
HRA MEDIA RELEASE: Numbers being done to topple Gillard - Ms Gillard has the opportunity to improve her legacy, thus far a discriminatory and racist one. She must make amends.


Prime Minister Julia Gillard's legacy is a poor one - she has the opportunity to move forward and though unlikely to be re-elected at least to remedy wrongs and leave a more pro-social legacy.

The Problem With ANONYMOUS: Conclusion?


For the history, start by reading The Problem With Anonymous. That article shows the history of ANONYMOUS in trying to hack Libyan Jamahiriya websites.

We clearly stated that the problem with "Anonymous" is exactly that: it has no ideology. It has no set of principles. It has no charter or platform. It has no points of reference.

The only trademark slogans are:

"We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."

As Mathaba reader ImpulseRelay noted:

Federal ALP threatens Assange and media outlets over U.S. cable document release

The Australian government has again threatened Julian Assange with arrest, this time over the release of the entire 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables online, in a searchable database. On Friday 2nd September, Federal Attorney General Robert McCelland released a statement expressing concern over the leaks which supposely include the name of at least one serving ASIO officer. He points out that "Section 92 of the ASIO Act makes it a crime to publish, or cause to be published, the identity of an ASIO Officer.". This leaves open the possibility that Julian Assange could face charges arising from the leak. McCelland also implicitly threatens Australian press outlets by urging them to "exercise caution" in discussing the leak. The Fairfax press broke the story of the ASIO agents identity on September 2nd.


Upcoming Melbourne & Vic Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 7 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 7 September 2011: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Indigenous Social Justice Association:
Discussion of Justice Reinvestment
"On to 20th anniversary of the Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody ANTAR issued a statement
criticising the lack of progress and putting forward a
range of strategies, including Justice Reinvestment,
a program being trialed in a number of U.S. States.
This meeting will discuss this program and evaluate its
usefulness in the Australian context"


Upcoming Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 10 events from 4 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 3 July to Sun 25 September 2011: Sydney, NSW
- Art and activism 1960s to now
Sydney University Art Gallery
"A unique and daring exhibition has pulled together some of
the most important political artworks produced by NSW's
leading Aboriginal artists and put them in one room for the
public to see." ABC News
Event details:
Featured in Video:

Upcoming Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 6 events from 6 September 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 6 September 2011: Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Qld
Homelands campaign training session
Amnesty International Qld/Northern NSW
"The training is designed for activists who want to play an
active role in the campaign, within their local group or as
a part of the Homelands Action Group."
Event details:

Event: Fri 16 September 2011: Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, QLD
Our Generation Film Screening
Event details:

Farmer protests in Sulawesi: ā€œMining is destroying our lifeā€

By Rainforest Rescue

In central Sulawesi, Indonesia, powerful mining corporations are greedy for the minerals in the ground there. In contrast to the north and south of the island, exploitation in the centre has only just begun. But already clear-felling is causing flooding and mud slides. With great courage people are trying to save their rain forests.

Last Wurundjeri school awaits government ministers' decision

In Wurundjeri Country sits the only Aboriginal School since the christian William Thomas established a school on the Merri Creek in the 1830's. Today the only Aboriginal school Ballerrt Mooroop College may have its cultural heritage desecrated for sewerage pipes, better views and car parks to be built for the new $20m disability school, a prospect not welcomed by the Public.


Help fund pro-refugee campaign ad

The independent community campaigning group, GetUp, is canvassing for donations to advertising against the Gillard government returning to the ā€œPacific solutionā€ of sending boat people offshore for processing.

ā€œThe Pacific solution did not break the people smugglers' business model; it broke the will and spirit of asylum seekers,ā€ Immigration Minister Chris Bowen told Parliament on June 15,ā€ GetUp! reminds him and all of us.

Sliding into the depths

Rob Gowland

The gall and hypocrisy of the US government and its NATO buddies continues to beggar belief. Using their own ā€œspecial forcesā€ and assorted mercenaries from such bastions of democracy as Saudi Arabia, they invaded Libya without even bothering to find a pretext.

Arming and financing a motley crew of ā€œpro-democracy fightersā€, amongst whom you can be sure are a plentiful number of US, British, French and Saudi agents, they subjected the country to a savage bombing campaign. After all, it worked in Yugoslavia.

The Shortwave Report 09/02/11 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Farms not fossil fuels - activists arrested at protest against planned coal mine at Bacchus Marsh - Melbourne, 1 Sept 2011- Updated 19 September

Four anti-coal activists were arrested yesterday following the occupation of finance company Cygnet Capital's Melbourne office in protest at its backing of a projected open-cut coal mine at Bacchus Marsh.


Australian regime to meet rebel 'NATO rats' in Paris, not Libya

From: Mathaba Share on TwitterFacebook

Shame on Australian acting foreign minister: meeting in Paris with rat representatives for fake democracy in Libya. Image: Australian People's Conference, the true face of democracy in Australia

Acting foreign minister of the Canberra government of Australia, which is not recognized by the original Australian population, Craig Emerson will join other neo-colonial leaders at a meeting with Libyan rebel representatives

Emerson will join other neo-colonial leaders at a meeting with Libyan rebel representatives in Paris, France.

Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr an inch closer - new witness and calls for an inquiry.

During the last couple of weeks Indymedia Australia and The National Indigenous Times in its most recent edition highlighted the plight of a West Australian Nyungar family whose young son, the eldest of their six children, was hit by a police four wheel drive. There is no question that the police vehicle hit him however the acceptance of responsibility has not occurred ā€“ and within this journey various acts and stressors upon the family, are clear acts of various racisms and discriminations and some of these with their origin-of-thinking from within the many inter-generational stereotypes and other premises.Much has unfolded within the fortnight since Indymedia Australia featured on its site and The National Indigenous Times featured on its cover, and as its four-page centerpiece article within The Big Read the plight of the Bellotti family and their seeking of some justice, some remedy and closure.
Related: More background on issue -- Support for Belloti Facebook page -- sign the online petition


Your urgent pro-refugee action needed TODAY, Thursday 1 Sept

By GetUp!

The Government's plan to send 800 asylum seekers to Malaysia for processing is in tatters. But this isn't over.

Cabinet is meeting tonight and they have a stark choice: to recommit to processing asylum seekers in a faster, more humane way here in Australia -- or to reopen John Howard's 'Pacific Solution' processing centres in Papua New Guinea and Nauru.

Zionist and fascists mobilise to support Max Brenner and Israel

See email below from Melbourne. Please spread the word about the next Boycott Max Brenner rally. It appears the fascists will be joining the Zionists to support Israel in opposition to the next Boycott Max Brenner protest. And they try to smear supporters of Palestine as "anti-Semites" while linking arms with the genuine article!!!

Free Palestine! Boycott Max Brenner

1pm Saturday 10 September

Rally outside Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (opposite station), march up to Max Brenner, King St Newtown.

More details from Patrick 0422 028 113 or Raul 0403 037 376


Anti-extinction campaign launched to protect 35 Colombian tribes

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, August 31, 2011 - - The UN has launched a campaign to protect 35 indigenous tribes from extinction in Colombia. Survival International works closely with one of tribes, the Nukak, nomadic hunter-gatherers living in the northwest Amazon basin.

The campaign responds to a barrage of threats that could wipe out the Indians. These include internal displacement, disappearances, massacres, anti-personnel mines and forced recruitment of youngsters into armed groups.

Letā€™s ensure Australia is never again complicit in torture

By GetUp!
David Hicks has given his first television interviews. As the nation focuses on his story, letā€™s ensure Australia is never again complicit in torture. Click here
to email your MP to ask the Government to launch an inquiry into the torture and mistreatment of Australians in Guantanamo Bay.

Australians are owed an explanation.

Walmadan Country calling - community awareness gathering in Northcote, 27 August 2011

Following on from the very successful ā€˜Keep the Kimberleyā€™ rally on August 14th, campaigners in Melbourne organised on Saturday what is planned to be the first of a series of awareness raising gatherings. See the Walmadan Country is Calling Facebook page for details and other reports, including photos, and a slideshow of photos on Melbourne Protests:
