Occupy Melbourne marches on the ASX (day 3). 14 people state their case. What is yours?

Below is a great new video from "Bravo Charlie TV" posted on Youtube about the third day of Occupy Melbourne. Great to hear the reasons people are coming down to the demonstration. Keep the citizen journalism coming!

Occupy Melbourne marches on the ASX (day 3) | 14 people state their case | What is yours?



It's difficult to state a single view or single issue, because it's all already been said by better orators than I could ever be. Also..this isnt about one issue..for me its about EVERYTHING and every one of us. This is a long vent..so apologies..its been 40 yrs coming.

I feel the issue that hits me most and draws me to support the occupy movement is that it is never 'ok' for such concentrated wealth to be in the hands of so few men who are not accountable to the people or to governement or to law.

That has to change if any real change is to ever happen...and it has to change sensibly..with common sense and mindful care for those who through no fault of their own, really are dependant on the system as is. For me this isnt about bringing down government, it is about raising it up to what it ought to have been, unmanacled by corporate interests, in real service to us, the people not fearfully submitted.

These unaccountable men and their unaccountable practices - the Rothschilds, Morgan, Warburg, et al are simply playing God. There is no other way to put it plainly. No more delicate way to say it. While abadoning all the laws principles of goodness and Godness, they are effectivly saying they are God. They are even going so far as to claim through the Olympians Group to BE doing " Godly work" - in their twisting of logic, corruption of political process, in the murdering millions and starving and deprivation of billions.

Whatever their justifications for this claim, it is a LIE. It is a lie purely and simply because these men were never elected by US to do anything for US or TO us. They have egoistically claimed an authority over us, that was never THEIRS to take or claim in the first place!

It is never 'ok' for money and coporate interests to decide how our children must live or worse, when our children must die and fight and suffer in wars that bring only more suffering and death into the world. Turning our babies into tests subjcts, our sons and daughters into murderers!

These wars for profit are not wars of self defence that can be in any way covered by righteous necessity or obligation - they are willfull agressive wars for profit and serve only to ensure we are cannon fodder and these men remain in power - that HAS to stop. Even Thomas Paine called it the 'worst sin' a nation could make and we, Australia are participating in 3 of these wars right now!

It is not 'ok' that every nation that has been unwilling or unable to defend itself against their onslaught is now dead or dying, literally in some cases soaked in oil, unable to feed itself, layered in debt that can never be repayed.

It is not 'ok' that these central bankers alone decide when a sovereign nation will remain sovereign and on a whim, turn the tables on trusting communities ending lives hope and traditions, families and communities for profit.

Its not ok that they have over the past centuries, been setting up a 'new order' which THEY aim to control and we must submit to!
It is not ok that these men have publically announced a new order that I have had no say in deciding or electing...no vote in and no means to change.
Its not 'ok' that these UNELECTED men have decided what my personal fate and the fate of my children on this planet should be.

It is not 'ok' that these men activly and with murder and fear, supress technologies and sciences that could see energy removed from the control tool arsenal and be near to free for ALL people and the only reason it isnt already, is simply that it cant be metered ( Morgan v Tesla), it cant be bought and sold! Thats why your now paying a carbon tax! And why all these millions of kids are out there killing and dying or being injured and made homless, for nothing.. when real alternatives already exist!

It is not ok that these 'men' get to choose what we will learn, how, when and why and then charge you for the abuse of your mind calling it 'education' - no, call a spade a spade - its indoctrination!

It's not ok that thee men have co-opted the agricultural, health, spiritual, scientific and psychological fields of endeavor and have completely pathologised all natural human experience, comodifying it, activly devaluing or devouring every sacred right, preying on the wrost of human instinct and supressing our natural goodnes if not divinity.

It is not 'ok' that these anonymous unaccountable men demand we obey laws and uphold moral precepts they themselves deny and disobey and desecrate every single minute of every day. If we did what they do, we'd be in prison - what ARENT they?

It is not ok for these unmentionable men have such a total fear based control over the media and so, control over human perception even of the inner perceptions of people who mindlessly believe, everything they hear on tv is true and have been conditioned not to question.

Its not "ok" that I live in what Kissinger himself (in the 60s!) said was a "pacified" country, (Australia) where people can be so easily massaged into submission and silence by the hint of a 'rate cut' or 'freebie', ignoring the fact that having a stable home is a universal right of being a human being and earning your wages is a noble act.

It's not ok that my fellow countrymen have been led into spiritual and mental poverty and daily unconciously choose to place their own personal comforts and social convenience over the very lives of billions and even though the world is calling them to stand up, they refuse to march, to protest, to stand up and be counted...to face the truth - that we are enslaved.

We are "owned".
We are "stock".

The NWO mob have said it plainly and openly - by consent, or consquest they will have their way. They at least have stated their agenda openly and plainly. They want control. They gain it by imposing order, that creates chaos, so they can ipose a greater order they control. Its that simple a dynamic. We need to stop that in its tracks.

People around the world never beleived it was possible, that we could be so easily led to our doom, they never believed such evil could exist. Now..it is happening..its happening right now, these men are closing the gates on the herds and STILL people dont want believe it!

I take some heart though, that when they manufacture consent by exhausting peoples minds and hearts, raping their bodies with poisons and depleting their spirits, manipulating their every action, I take heart in my conscience knowing that any 'consent' gained is not real. Will not be real. Wont ever BE real. NO consent can be given under hostage situations...as we are hostages. Wether you believe or not...Gods watching. God Knows.

No people, held under occupation, remain under it forever. Even chaos ends, even overactive order, ends. These men, their tyrrany, will end too.

When, is entirely up to US.

I feel that it's time now, to ensure that that is the case. That this tyrrany ends. It may be the last time in our generation we have the chance to do this.

If we are wise..if we remain loving and non violent..if we continue through all of the adversities..if we stick together even with people we would rather hate, in a unity of humainty that we decide for ourselves, then we might just make it.

thats all ive got to say..thanks for reading

a tired mum from melbourne..

What a brilliant piece of writing! Mind and heart working together. A thumbnail treatise on the state of the world. Only a mum could have done it. Thank you.

I am with you when it comes to the question of power distribution, justice and moral, but your article also shows the typical problems: too many issues are mixed together. So yes - our economical and financial system suffers from fundamental design flaws forcing it into a mathematically and physically entirely implausible and unsustainable exponential growth spiral. Wars for profit and resources also are rather real - and always have been, which shows that little happened in terms of moral improvement over the last 3000 odd years. On the contrary, it seems. After all the 20th century was the bloodiest ever in human history. So nothing of that is surprising. The veil of democracy is thin - and maybe it will turn out to be little more than a long leash. We see what happened in the US: a single day of terrorist attacks was followed by ten years of transforming almost an entire continent into a police state, militarized to the bones, and all that to protect the freedom of capital flows, it would seem. But - then come things like the Tesla free energy myths, which, UNFORTUNATELY do not exist. Conspiracies do exist, oh yes. I prefer more mundane words: lobbyism, handshaking, Mafia, insider deals, backroom agreements and, quite plainly, corruption. The term "conspiracy theory" often is applied to any suspicion of plain corruption, throwing the investigative journalist into the same stew with UFO fanatics and, yes, free energy believers et al.

Ultimately we are talking about a corrupt and unsustainable system - in every meaning of the word. But it doesn't help to escape into utopian delusions like suppressed miracle technology. In some respects reality is rather profane. And there are many unanswered questions. For example: how do we prevent sociopathic characters from rising up to power in our societies' hierarchies, when the structures of those hierarchies naturally favor such individuals? This is one of major flaws of all human societies that existed throughout all of history.

Greetings from Germany!

How long before Australians realize that so called peaceful protests are a waste of time. As we see today.....the uniformed enforcers of big biz/corporate slime are there in force...as usual....to support the haves against the have-nots. Protests are laughed at in this country by the elitist corps and their government minders. All legal means to challenge the corruption our government and their corporate henchmen blatantly wallow in has been pored over and effectively negated by their slippery legal 'people' long ago. So whats left? Just where do people go when all official adjudication is openly seen as a joke, where the very system and body of laws are slanted to give a tiny minority all the power and all the money. What do desperate people do when they see rampant,corrupted capitalism take the value from their wages,education from their children,the privacy and sanctity of their homes made worthless by the opinions of rich thugs with no interest in humanity. Do they forever bow their heads and cede to someone else's plan of perpetual domination and tyranny. I hope not.

Mickey Mickey Mickey Mouse Mouse Mouse

The unmentionable men haven't tried to stop me or frighten me into not viewing and listening to "Bravo Charlie TV'or reading these comments or making other comments. The Victorian police have always been a pack of knobheads but I have yet to hear an intelligent utterance from the "Occupy" whatever mob. Peacefull protests actually can bring change if the protesters express their anger about a defined issue. So far all we are hearing is a lot of bland, 'its not fair some bastards are so rich', type middle class whinging. Take note because we are also part of the so called 99% and we are not so stupid as you appear to assume.