chris bowen

Discovering the truth - Gerry Georgatos.

The ability to discover the truth is outstripped by the ability to manifest deceit. Generally, I try to rely on the context of statistics and facts to hang on to the truth.

In Malaysia, 29,759 foreigners were caned between 2005 to end of 2010. This refutes Minister Bowen's claims that human rights, as we know them, will be protected.

HRA media release: THE FORGOTTEN CHILDREN - up to 100 of the world's most impoverished children - WHERE IS HADI?

The Human Rights Alliance Media Release:

THE FORGOTTEN CHILDREN - up to 100 of the world's most impoverished children in Australian adult prisons - WHERE IS HADI?

There may be up to 100 impoverished Indonesian children in Australian adult prisons - we know for a fact the brunt of these numbers are in Western Australian prisons.

At this time some of these children's cases are being heard in Australian Courts.

HRA media release: The frontiers are ugly, violence and deaths on the horizon

The Human Rights Alliance
Media Release:

Urgent Action Required to Stop Detention Centre Deaths in Custody and the rise of mental illnesses. DETENTION CENTRES AT CRISIS POINT. Violence on the horizon.