New book on the NT Intervention: Walk With Us

For the wonderful video compilation of the Sydney book launch with Aunty Millie, Nicole Watson and Jeff McMullen:

For the book review, please see:

For further information about Walk With Us:


“Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”

"Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were involved in campaigning for, and drafting, the Declaration "

Commissioner Gooda said.


There is a lot of “Condemnation” and “Ridicule” of these so called, “Government Appointees” by the “Aboriginal Victim Industry” ( AVI ) "When it Suits them".

This does not seem to be the case with "Mick Gooda".

Or his predecessor, Tom Calma.

This "Declaration" was Showcased, Floated, Displayed, Lobbied for and "In Essence", "Flogged" !!

Mainly to the “Converted” or, fellow AVI.

The drafts of the “Declaration” would have been done by a lot of African, American and Asian Delegates. People that come from some Well Documented, Terrible Living Conditions. To a large extent,"These" are the People that the "Declaration" and Principles would have been Conceived, Agreed to and Produced for. "Not" with "Us" in mind. So it would Hardly be Likely that we could have made or had "Any Influence Whatsoever" !! This so called “Campaining" for, and "Drafting” of, was no more than a "AVI" PR Exercise !! There would have been "Nothing" that “Needed “ to be "Changed". Or "Altered" !!.They would have had everything covered !! Experts !! They had years to do it !! And with at least, some of the Best Brains "Out of Africa" !! The African Countries have never taken us seriously. All the years that we have been going over to the UN complaining, “Not One” has ever backed or supported us. Or seen to be. And it is not likely to change. These people going over there complaining of Income Management, "Many hundreds of Millions" of people from these African Countries, and Others, don't even know what an Income is !! With “Ten Billion Dollars” a year “Allocated to Aboriginal Affairs”. That's more than the GNP of Most of these Countries !! These other “Delegates” or their Advisors, they would be aware of this !! Five Hundred dollars ( $500 ) a fortnight minimum here, to every Black-fella in Australia !!

This "New Set of Rules", this "Declaration", the “Aboriginal Elite” or, "Neo- Mission Managers”, are seeking to Force and to Impose it upon, not only us "Other Black-fellas", but the “Whole Country” !!

The "Aboriginal Elite" are seeking to “Hijack” the Aboriginal Agenda.

( First draft.edited. and, work in progress. Alb.)

For updates, WGAR News: "The Intervention is killing our people" - IRAG media release. 15/9 2011. Indymedia.
Or, alb. 29/9/2011
( read and circulate )