self harm

Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

Last updated: 31 May 2014

* The Elders' Report into Preventing Indigenous Self-harm & Youth Suicide
* Culture Is Life campaign - Promoting community led solutions to Indigenous youth suicide
* Dumbartung convenes Aboriginal Suicide Crisis Summit
* World Suicide Prevention Day and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
* Aboriginal Suicide and Self-harm and the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* National strategy to reduce Indigenous suicide
* Other Aboriginal Suicide and Self-harm articles

WGAR News: Suicide prevention strategy targets ATSI communities: Australian Human Rights Commission

Newsletter date: 1 June 2013


* AHRC: Suicide prevention strategy targets ATSI communities
* NITV News: National strategy targeting Indigenous suicide announced
* CAAMA interviews Professor Pat Dudgeon about the strategy to tackle suicide and self harm
* Pro Bono News: National Strategy on Indigenous Suicide
* SBS Radionews: National strategy to reduce Indigenous suicide
* SBS Radionews: Applause for Indigenous suicide prevention plan
* Australian: Kimberley indigenous suicide prevention plan set to expand

HRA media release: The frontiers are ugly, violence and deaths on the horizon

The Human Rights Alliance
Media Release:

Urgent Action Required to Stop Detention Centre Deaths in Custody and the rise of mental illnesses. DETENTION CENTRES AT CRISIS POINT. Violence on the horizon.