
The challenges of exposing corruption

The question of how to expose corruption or abuse of office within a government has never been a trivial one to answer. This is particularly the case when the tentacles of the government in question extend so deeply into that nation’s media.

The Expendable Project was created to address this with respect to Australia, and to disclose appalling misconduct in the case of Schapelle Corby, a now mentally ill woman enduring her eighth year of twenty in an Indonesian prison, for a crime she patently did not commit.


Day 8: Occupy Melbourne – The day after the eviction

After the brutal eviction from the City Square, 1000-1500 protestors returned defiantly to the CBD for a rally that was called with 12 hours notice. After meeting Federation Square, the group marched past the city square now fenced and occupied by police and attack dogs. Eventually a General Assembly was held outside Trades Hall where a decision was made to march to the Treasury gardens which will be site of renewed mass occupation next Saturday the 29th. A General Assembly to organise the Re-occupation of Melbourne occured on Tuesday 25th at 6PM outside the State Library. Read the minutes at the Occupy Melbourne Website.
Read full article for account of the 22nd October protest and more photos
Photos:Occupy Melbourne Photos -- - photos -- Photos on Flikr Benjamin Solah: From repression to re-occupation


No right to protest in Melbourne

Victoria Police have a duty under the Charter of Human Rights to protect and promote human rights including the right to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

By following the directions of the Mayor to remove protesting people from a public place, who were causing no fear and damaging no property, Victoria Police have failed to protect and promote human rights.


Today I was arrested at Occupy Melbourne

Today I was arrested for participating in a peaceful protest. While doing nothing more confrontational than marching with a group of people up Lonsdale Street, I began to be jostled and pushed by four policeman, each of whom was more than a head higher than myself. They shoved and pressed me, attempting to make me go forward faster than the people standing immediately in front of me. I was worried I would lose my feet as the police had squashed us in so that there was no space to move.


Eviction and new beginnings

Footage from the violent eviction of Occupy Melbourne in City Square by police, and the demonstration itself, leading up to the general assembly 10 hours after the initial eviction, with words from speakers about the police brutality and where the movement should go from here.


Ten years of war in Afghanistan challenged by Australian peace activists

Protests in Australia occurred to mark ten years of Australia’s involvement in the brutal U.S. led occupation of Afghanistan which began on October 7th 2001. Despite overwhelming opposition to the war, the response of the Australian peace movement was small. The largest demonstration was in Sydney wherer the Sydney Stop The War Coalition and Stand Fast held a rally and march. See video. In Melbourne, a small protest occurred in the city square and a St Pauls Cathedral. Some direct action did occure when five Christian activists in Brisbane were arrested as part of group of 25 people protesting outside Enoggera army Base. Enoggera Army base is a major staging point for troops departing for the Afghan war.


The eviction of one space. The start of another.

by Nicola Paris on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 1:35am via Facebook. Firstly, I am so tired I shouldn’t be writing. Not my most eloquent self right now. But I thought it would help me to sleep, and share some information about today.

I intended to leave several times, actually have a day job, and was intending to come down for first couple of hours to support but then the escalation continued. It is hard to walk away when you are scared for peoples safety.


Occupy Melbourne media release- 21/10/11: Police violence warrants full inquiry

Occupy Melbourne have called for a full inquiry into unlawful police ... behaviour amid scenes of police violence on the streets of Melbourne today. The call comes after riot police disrupted a peaceful demonstration in Melbourne’s CBD.

“We call on Premier Ted Ballieu and Lord Mayor Robert Doyle to back a full and independent investigation into the use of unlawful and excessive force by Victoria Police and the Melbourne City Council,” said Occupy Melbourne spokesperson Erin Buckley.


Statement by Occupy Workplaces

Statement - 21 October 2011 - by Occupy Workplaces via Facebook It might surprise some that despite a global economy in the most profound and sustained crisis since the Great Depression, that the top layer of bosses and executives in Australia are still raking it in. During this recent period of recovery in Australia, profits have soared by 27.5% to a record share of the national economy.


Temperature study funded by climate sceptics confirms rate of global warming

"We are seeing substantial global warming" declares new scientific work from an independent group of researchers called the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study. The research team is at least partially funded by the Koch Brothers who fund several climate denial groups. The team was setup to identify flaws in the climate science of global average temperature trends, but has confirmed the analysis undertaken by NASA, NOAA and the Hadley Climate Centre in the UK that about 1 degree Celsius of global warming has occurred since 1950.

Related Commentary: Nature Different method, same result: global warming is real | Climate Progress Hot Dog Bites Skeptical Man: Koch-Funded Berkeley Temperature Study Does “Confirm the Reality of Global Warming”

Occupy Melbourne legal support team statement 21st October 2011

Statement 6PM 21/10/11... The legal support team at the Occupy Melbourne events condemn the excessive use of force by the Victorian Police today against peaceful protesters.

“Our observers have witnessed and been told of numerous incidents of excessive force and violence against the peaceful protesters,” said Erin Buckley, coordinator of the legal observer team. “We are very concerned at the level of violence, and concerned particularly about the welfare of young people who have experienced significant police brutality today.”


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Call for suspension of military ties with Indonesia

The shootings and arrests of people meeting peacefully at the Third West Papuan Peoples Congress at Abepura this week are the latest instance of Indonesia’s violent and repressive rule in West Papua.

Australia has an agreement for military cooperation with Indonesia which includes the supply of weapons. 

It opens with the phrase “reaffirming the sovereign equality of the parties, their faith in the purposes and principles of the charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments”.


Indonesian crackdown on Papuan Congress sparks outrage

A joint statement by TAPOL (UK), the West Papua Advocacy Team (WPAT,
US) and East Timor Action Network (ETAN, US)
. On Wednesday, a meeting of thousands of indigenous Papuans in Jayapura, West Papua, became the scene of a brutal crackdown by Indonesian security forces. Indonesian troops and police Mobile


Occupy Melbourne statement: Young Aboriginal man admitted to hospital after vicious police attack

Media Release – 3.30 pm Friday OCTOBER 21st 2011Koby James, 21, a young indigenous resident of Melbourne was the last person in the Occupy Melbourne movement to be violently evicted from the city square.
He had the aboriginal flag draped around his shoulders as the police viciously and indiscriminately evicted the Occupy Melbourne movement. Koby James is currently in care with the Victorian Aboriginal health service.


Peaceful Occupy Melbourne protest brutally evicted

Breaking News - Re-occupation beginning Saturday 29th Treasury Gardens

After six days of peaceful occupation of the city square, and five days before the Queen is due to visit Melbourne, Lord Mayor Robert Doyle warned that if the protestors didn't leave today they would be forcibly removed. The eviction was carried out by 400 police including riot police and dogs. Horses and capsicum spray were also used to attack the crowd at various times. People stood their ground in the square before being removed one by one. Occupy Melbourne then staged a peaceful sit-in in Swanston St which was again brutally attacked. At least 65 people were arrested, most released without charge however it is believed that 5 people remain in custody. The crowd regathered at the State Library in the early evening and have vowed to gather once again - at 12PM in Federation Square, Saturday October 22nd. The struggle against social and economic inequality, against corporate greed and for a real democracy continues tomorrow on the streets of Melbourne and around the world.
Related: Occupy Melbourne Statement 3.30PM | 6PM Statement by Legal Support Team | Occupy Melbourne Press Release: Police Violence Warrants Full Inquiry | 3CR report | photos on flickr
Youtube footage of police violence:
video: eviction | video: protesters dragged away | video: man trampled by police horses | Occupy Melbourne - violent cop hits peaceful protester in the face | Police dogs and arrests in Swanston St | video: arrests in City Square | video: on the streets | Another violent arrest | Eviction and new begginning | The Eviction:Occupy Melbourne by Anthony Kelly |

Blog reports: Mike Stuchbery | Benjamin Solah | Green Left Weekly Live Blog | Simplicity Collective Blog | Nicola Paris | Today I was arrested at Occupy Melbourne | Simon Moyle
See full article to read an account of the day as it happened.


BREAKING: 3CR live crosses to Occupy Melbourne police action, eviction

Mace, tear gas and tasers are allegedly being used on Melbournians supporting the Occupy Melbourne camp. Over 1000 people are currently occupying a major intersection in the city centre. Police are trampling people with horses.