
Forums at Sydney Uni , UNSW and UTS - hear Gerry Georgatos in person speak about the jailed Indonesian children.

Over the next week there will be three forums in Sydney presented by Indonesian Solidarity to demand Stop Jailing the Children. Gerry Georgatos, the gutsy human rights campaigner is in Sydney and he is one of the speakers and it will be a great chance to hear him, see him in person and learn from him. A Sydney lawyer Edwina Lloyd will also be speaking and a Eko Waluya an Indonesian Solidarity member.

The first forum was held today (12th October at UTS). The next two forums are listed below:

17th October 2011
1pm to 2pm
Lecture Theatre G04
Law Faculty


The waste of war - Vigil for 10th anniversary of war in Afghanistan, Melbourne, 7 Oct 2011

To mark the 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, Renegade Activists prepared a leaflet setting out some of the uses to which $21.3 billion could have been put, this being the sum of increased military spending over the last ten years compared with 2001 levels. A lolly was attached to each “as a taste of what you could have been enjoying”: it was calculated that $21.3 billion would provide “19 712 lollies for every man, woman and child in Australia”.


BHP gets approval for world's largest open pit mine at Olympic Dam

BHP Billiton Olympic Dam mine expansion in South Australia has received a go ahead from Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke on 10th October 2011. This will create the world's largest open pit mine, over 1km deep, 4.5km long and 3km wide. The export of uranium is expected to increase from an average of 4,000 tonnes per year to 19,000 tonnes per year, and the production of copper, gold and silver also expected to increase. Olympic Dam already consumes an inordinate amount of ground water extracted from the Great Artesian Basin every day - for free. The mine expansion will entail BHP Billiton expanding groundwater extraction and building a 280 megalitres-a-day desalination plant at Point Lowly, northeast of Whyalla on Spencer's Gulf which will impact the only known breeding ground of the giant Australian cuttlefish, prawn fisheries and the sensitive marine environment.

Save Point Lowly | Save the Great Artesian Basin |
Events: National Day of Action against BHP Billiton - Thursday, October 20 - Melbourne Facebook page or Adelaide Facebook page | BHP Billitons Annual General Meeting at the Melbourne convention centre on November the 17th at 10:30am.


Logging of Victorian mountain ash forests increases bushfire risk

New scientific research published in September 2011 highlights that logging in Victoria’s mountain ash forests is increasing the risk of catastrophic wildfires. The cycling of logging and wildfire is creating a landscape trap where the wet forest ecosystem is being permanently converted to a new landscape replaced by other species, particularly wattle, increasing the frequency and intensity of bushfire risk.

"These changes will significantly impair ecological functions like carbon storage, water production and biodiversity conservation," said Professor Lindenmayer. "This is historically unprecedented and is beginning to dominate the mountain ash landscapes we see today."


LONDON/VIDEO - Julian Assange and John Pilger speak out against the war/ Call for resistance on the 10th. anniversary

As consequence of being busted at Downing St. on Friday morning we were informed, as we we were released from the police station before midnight, that we are banned from Westminster until we report back on Nov 1st. So we missed the anti-war rally in Trafalger Square on Saturday. Here are some great speeches from John Pilger and Julian Assange

Video of John Pilger (journalist & documentary maker) speech:
"For such journalists there are two types of humanity in war.. there are worthy victims and unworthy victims.."

UN told Australia failing on the rights of Aboriginal and refugee children

A PDF of the report can be read by clicking here.

A delegation of Australian child's rights advocates and experts is in Geneva briefing the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child on Australia's failing to properly protect the rights of Aboriginal and asylum seeker children. They will point out that indigenous children have mortality rates three times higher than their non-Aboriginal peers and that around 400 children are currently being held in immigration detention.


Philippine Airline workers intensify protest actions

The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) today asserted that Philippine Airlines (PAL) President Jaime Bautista’s announcement that they no longer acknowledge Gerry Rivera and Bong Palad as union officers exposes union busting as the real aim of outsourcing. “Truly a fish is caught by its mouth. Actually PAL is not just recognizing me and Palad as union officers but 62% of PALEA’s leadership and 70% of its membership who have been illegally lockout and terminated.

Stand with Malcolm Fraser on refugees

By GetUp!

Only weeks ago the High Court declared the Government's Malaysian Arrangement unlawful. Despite the ruling, this week the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on whether or not to change the law to get around the High Court’s decision and return to harmful and ineffective offshore processing.

The crucial vote for refugee policy is this Thursday, and we need to show our support for compassion and common sense.


From flour, sugar and tea to the Basics Card – Enough! Be Counted!

Enough - No More Tricks - No More Lies - No More Intervention = As a community we are now making progress to Stand up for our rights for our cultural Revolution - our movement towards self-determination - We Remember the Wave Hill Strike and we are ready to be revolutionary again. Gurindji worker Peter Inverway said: “Our people walked off Wave Hill Station for getting paid in flour, tea and sugar. Now we are getting paid on the Basics Card. We need to continue with this strike action."

Show your support and find out more at:

Stand up and be counted at James Price Point

Join 20 days of entertainment for Ancient Mother Earth and the New Dreaming, from 10th to 30th October 2011.

Centuries ago you white people chose the path of science and technology. That path will destroy the planet. Our role is to protect the planet. We are hoping that you discover this before it’s too late. - Reuben Kelly, Aboriginal Elder.

We pay our respect by acknowledging the elders, the traditional owners and our ancestors of the land.

Stand Up!

UK Company backs Free West Papua campaign

The huge cosmetics chain LUSH has decided to back the Free West Papua campaign.

100 shops across the UK will be displaying a large poster of the Morning Star flag in their window for the next week, and over 50,000 campaign leaflets and postcards have been produced to distribute to members of the public urging them to take action.

A placard featuring a photo of political prisoner FILEP KARMA will also be placed on pavements outside each store, with the tagline "Jailed for 15 years for raising a flag".

Planning for Occupy Melbourne continues

On Sunday 9th October, the second planning meeting for “Occupy Melbourne” was held at Ross House in the CBD. It is hard to believe that this action was only called for just over a week before, but between 50-60 people crammed into the meeting room to help plan the action. Those in attendance were a diverse group of non-aligned activists, socialists, anarchists, spiritualists, Zeitgeist believers, Indigenous activists, unionist, working and middle class folk, old and young and at least one libertarian capitalist! The movement at this stage defies simple characterizations.


Sydney Opera House banner drop protests Harvey Norman forest destruction

Five environmental activists were arrested yesterday for climbing the Opera House and draping a banner on one of the sails protesting Retailer Harvey Norman's participation in Australian native forest destruction. The banner read "No Harvey No! Stop selling Aussie forest destruction!" and was part of a global 24 hours of action targeting the Harvey Norman business with more than 30 actions taking place in Australia and several overseas.

Links: No Harvey No | The Last Stand | Markets for Change | The Last Stand Flickr Photostream | Indymedia Harvey Norman stories


Dalai Lama, Tibet and western media

China has often being misunderstood by the Western public due to factual distortion by Western’s journalists and writers. Bruce Gilley, an assistant professor of political science at Portland State University’s Mark O.

Occupy Sydney in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street & United for Global Change

I wonder how many of us have been glued to our computer screens over the past week watching the events in New York as they unfold live on air ( & Have you joined the Twitter conversation with hash-tag OccupyWallStreet? The occupy movement in the US is proving to be something of a social tsunami.
