
Occupy Wall Street, educate Main Street


Across the Middle East common folk continue to demonstrate their outrage against generations of tyranny imposed by entrenched and unaccountable power cliques supported by U.S. interests.

Gaddafi is on the run and will no doubt retire in the style to which he is accustomed, if not on the French Riviera or Donald Trump's front lawn, then certainly somewhere in the Saudi wonderland where, acknowledging the historic Arab Spring, King Abdullah has just announced he is giving women the right to vote and stand in municipal elections.

Call out made to Occupy Australia: People of the world rise up on October 15th!

As the Occupy Wall St protests continue to spread, a call out has been made for Melbourne, Brisbane , Perth, Adelaide and both a rally and occupation in Sydney to join the global day of action United for Global Change on October 15th. Regional centres are now joining with events announced in Townsville, Cairns and Bryon Bay. Occupy Melbourne has stated the aim of "NON-VIOLENTLY sending a message to the financial sector worldwide. Australia too is under the same bind of freedom because of monetary policy and corporate greed. Show your support for Occupy Wall Street! Occupy Australia!!!" The day is an attempt to unite the struggle by ordinary people around the world for a true democracy. A democracy where the needs of the majority of people is put before the profits and privileges of the few. A world united under the banner of solidarity, workers and human rights, peace and environmental justice. It is time for Australia to join the global movement that has seen non-violent mass protests and uprising against both military dictators and the dictators of capital in Greece, Yemen, Chile, Egypt, Tunisia, Israel, USA, Spain, Portugal, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, the UK and beyond. It’s time for us to unite. It’s time for them to listen.
Related 15th October International Call out -- Occupy Wall St -- Occupy Melbourne on Facebook -- Occupy Sydney on Facebook -- Occupy Perth on Facebook -- Occupy Brisbane on Meetup -- Occupy Adelaide on Facebook


Bolivian police used tear gas and truncheons on demonstrating indigenous men, women and children

By Luis Morago at AVAAZ

On Sunday, Bolivian police used tear gas and truncheons to crack down on indigenous men, women and children who are marching against an illegal mega-highway that will slice through the protected Amazon rainforest.

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. ( work in progress )
"Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were involved in campaigning for, and drafting, the Declaration " Commissioner Gooda said.
There is a lot of “Condemnation” and “Ridicule” of these so called, “Government Appointees” by the “Aboriginal Victim Industry” ( AVI ) when it “Suits” them.
This does not seem to be the case with Mick Gooda or his predecessor Tom Calma.

Media release: Pro-Choice group condemns domestic violence, condemns use of abortion laws

Pro-Choice Action Collective (PCAC), a local group that is advocating for the repeal of Queensland's anti-abortion laws, condemn the use of these laws in a domestic violence case in Brisbane.

"These charges aren't about domestic violence, these charges are about finding a way to make the abortion laws relevant again," said campaigner Emma Tovell.

"Typically in cases of assault leading to miscarriage a charge of grievous bodily harm is used. We see a direct connection between this case and the abortion charges that were laid on the couple in Cairns in 2009."


Top speakers for world wind energy event

The 10th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition will run from 31 October to the 2nd November in Cairo, Egypt.

One theme will be Greening Energy: Converting Deserts into Powerhouses.

Organisers write that more than 100 presentations will tackle all important aspects and latest achievements of wind power technology.

They say WWEC2011 has attracted huge international attention and top-class speakers.

See the conference website for topics to be addressed.

‘Human safari’ tourism in India destroys UN drive to link cultures

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, September 26 -- Travel and tourism have the power to link cultures and provide a ‘stepping stone towards peace’, according to the UN. But as the world marks its 31st World Tourism Day, Survival International has learned of an alleged sexual assault on a tribal woman in India’s Andaman Islands.

Exotic beaches make the archipelago a top holiday destination, but tourism is also leaving tribes increasingly vulnerable, as sightseeing tours turn into ‘human safaris’.

"The Guardian" newspaper continues campaign against Julian Assange of WikiLeaks!

The Guardian newspaper's campaign against Julian Assange continues. For some reason they thought it a bright idea to get David Leigh (the author of the earlier Guardian published book attacking Assange ) to review the last week's released "Unauthorised Biography"

Some of the comments following the article are worth reading, taking the Guardian's role in the campaign against Assange to task. Someinteresting insights alrighty!

David Leigh's article

26 September 2011 5:35PM

Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately

September 26, 2011

Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

Amir of the State of Kuwait

Al Diwan Al Amiri,
Sief Palace – Building 100
State of Kuwait.

RE: Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately

Dear Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,

I am William Gomes, human rights activist and journalist.

Thousands attend Moving Planet climate change actions in Australia and globally

Did you miss the action over the weekend? Thousands of people around the world from Cairo to Canberra participated in events to move the planet beyond fossil fuels. There were over 2000 events in more than 175 countries with more than 40 Moving Planet events taking place across Australia from the Blue Mountains, Hobart, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Darwin, Sydney and Melbourne joining the thousands of events taking place around the globe.

YOUTUBE (5 mins) - Counter recruitment flash mob in response to Australian army at Brisbane festival!

Dear friends, two weeks ago the Australian Military staged an Army Open Day as part of the Brisbane Festival. Australian forces are deployed in Afghanistan.

A group of us decided to respond with song and dance.

40 folks had a fun time singing and dancing to the FLOWERS IN THE GUNS. Afterwards we handed out 300 anti-war leaflets.

Here is a link to a Youtube film of the event. (5 mins)


Aborigines the world’s greatest explorers

The Australian Aborigines deserve high praise as the world's greatest explorers, having been the first human beings to venture beyond Africa and then made their way along the southern edge of Asia all the way to Australia.

That’s been revealed by DNA analysis on a lock of hair 88 years old, which found that they were the first humans out of Africa about 70,000 years ago.

Upcoming Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 12 events from 25 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Events: Ongoing Consultations: Various Australian locations
Includes: Redfern, Sydney CBD, Uni of NSW, Blacktown and Liverpool
You Me Unity
"You Me Unity is the national conversation about updating
our Constitution to recognise our first peoples and define
equality for all Australians"
About You Me Unity:
You Me Unity homepage:
You Me Unity event highlights for September 2011:
Submissions close at 5pm on 30 September 2011

Upcoming Melbourne & Vic Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 27 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 27 September 2011: cnr Bourke & Spring Sts
Vigil: Hands off the Kimberley
"Vigil in solidarity with the community of Broome &
traditional owners of the Kimberley region, who
have for too long suffered at the hands of
corporate greed."
Event details:

Event: Tue 27 September 2011: Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic
Melbourne Keep the Kimberley Info Night
"We thought it would be great to clarify all the
information surrounding James Price Point, the gas plant


Upcoming Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 8 events from 28 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 28 September 2011: Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Qld
Homelands Campaign training session
Amnesty International Qld/ Northern NSW
"The training is designed for activists who
want to play an active role in the campaign,
within their local group or as a part of the
Homelands Action Group."
Event details:

Event: Wed 5 October 2011: Brisbane, Qld
One-day Conference:
Human rights and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Hosted by Amnesty International Qld/Northern NSW

Byron Bay Peace Party

The Byron Peace Party to mark International Day of Peace on Wed 21st September saw people gather at the Peace Pole for a picnic and peace pow wow. The theme of peace was highlighted by the Israeli and Palestinian flags flying side by side with the rainbow peace flags and a sign that read "Another World Is Possible".

The sunset Peace Concert - featuring Shai Shriki (Israel), Gulami Yesildal (Turkey) and Laura Targett (UK) - was another symbol of unity through music and culture.
