
The Shortwave Report 10/21/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 21) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Deutsche-Welle, ana Spanish National Radio.

Anaya to focus on extractive industries' "catastrophic" effect on indigenous peoples

The UN official who slammed Australia over the Intervention and other human rights violations says extractive industries are a major concern of indigenous peoples all over the world and will be a major focus of his work in the remaining three years of his mandate.

March on BHP Billiton - 20 October 2011 - on Day 6 of Occupy Melbourne

On Day 6 of Occupy Melbourne, a number of protesters joined an action by Friends of the Earth ACE collective at the Melbourne Office of BHP Billiton, timed to coincide with the company's London AGM.

Having marched up Swanston Street to chants of ‘BHP BP Shell/ You can all/Go to hell’ and ‘System Change not Climate Change’, and escorted by about ten uniformed police - with at least one not-very-undercover plain clothes officer - protesters arrived at the headquarters to find it protected by even more.


Verdict delivered in case of persecuted Aboriginal family

Over the last two days, the verdict was delivered in the case of the five adult defendants arrested on trumped up charges following a violent police raid on the home of an Aboriginal family living in the Outer Western Sydney suburb of Riverstone. The police raided the home after 8am in the morning after the 21st birthday party of "Tisha" (i.e. Letisha) Hickey. During the raid in September last year, Tisha was dragged across the road and crushed by police leaving her with bruises on her arms, legs and stomach. A sleazy male cop also lifted up her skirt and inappropriately touched her.


Occupy Brisbane: Donate to The People's Kitchen

The People's Kitchen at Occupy Brisbane needs your help! We need donations of non-perishable food and other supplies - below is a list of items that we need, but feel free to bring whatever you can. Drop donations in to the kitchen at Post Office Square.

Feel free to drop by to lend a hand in the kitchen at any time.

Thanks heaps for your support!


* cooking oil
* gluten free ready made meals
* gluten free snacks
* quick oats
* rice
* vegeta vegie stock
* long life milk
* soy milk
* instant coffee
* lentils
* chick peas


News from Occupy Melbourne Day 5

Below are some media put out by Occupy Melbourne on Day 5

Media Release- 19_10_2011 : Award winner donates her $2000 prise money to Occupy Melbourne in opposition to Robert Doyles plan to forcefully evict Occupy Melbourne.

City of Melbourne resident and Mayor Award winner donates here $2000 prise money to Occupy Melbourne in opposition to Robert Doyles proposal to forcefully evict the peaceful movement Occupy Melbourne.


Kath Kelly - U.S. Peace activist speaking tour in Australia

Kathy Kelly arrives in Australia tomorrow from the U.S. for an 8 week speaking tour. I'm writing to you personally to encourage you to attend her events in your city. The tour website is


World had lost a great leader and great politician

19th October 2011

Mr. Asif Ali Zardari
President of Pakistan
President's Secretariat
Tel: 92-51-9204801-9214171
Fax 92-51-9207458

RE: Condolence letter on the death of Veteran journalist, writer and intellectual Hameed Akhtar
Dear Mr. President,

Indonesian police and army fire on West Papuan Congress

Breaking News: Reports are coming out of West Papua of Indonesian police and army firing on people attending the Papuan Congress.

Report by West Papua media on October 19 states:

Confirmed report from credible sources on the ground from credible West Papua media stringers.

TNI troops have opened fire on Congress at 1530 Jayapura time.

Occupy Byron Bay! Occupy everywhere!

by Harsha Prabhu via Facebook Sat 15t October saw Byron Bay, Australia's easternmost point, join over 900 cities across the globe (in addition to every state in the US) in a world-wide day of action in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.

Several hundred people converged on Railway Park in the heart of town, with signs that read: "Poverty is the result of structural violence", "No jobs on a dead planet", "Open your heart, be informed, be brave, be free", "Be rich in spirit and greed shall fall away" and "Keep your money, we want change".


Australia: Occupy Melbourne protesters discuss social inequality

Below is a video produced by the Socialist Equality Party which includes interviews of participants on October 15th, the first day of Occupy Melbourne. The mainstream press keep saying "what is this movement about". If you actually speak to participants, the movements message is very clear.


Occupy Melbourne marches on the ASX (day 3). 14 people state their case. What is yours?

Below is a great new video from "Bravo Charlie TV" posted on Youtube about the third day of Occupy Melbourne. Great to hear the reasons people are coming down to the demonstration. Keep the citizen journalism coming!

Occupy Melbourne marches on the ASX (day 3) | 14 people state their case | What is yours?


What’s wrong with Occupy Melbourne

Firstly let me state that there is a lot of things right about Occupy Melbourne. It is showing solidarity with an amazing global movement of ordinary people demanding political and economic justice. Secondly, it is bringing people together to talk about politics and it is also a great experiment in communal living and participatory democracy. Lastly, it is plugging into the crisis of legitimacy that exists within Representatives democracies such as Australia where people realize their Governments have been captured by corporate interests.


Queen Victoria: Crown owns nothing, Aborigines are sovereign

Sydney, 18 October 11 - - The Crown doesn’t legally own anything in Australia because Queen Victoria and the House of Lords said so in an 1875 Act. Nor were the Australian colonies of the time “to derogate from the rights of the tribes or people inhabiting such islands or places, or of chiefs or rulers thereof”.

The startling findings are cited in a media release by Michael Anderson, Aboriginal activist and last surviving member of the four young Black Power men who started the Tent Embassy in Canberra in 1972.

Rex Bellotti jnr. - Putrid reply from a government drowning in mining dollars

Hear the younger brother describe the night Rex Bellotti Jnr was run over by a WA police 4WD

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

i have posted previously on the social and cultural disaster that arose from a dangerously driven wa police car driving on the wrong side of a curve/corner and smashing into the lower body of rex bellotti jnr. this occurred some 2 1/2 years ago but still the bellotti family, and especially rex jnr, are no nearer to a justice outcome or even some proper compensation to be paid.


Living in the Northern Territory: A submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

article by Gerry Georgatos Michele Harris OAM and Georgina Gartland in June 2011 prepared a submission to the United Nations on what it is like for many Aboriginal peoples to live in the Northern Territory - a place of contrasts in which many Aboriginal peoples are subsumed by a whirlpool of inhumanity, neglected and disregarded into acute and abject poverty, and incarcerated as downtrodden. If a peep is heard from any downtrodden Aboriginal person who lives rejected as oppressed or marginalised in the Northern Territory they are punished by a tumult of government authority stampeding through their lives, saturating every last dignity of human worth, if not their unending spirits, telling them to shut up.
