
Minutes of first Occupy Melbourne General Assembly - October 15th 2011

Overview given of purpose of General Assemblies. Aimed to work on consensus model, having one General Assembly each day at 4PM Weekends, 6 PM weekdays

1.Working Group Report Backs/Information Sharing

If anyone wants to get involved in a working group – please go to the information desk and sign up. Involvement of all is encouraged. The purpose of working groups is to facilitate the self-organisation of the occupy camp.

Legal support working group.


Police close down overnight camp after thousands attend Occupy Sydney

About 3000 people attended Occupy Sydney today. A camp was set up in Martin Place outside the Reserve Bank with people staying overnight. The atmosphere was peaceful and nonviolent. There was a related protest occurring in Sydney - Rally for Refugees outside the Sydney Town Hall which many people also attended.


Occupy Melbourne Kitchen wishlist

The kitchen at Occupy Melbourne desperately needs the following items:

* pots and pans
* cutlery and crockery
* gas burners and gas bottles
* and most urgently of all we need water barrels or any large water containers.

If you have any please bring them to Melbourne City Square and take them to the kitchen.


Help end cruelties, hardships, injustices in North Korean prison camps

By Katherine Barraclough, Campaigner - East Asia Amnesty International

Imagine that two prisoners appear. Swollen and unrecognisable from torture. One so weak, you can see the bones through their skin.

Then the horrific realisation. These shadows of human beings are your mother and brother. Your mother is hung by the neck in front of you. Your brother executed by firing squad.

Occupy Melbourne joins day of global solidarity

The Occupy Melbourne day in Melbourne's City Square kicked off with approximately 750 people and a large number of police. Approximately 20 tents have been set up from various groups including refugee support and campaign groups, the gay marriage campaign, an indigenous tent, kids' spaces, and many others. People are busy making signs and placards with calls for solidarity. Throughout today and subsequent days there will be workshops, and a General Assembly at 4pm weekends or 6pm on weekdays.

The Occupy Melbourne kitchen group has a wishlist - if you can help please donate.

Photos: Occupy Melbourne Flickr stream | Twitter: Occupy Melbourne Twitter feed using #occupymelb. For other Australian cities use: #occupybris #occupysydney #occupyperth #occupyadelaide | Occupy events around Australia
Blog Reports: Day 1 of Occupy Melbourne by Benjamin Solah | Occupy Melbourne: some initial thoughts by Jeff Sparrow | Mike Stuchberry on Occupying Melbourne
Youtube: Melbourne: Why I Occupy | We are the 99% | Occupy Max Brenner Melbourne no blood chocolates | Occupy Melbourne Day 1


The Shortwave Report 10/14/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 14) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

14 anti-fracking songs called "Whole Lotta Frackin' Going On"

Listen or download this four minute sample of the songs here:


Also relevant to this:

"Carcinogenic chemicals in 5 water bores around the Qld town of Dalby"

Takin' it to the streets....


UN demands urgent answers from Ethiopia over Gibe III dam

The Kwegu are one of the tribes threatened by
the Gibe III dam in Ethiopia's Omo valley. © Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, October 13, 2011 -- The UN’s growing concern over Ethiopia’s construction of the controversial Gibe III dam has prompted it to demand urgent information from the Ethiopian government.

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has given Ethiopia until the end of January 2012 to provide reliable evidence that independent assessments have been carried out, and that tribal people in the region have been properly consulted.

Amnesty rhetoric fails to show the way forward for homelands


The one-day visit last Saturday by Secretary General of Amnesty International, Salil Shetty, to the Utopia homelands generated the usual round of headlines: conditions are “devastating”, comparable to those in the “Third World”, policies amount to “ethnic cleansing” (this last from Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Utopia resident and Barkly Shire President).


United Nations hears that Australia fails its children in the Northern Territory

Kathy Guthadjaka with her granddaughter, Gurang Gurang

By Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney

Two reports were tabled at the United Nation's Pre-Sessional Meeting on the Rights of the Child in Geneva. These reports looked closely at whether Australia's commitments through the Convention on the Rights of the Child are being complied with. The first report, Listen to Children was far reaching across our nation's children in its comment. The second complementary report, Children of the Intervention, focused solely on those children living in the ‘prescribed communities' of the Northern Territory and under separate legislation to all other Australian children.


WGAR News: Amnesty International head slams decades of neglect in remote Aboriginal communities

Newsletter date: 13 October 2011

* Amnesty International cheif Salil Shetty visits communities in Utopia, NT
* Calls for implementation of UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
* Jon Altman: Homeland communities destroyed to save a bit of cash
* Amnesty International Australia Action: Tell the government: don’t abandon homelands
* Amnesty International Australia: Utopia Homelands featured on the 7pm Project
* What’s Working: Health-Utopia
* Rally against Income Management in Bankstown - 8 October 2011

Occupy Perth press release Oct 11th 2011

#Occupy Perth Press Release 11th October 2011 Plans for peaceful #occupywallstreet inspired gatherings in Perth are advancing in the wake of the success of Wall Street demonstrations going viral. With more than 800 twitter followers and over 500 facebook “likers” the #occupyperth is similarly gaining momentum.


Anti-abortionists on the march - rally and counter-rally at Parliament House, Melbourne, 8 October 2011

Under the banner of “March for the Babies“, anti-abortionists massed at Parliament House as part of a ramped-up campaign to force the repeal of laws in Victoria decriminalising abortion.


Avaaz hits 10 million!!!


Just a few hours ago, our community reached 10 million people!

10 million of us. From every nation, every walk of life. Hopeful, and serious about creating the world we all dream of. Campaign after campaign, we're winning. Not just the little fights, the big ones, the ones they said couldn’t be won. And we're just getting started.