
Absurdity and cruelty of locking people away for legally seeking asylum - sign GetUp! petition

By GetUp!

Did you see Four Corners last night? The shocking footage they showed of refugees languishing in detention centres was a disgrace.

We've all known for a long time now that our immigration detention centres would be better labelled "mental illness factories," but last night's episode of Four Corners brought the faces and names of this tragedy into living rooms around Australia for the first time in almost a decade. That's because government officials usually block media access to the harsh conditions inside detention centres.

‘A tortuous trail’: Bob Beadman’s short history of outstations.

Bouquets to Kieran Finnane from the Alice Springs News for once again shining the light of reason on Amnesty International’s “unhelpful” homelands campaign, and brickbats to Amnesty for refusing to publicly discuss the important points she has raised in her articles.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 17 events from 25 October 2011

Newsletter date: 25 October 2011
Newsletter last updated: 25 October 2011 4:20pm

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 18 August - Sun 30 October 2011: Wiluna to Perth, WA
Walk Away from Uranium Mining
"By coming to Wiluna you will be supporting Traditional
Owners in their opposition to uranium mining."
Event details:
Event details:
Walk Schedule:

Groundbreaking new book on tribal peoples

Stephen Corry's 'Tribal peoples for
tomorrow's world' is now on sale.
© Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, October 24, 2011 - - A groundbreaking new book which challenges many assumptions about tribal peoples – including how they are viewed and their role in the world – will be published by Freeman Press on November 14.

Stopping the Queen in her tracks? Beware the spectre of spokespeople

The media and other public communication work by Occupy Melbourne has been great the last few days. Some comment is required though. There have been reports in the corporate media that 'spokespeople' and lawyers have made various comments on behalf of Occupy Melbourne. For example, last night SBS suggested that Occupy Melbourne will disrupt the Queen's visit – possibly by blocking trams. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea and people have every right to do it if they want to.


WGAR News: Government 'consultation' report and plans for a new Intervention

Newsletter date: 25 October 2011

* Government 'consultation' report and plans for a new Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- The Report

- Media Releases

Stop the Intervention: Stop the Intervention campaign blasts sham consultations


Philippines: PALEA gets support of Qantas workers, labor groups abroad

The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) received the support of a Qantas labor union in Australia even as other labor groups abroad are staging solidarity actions. Similar to PALEA, Qantas workers are embroiled in a long-running dispute with management over job security, pay hikes and working conditions. Qantas flights have been disrupted by a series of strikes by Qantas engineers, ground staff and pilots.

A facade of a Potemkin village

I should call myself – REFUSENIK – the person refused fair trial and in the most blatant way having my human rights abused by Queensland legal system .

My struggle for justice became the classical case of the fight against the perfidy of the people in the legal system ( Queensland , Australia ) where all elements - police , prosecution , trial judge and the defence lawyers - cooperate to achieve the conviction in the hassle-free way and then the supervisory ( judicial ) bodies rubber stamp their achievement .


Greens condemn raid on Occupy Sydney

How to deal with pepper/capcicum spray should you ever need to

NSW Greens have condemned heavy handed police action and called for
restraint and respect for non-violent protest following riot police making a
pre-dawn raid arresting participants and breaking up the peaceful Occupy
Sydney protest this morning.

NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge said:


Indonesian government puts Australian government to shame. Australia's hypocrisy. Mukthar home.

Muktha goes home.
Children in prison - hypocrisy.
Indonesian government puts Australian government to shame.

The Indonesian Justice Minister and the Indonesian President have intervened to prohibit the remand of the Australian 14 year old in Bali in Kerobokan Prison so as to protect the welfare and rights of children, however importantly to send a loud message to the Australian government that they need to better consider the impoverished Indonesian children who are languishing in Australian adult prisons - and that they should in the very least be within the appropriate jurisdictions.

More than 50 houses torched in Madang to evict abandoned workers

Houses burn at the PMIZ site

More than a hundred people living within the area identified for the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone in Madang [north coast of Papua New Guinea) are now homeless after their houses were burnt to the ground yesterday by police and members of a security company.

More than 50 houses were torched with the assistance of members of the Madang based Savolon Security company.

The policemen arrived in three 10-seater Landcruisers and began physically and verbally assaulting the men, women and children.


Egyptian Coptic Christian family needs our help to stay here

Tony, Dalia and Rita could be sent back to religious persecution and violence in Egypt after 7 years in Australia. Join a massive community call to keep them safe


It’s Tony’s worst nightmare come true. His family is once again in danger, simply because of their religion.

The way forward to Aboriginal sovereignty

Australia's Colonies signed up to the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1900, becoming States on 1 January, 1901. After a campaign led by legendary Aboriginal activist Oodgeroo Noonuccal culminating in a referendum in 1967 which achieved overwhelming support, Aborigines came under the auspices of the Constitution of Australia. Subsequently, the Australia Act 1986 (Cth) severed all ties with the Westminster Parliament and the Queen in her capacity as the British Monarch, but not as the Australian Monarch.


Occupy Melbourne welcome Lord Mayor’s concern: Inquiry needed

Press Release 24/10/11 Occupy Melbourne will today write to the Victorian Ombudsman calling for an investigation into at least 43 documented instances of police violence against peaceful demonstrators, including children, during the morning raid of October 21.

Occupy Melbourne have welcomed Robert Doyle’s concern for public safety and have again called on the Lord Mayor to support a full inquiry into the events of Friday 21 October where riot police were deployed against peaceful demonstrators.


Violent dawn police raid evicts Occupy Sydney from Martin Place

Over 100 police on 5AM on October 23rd, violent evicted Occupy Sydney from Martin Place. The raid occurred within 48 hours of the similarly violent eviction in Melbourne signaling a major escalation of the Occupy Movement within Australia. Over 40 protestors were arrested during the raid. Although limited footage and pictures have emerged due to both the timing of the raid but also clear police attempts to prevent people filming the arrests, it is clear that the raid was violent. This footage from Sky news and WA Today clearly shows protestors with bloodied faces and hog tied with plastic ties after their arrest. An interview with Mark Goudkamp on the ABC outlines clearly that police punched and assaulted protestors during the raid. This photo on a Herald Sun story demonstrates true nature of the raid with a young woman hog tied after her arrest surrounded by several large burly cops.
Related: Occupy Sydney attacks police and responds to criticism!


Woman assaulted in eye by police – she tells. Doyle a "complete idiot”.

By Jack

Occupy Melbourne: Recording of innocent victims’ and eyewitness accounts from the middle of the crowd; sounds of the protest as ‘Occupy Melbourne’ is forced into retreat down Swanston St. Comments from the 99% who joined Occupy Melbourne on Friday 21 October to find themselves being attacked by armed police in riot gear and others on horseback.

By around 4.30 about 1,000 of them were being forced to slowly move North up Swanston St.
‘The monetary system isn’t working’ says Jonathan.
