Top speakers for world wind energy event

The 10th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition will run from 31 October to the 2nd November in Cairo, Egypt.

One theme will be Greening Energy: Converting Deserts into Powerhouses.

Organisers write that more than 100 presentations will tackle all important aspects and latest achievements of wind power technology.

They say WWEC2011 has attracted huge international attention and top-class speakers.

See the conference website for topics to be addressed.


Don Quixote from Salamanca comes to join the fight with Tony Abbott against the "evil monsters".

Dear Sir,

Subject matter need to be consult for the Debates in the future Energy Events / Forums / Exhibitions / Seminars / Conferences for solving our Entire World Energy Crisis and its solutions like Hydroelectric Energy is the one of them for all over the entire World communities energy requirements, which will be most unique situation for the research and developments on future thinking and its Solutions. Because both Energy Resources if in the way of limitation expansions then this will be OK and fine otherwise they must be disturb the life cycle of whole World like Seasonal and Weather system of Rain falls, On the other hand impacts create on Eco System, Environmental issues like new facts and figures for Human life. Because due to the current scenario of our Global condition seems to be causing problems & harmful for the next Cumming future time frame. If we consider as fallowing Points positively then may be solve the subject matter easily as soon.
Reservations / Obligations for the Wind Energy Sector.

1. First of all we see that wind energy sector spreading rapidly in every country as a renewable energy Sector a good sign but when wind fans working to produce energy also disperse the route of proper air
direction which will be the causing problem of environmental issue like seasonal weather effects for rains and hydro energy sector projects water storages capacities decrease / Less Levels?

2. Grounds, Hills, Sea, Oceans, everywhere wind forms create energy from environmental air travelling paths, and send it to the required portion of power sector uses. But due to the above mention observations come into the way of this source of energy sector?

3. If we use air / wind for only the utilization for one object as described, then our Global Earth Planet will be disturb and life cycle will be change.

Reservations / Obligations for the Solar Energy Sector.

1. Solar Energy Sector also spreading / Growing / Rapidly on houses, big buildings, Solar parks, Solar forms same as we study in wind energy sector, Sun heat reach directly towards Solar Panels and after storing the heat delivered energy to require places for utilization of entire world need as we know Globalization and its developments so fast in every where as we discuss in above wind subject accordingly.

2. The portion of Panels in all over the entire world if we see to its below / under side areas, there is no heating and lighting approaches so that due to this impact create same as already discuss in wind energy sector but here is some different case of scenario taking place because upper side of Solar Panel observe the heat and light but lower area of Land surface doesn’t do so and heat and light is not reaching
there properly, causing problems for environment in shape of seasonal and life cycle changes in human being.

3. Same as in the nature of Engineering / Medical / Eco system / will be effect due to the above situation as well as environmental issues we all knows better ways for positive polices and its implementations.

We are not +/ - thinking against the both Wind and Solar energy system are good resources of our energy Sector all over the world production departments, same as other lot of energy making areas Gas, Coal, Tidal, Bio, Thermal , Oil, etc.

At the end of the subject discussion if we see the hydroelectric energy Sector is the useful way for all over Global energy resources only if some modifications / alterations made in Penstock Civil Design Geometry in the Vertical smooth transition type Section come from
intake to turbine travelling path in shape of box culvert type to enhance capabilities of its generation capacities of Dams, Reservoirs, Rivers, Flowing Water areas, Canalize water sources by canals &
Tunnels which are already produce lot of energy for entire world communities and its requirements . Details will be consultable with me on expertise forms.

Once again need to be identifying only for the considering of important issues for resolving in our future coming energy events , Seminars, Conferences, gathering of think tanks debates and consultations to find out solutions for the Global energy crisis which
will be come out in next future.


Hoping for the positive response soon.