes in the world, and in my Realm. I've seen Nelson Mandela sent to prison, released from prison, and to then become president of an independent South Africa.

Many of the British Colonies from 1953 have moved to self-determination and have come of age as Sovereign Nations.

It has been a great honour to be able to help to facilitate these processes, when requested by the peoples of these nations.

HRA media release: JUSTICE REINVESTMENT misunderstood and misrepresented

JUSTICE REINVESTMENT misunderstood and misrepresented.

Justice Reinvestment is an interventionist program working to diminish the levels of mainstream authority from peoples lives and this is positive however it is not the solution to significantly reducing and/or eliminating crime and high incarceration rates.

Justice Reinvestment, like many tried and tested programs seeks to work with the target communities and demographic groups which own high incarceration rates and rates of perceived crime in terms of proportion to total populations.


Campaign to save Ballerrt Mooroop College wins partial victory

The hard fought campaign to save Melbourne's only school for Indigenous students has won a partial victory. The Liberal Government Education Minister and the Save Ballerrt Mooroop College Committee have agreed on a compromise whereby the schools spirit tree and cultural area will be retained. However the school gym will be demolished. There are plans to build a new "Gathering Place" on the site however. This campaign has involved a small group of incredibly committed campaigners camping out in the school gym and picketing the site over the last few months. A fundraising concert on the 16th September became a celebration of the campaign's success and also raised $2000 which will go towards building the new Gathering Place.
Related: Campaign website -- GLW Weekly article on campaign win -- Campaign Facebook page -- Treaty Republic coverage
