
48 hours to end ocean clear-cuts


Our oceans are being decimated -- deep-sea trawlers are clear-cutting our ocean floors leaving vast wastelands. A crucial UN fisheries meeting is happening in 48 hours -- and it could be the turning point in the fight against senseless ocean destruction, but only if enough of us speak out now. Sign and forward to everyone.

ā€˜Trucks of menā€™ brutally attack indigenous Brazilians

The burnt remains of a Guarani hut following an
attack by gunmen - Ā© MPF/Survival

See also ā€˜Painkillers and pens used to placate Peruā€™s Indians as gas giants move inā€™

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, September 13, 2011 -- Survival International has received reports that truckloads of armed men are violently driving Brazilā€™s Guarani from their land, leaving them in fear of their lives.

Solidarity call for Gerze community, Turkey, resisting power plant company and state violence

Solidarity Call for Gerze Community in Turkey, who successfully defended its land against the power plant company and the state violence

Sign the Solidarity Letter For Gerze Community, who has been fighting the power plant company and the state violence directed against them!

We stand together with the people of Gerze! Letā€™s globalize the resistance!

Mt Isa holds first Equal Love rally outside offices of Bob Katter

Mt Isa resident James Newburrie has organised the first pro-gay marriage rally in Mt Isa outside the offices of prominent homophobic MP Bob Katter. About 70 people attended the rally on 11/9/2011. The rally aimed to show Bob Katter that not all of Mt Isa supported his homophobic views and see if Bob Katter would apologise for his long career of making homophobic statements. In particular James was outraged that Bob Katter had recently cited a petition of 32,000 people against gay marriage as "32,000 reasons" to oppose the reform. Katter had also recently helped raise money for an organisation that supports expelling gay students from NSW high schools. James wanted his rally to part of a campaign to gather 32,000 people to "like" a page on Facebook supporting gay marriage. James also had to overcome resistance from the Mt Isa council to his rally when they demanded he provide public liability insurance which he was eventually able to obtain from the Sex Party. The rally received national media coverage as was a very successful and brave effort from a self-described "first time activist".
Related: Jame's explanation of why the rally had a point -- Equal love rally attracts more than one man and his flag:Brisbane ABC radio -- Katter urged to walk backwards to Burke: World Today -- Australian Marriage Equality Press release -- Youtube statement by James Newburrie


Six logging machines halted in Picton Valley Tassie logging protest: 12th September

A blockade was set up in the Picton valley on the 12th September, to halt logging and call for immediate protection and the rescheduling of loggers out of these ancient forests. Police arrived at the scene of a protest in the Picton valley in Tasmanias south, where conservationists had set up a blockade. Six logging machines that have been destroying old growth forests, were prevented from logging by a conservationist up a single pole structure attached to the machinery. The protestor was later arrested and summonsed to appear in court.

Support imprisoned Tassie Forest activist Ali Alishah

Ali Alishah is a Tasmanian forest activist who is spending his second week in custody after standing up for what is right in Tasmania. What is not right in Tasmania is the proposed pulp mill, the continued logging of old growth and high conservation value forests, and the logging company Ta Ann. Ali Alishah has been fighting to protect ancient forests in Tasmania for over eight years.


Refugee activists call on pro-refugee Labor MPs to cross the floor

Media Release 13/9/2011 The Refugee Action Collective condemns Laborā€™s plan to try and change the Migration Act to make the Malaysian ā€œsolutionā€ lawful in the wake of the High Court victory.

We reiterate our demand to end all offshore processing. Asylum seekers should be processed on the mainland, in the community.


Rebel raid strips endangered Colombian tribe of emergency medicines


A Nukak child wearing a necklace made
from monkey teeth.
Ā© Juan Pablo Gutierrez/Survival

Armed rebels have hijacked the first attempt to provide medical aid by boat to Colombiaā€™s near-extinct and nomadic Nukak Indians.

Survival International has learned that medical staff were forced to abandon all their supplies, which included stretchers, surgical equipment and computers.

Protests continue at Darwin Detention Centre

Sydney Refugee Action Coalition: Media Release 9/11/2011
The daily protests inside Darwin detention centre are continuing. For the last five days, up to 70 asylum seekers have been holding hourly protests twice a day ā€“ between 12.00 and 1.00pm and from 6.00-7.00pm. More protests will happen today. The protests involve all nationalities in the detention centreā€“ Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Burmese and Ahwaj Arab Iranian minority.


HRA RELEASE: Australia in danger - an obstinate power hungry egomaniac: Prime Minister Julia Gillard exposed as a racist.

Will Melissa Parke and Louise Pratt finally stand up and be counted or will they piecemeal choose what to say?

Prime Minister Gillard is a racist whose personal characteristics such as her maniacal obstinacy when coupled with her ever obvious racism make her dangerous as a powerbroker on the Australian landscape.

Nuclear radiologist exposes myth of medical argument for ā€˜remoteā€™ waste dump

The Australian Greens today welcomed comments from a leading nuclear radiologist shattering the myth that a waste dump is needed in outback Australia to house low-level radioactive medical waste.

Greens spokesperson for nuclear affairs Senator Scott Ludlam said the comments from Dr Peter Karamoskos, ahead of the Senate debate on the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill, exposed the dishonest campaign to impose a waste dump on Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory.


US response to 9/11 nothing to do with victims

By Hamish Chitts

As the corporate media and pro-war politicians launch an intensified propaganda campaign around the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to sell the war in Afghanistan it is important to examine the US response to these terrible events and the impact this has had on working class people in Australia and around the world.

Chile solidarity - Melbourne, September 10 and 11

On the eve of the anniversary of not only the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US, but also of the 1973 CIA-backed Pinochet coup which overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, LASNET organised a rally in solidarity with students, workers, and Indigenous people currently struggling against another right-wing government in Chile, that of Sebastian PiƱera...

This was followed on Sunday by a commemoration of the September 11 coup, with speakers, music and a showing of the film "The Black Pimpernel" at Trades Hall.


Melbourne University students to hold pro-refugee rooftop protest

Student activists at the University of Melbourne will stage a rooftop protest on Tuesday September 13 to voice their opposition to offshore processing and mandatory detention. The protest, organised by the Melbourne University Refugee Action Collective (MURAC), comes as bipartisan support for offshore processing faces a crisis of legitimacy following the High Court ruling against the Malaysia Solution.


Upcoming Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 8 events from 16 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 16 September 2011: Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, Qld
Our Generation Film Screening
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Sat 17 September 2011: Highgate Hill, Brisbane, Qld
Keep the Kimberley Benefit Gig
"Join us for an amazing night of music,
short films, wood fired pizza and tasty
beverages as some great acts from
around the country arrive at Turnstyle
to help Save the Kimberley!"

Upcoming Melbourne & Vic Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 7 events from 15 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 15 September 2011: Bundoora, Melbourne, Vic
Our Generation Film Screening
With special guest speaker:
Walpiri leader Valerie Martin Napaljari from Yunedumu
Hosted by ESP (Equality, Sustainability and Peace) group at
La Trobe University
Event details:
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews


Upcoming Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 8 events from 11 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 3 July to Sun 25 September 2011: Sydney, NSW
- Art and activism 1960s to now
Sydney University Art Gallery
"A unique and daring exhibition has pulled together some of
the most important political artworks produced by NSW's
leading Aboriginal artists and put them in one room for the
public to see." ABC News
Event details:
Featured in Video:

McDonalds sham consultation greeted with protest in the Dandenong Ranges

On Thursday 8th September a protest occurred outside the information meeting organised by the Council of Yarra Ranges about the proposed McDonalds in Tecoma. McDonalds representatives attended the meeting as part of their sham consultation with the community as they continue to plan to ram through this development against the wishes of so many locals.
