
URGENT Appeal to Save Ballerrt Mooroop College

School supporters have issued the following urgent appeal for help on the picketline at Ballerrt Mooroop College:

"Bulldozers are on site. We don't want the bulldozer to destroy our Ceremonial Ground, Gathering Place and Spirit Tree. So come down and support and help us to Stop this from Happening. Re-post this to everyone that you know please. The more help and support that we get is much appreciated."


4 arrests across 4 actions as The Last Stand breaks Harvey Normanā€™s chain of forest destruction across Australia

Today, almost 50 activists have taken action at four sites across Australia to protest Harvey Normanā€™s sale of wood products sourced from native forest destruction. Four activists have been arrested.

ā€˜Australiaā€™s world class native forests are in crisis. The Last Stand has taken action today to say No Harvey No! From the forest floor to a Harvey Norman store, activists across Australia have taken a stand to stop the chain of forest destructionā€™ said Ula Majewski, spokesperson for The Last Stand.


WGAR News: Book launch: "Walk With Us" - Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention

Newsletter date: 23 August 2011

* Book launch: "Walk With Us" - Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention
* Research review: 'Does new evidence from NT women undermine supposed benefits of income management?'
* Interview with Equality Rights Alliance's Emma Davidson
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 22 events from 23 August 2011
* Muckaty Voices and Our Generation screening at 'Down Under Berlin - Australian Film Festival'
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

HRA MEDIA RELEASE: CHOGM, a welcome mat to brutal human rights abusers.

HRA MEDIA RELEASE: CHOGM a welcome mat to brutal human rights abusers.

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth during the last week of October will welcome various brutal human rights abusers. The capacity for the discovery of the truth is outstripped by the manifest of deceit.

HRA MEDIA RELEASE: We have called for the release of HADI, and other children. We have called upon the AFP to lead the way, we have called upon the Australian Greens Senators and the Australian Human Rights Commission.


The HRA has put out a call for a long overdue National Inquiry into the Commonwealth of Australia's incarceration of children in Adult Prisons - under age Indonesians, impoverished children, near one hundred, probably more than 100, with the AFP confirming at least 60 'age disputes'.

Reflex paper stripped of FSC certification

The Wilderness Society of Victoria reports on its website that Reflex Paper has been stripped of its Forest Stewardship Council rating because of its use of native forests in Victoria's Central Highlands. This is a boost to the campaign to protect these forests and force Reflex and their corpoate customers like Officework to stop loggin our forests. It is also a boost to local campaigns such as the fight to save Sylivia Creek and Cement Creek currently being fought in Victoria.


Refugee protest disrupts Immigration Department in Melbourne

A group of refugee protesters shut down the Melbourne immigration office today, in protest against deporting asylum seekers to Malaysia. The 40 refugee supporters loudly chanted ā€œRefugees are welcome hereā€ and ā€œNot Malaysia, Not Nauru, Gillard weā€™re talking to youā€. Four demonstrators staged a protest inside the immigration department where they gave speeches for 20 minutes before being escorted out of the building.


A New Approach - Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees and Asylum Seekers report - why do we have to wait for these reports and why do we have to wait for 'celebrities' to lead the way? People have died, t's time to change our ways.

What is being called for in the latest report, A New Approach - Breaking The Stalemate on Refugees and Asylum Seekers and undersigned by various celebrities and identities has been long called for by various experts and other witnesses to the Australian Detention Centre experience.

Poking a Zionist Hornet's Nest: Defending the Right to Boycott Max Brenner

On Saturday 20th August, about 100 protestors crowded the King St footpath as they marched from the Newtown community centre passing inquisitive customers and shopkeepers while pressing Boycott Max Brenner leaflets into their hands for the four or five hundred metres to confront the Max Brenner shop while chanting with full force, ā€œMax Brenner you canā€™t hide, you support genocide.ā€


WGAR News: Equality Rights Alliance Report: Women's experience of Income Management in the NT

Newsletter date: 21 August 2011

* Report: Women's experience of Income Management in the NT
* Homelands: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks's call to government
* Amnesty Online Petition: 'Donā€™t abandon Aboriginal homelands'
* Anti-Intervention campaigners back call for Homelands funding
* Online Petition: Save Ballerrt Mooroop College
* Federal Court dismisses Yindjibarndi appeal
* Submission: Children of the Intervention
* More on Kimberley gas plant
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

Norway attacks/Result of extreme right populism in Europe



Dear Editor and readers

Hereby I present to you my article about the Norway massacre
It is dedicated to them, who were killed, defending basic human rights, that all men are created free and equal and have the same rights
It urges us to continue their struggle

I quote Olav Magnus Linge [Norway's Socialist Youth]

ā€œFor all dead comrades, not a minute's silence, but a life of struggle."

May they rest in peace

Kind greetings

Astrid Essed
The Netherlands

Activists to take cows to Immigration department to protest live trade of refugees to Malaysia

Refugee Action Collective Media Release 20th August Since the public outcry over the cruelty of the live animal export trade, many Australians have expressed dismay that the Australian government is prepared to act swiftly to stop cruelty to animals but is preparing to carry out what amounts to the live trade of human beings with its Malaysia refugee swap deal.

People who are concerned about the human rights of refugees will bring two cows to a protest outside the Immigration office on August 22 to highlight the double standards of the government.


Melbourneā€™s Sudanese community to protest Sudan governmentā€™s genocide against Nuba Nation

Melbourneā€™s Sudanese community will protest Saturday August 20 against a little-known massacre of people from the Nuba Mountains region of southern Kordofan in Sudan. Nuba community leader and Shepparton resident Haroun Kafi said today that ā€œthe conflict in the Nuba Mountains hasnā€™t been in the mainstream media because the government of Sudan has prevented journalists and UN staff had been prevented from accessing the Nuba Mountains.ā€


No Harvey No! Forest actions around Australia demand retailer stops destroying native forests

wave of direct actions have taken place across Australia to try to pressure Harvery Norman stores from stocking furniture made from wood sourced from native forests. The actions have been bold and creative including doing banner drops inside or outside stories Harvery Norman stores in Sydney,Melbourne. Blockading a in Nowra. A group of Tasmanian animals including Tasmanian devils and quolls even occupied the Harvey Norman store in Hobart! Well conservationists from Still Wild Still Threatened, dressed as native animals anyway. Most spectacularly one of Australiaā€™s biggest every banner drops occurred in a logged native forest coupe in Tasmania with a banner declaring ā€œNon Harvery Norman No! Donā€™t buy forest destruction.
Related: Spoof Harvery Norman ad on Youtube -- The Last Stand Campaign Website -- GetUp petition


Reportback from the 'Emergency Solidarity Meeting for Chilean Students in Struggle'

As a show of solidarity with the Chilean students in struggle, a handful of people (18-20) gathered today outside the Chilean Consulate in St Kilda Road, Melbourne. We delivered a letter to the Consulate, signed by various groups and individuals from across Australia, outlining our support for the studentsā€™ demands and concerns about the repressive actions of the Chilean State.


IMPACTS OF MANDATORY DETENTION - rise in deaths, illnesses, self harms, and the impacts continue post-release in greater numbers. MORE DEATHS TO COME.

Human Rights Alliance Press Release: August 19th 2011 The Australian Medical Assocation, following others, such as the UNHCR and the AHRC has supported our calls and our personal witness that Mandatory Detention has grievous traumatic and deleterious impacts and effects upon those whom come before it.
