
Retrospection mp3

Looking back with spoken word, song, and comedy to where we are NOW !

"The Economy Isn't That Bad" by Jeremy Essig, Rory Bremner "Impersonations",, "Regulate The Economy", Onion News, MC Samplers "Da Market Popped The Economy Bailout, GFC wrap, "The Philosopher" by Robert Reed

29:50 min 128 kbps stereo 27.4 MB


Support the Boycott Israel 19

I would like to request all who are able to sign the statement of support for the 'Boycott Israel 19' defense campaign. On the 1st of July, 19 activists including myself were arrested by police in a clear attempt to stop effective political activism in support of Palestinian rights. The campaign has been growing as part of the global movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanction against Israel and it's continuing violation of human rights. The rally on July 1, is a continuation of regular rallies around Melbourne Central and QV where Max Brenner operates. Max Brenner has been a target of this campaign because of it's proud support of the Israeli Defense Force, providing "care packages" to the military and particularly key brigades who were instrumental in the assault on Gaza of 2008/2009. For more information please visit


17 old asylum attempts suicide ahead of Malaysia deportation

Refugee Action Coalition Statement August 7th A 17 year-old female asylum-seeker due to be deported to Malaysia has attempted suicide in Christmas Island’s Bravo compound. Reports from Christmas Island indicate that the girl made the attempt around 1pm Christmas Island time (4pm AEST) while in the complex’s medical centre, where she had been taken as a result of her participation in the hunger strike and protest by asylum seekers facing deportation to Malaysia.


Earthworker Cooperative starts campaign for community owned renewable energy manufacturing in Australia

After the success of the campaign launch in Morwell last month the Earthworker Cooperative is now launching the 100,000 Australians Campaign nationally.

“We are going to grow Australian manufacturing jobs which produce the renewable energy goods and work our way out of the climate emergency,” says Dave Kerin, national coordinator of the 100,000 Australians Campaign.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 29 events from 8 August 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May to Sun 9 October 2011: Kalgoorlie, WA
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow - Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: 3 July to Sun 25 September 2011: Sydney, NSW
Exhibition: FREEDOM RIDERS - Art and activism 1960s to now
Sydney University Art Gallery

Be Clear, Not Nuclear! Hiroshima Day - Bryon Bay 6/8/11

Several hundred people - along with their babies and dogs - rallied in the heart of Byron at Railway Park to express their opposition to the deadly uranium industry on Sat 6th Aug, Hiroshima Day and to stand in solidarity with the people of Fukushima.

Quoting economist Joseph Steiglitz, MC Harsha Prabhu pointed out the similarities between Wall Street and Fukushima, both symbols of rogue capitalism: delusional speculation, technological hubris, public subsidies and private greed. The fate of the planet hinged on who would win the war: the corporations or the people.


Hiroshima Day vigil at GPO - Melbourne, 6 August 2011

Representatives of Japanese for Peace and ICAN held a low-key vigil on the steps of the old GPO in Bourke Street, displaying banners and handing out flyers for the afternoon’s Peace Concert at the State Library and postcards relating to the Future Fund’s investments in the nuclear weapons industry. They shared the venue with members of Women in Black also holding a vigil calling for peace in Palestine.


Anti-racist rally confronts bigots in Brisbane

Below is a reprinted article from the Direct Action Socialist newspaper about an anti-racism rally in Brisbane. The text is by Owain Jones. The rhetoric of groups such as the APDM is the same as the Norwegian killer Andrew Brevnick who demonstrated the dangers that can follow from allowing right wing Islamophobes to flourish. These groups feed off the Islamophobia and xenophobia of the mainstream political parties to try and create an opening for the growth of far right nationalism/facism withint the community.


Malaysia deportees call for help, declare hunger strike. Advocates demand access to the asylum seekers.

Refugee Action Coalition Statement 5th August Refugee advocates tonight received a distressed call for help from one of the asylum seekers being held pending removal to Malaysia. The short call said only, “We are in a bad way, we need help. We are starting a hunger strike.”


The (Sha)revolution

The Sharehood started in 2008 as an idea. Theo was living in an inner city suburb of Melbourne’s north and his house didn’t have a washing machine. He was walking to a friends’ house to do his laundry when he realised many folks in his street would have washing machines and if he knew his neighbours, he might have been able to borrow theirs. He made a list of all the things that could be shared between neighbours and it was a long list! Then he distributed a letter to the people living within a 5 minute walk of his home, to share his idea and ask them to contact him to get involved.

Indon security forces fail to stop huge rally demanding a referundum in West Papua

Media alert Tuesday, August 2, 2011 The streets of several centres across West Papua are being blockaded today by heavily armed Indonesian security forces in an attempt to prevent a planned gathering of tens of thousands of protestors who are demanding a Referendum on the future of the province. However, thousands of Papuans have reportedly ignored the strong military presence and are marching the streets of Jayapura, paralyzing the provincial capital with their huge numbers.


Sydney forest activist scales roof of Harvey Norman complex

Media Release 6/8/2011 Today activists from The Sydney Forest Defense Crew have staged a protest at the Harvey Norman Complex in Alexandria. The company is being targeted for selling furniture and flooring made from native forest timbers. 27-year-old Matthew Rider has scaled the building's atrium to suspend a banner that labels Australia's biggest furniture retailer 'Forest Destroyers'. The activists have also suspended a stereo system playing sounds of chainsaws and falling trees.


13 NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 3 July to Sun 25 September 2011: Sydney, NSW
- Art and activism 1960s to now
Sydney University Art Gallery
"A unique and daring exhibition has pulled together some of
the most important political artworks produced by NSW's
leading Aboriginal artists and put them in one room for the
public to see." ABC News
Event details:
Featured in Video:

Call for immediate native forest protection in protest outside state labour conference

15 members of the community based direct action group Code Green have today staged a dramatic protest outside the state labour conference in Launceston. Two activists scaled 12m high flagpoles outside the Country Club Casino and unfurled a banner calling for the immediate placement of 572 000 ha of high conservation value native forest into formal reserves.

“The current Heads of Agreement deal does nothing to ensure the formal protection of Tasmania’s unique native forests and only delivers a short term band-aid for a failed forest industry,”* Code Green spokesperson Ali Alishah said.


WGAR News: Gurindji Walkoff from Wave Hill - 45th Anniversary Commemoration in Kalkarindji, NT

Newsletter date: 6 August 2011

* Gurindji Walkoff from Wave Hill - 45th Anniversary Commemoration in Kalkarindji/Daguragu, NT
* Sydney Rally on Gurindji Freedom Day - Fri 26 Aug 2011
* Video of Richard Downs and Ngarla Kunoth-Monks at UN Indigenous Forum
* Interviews with Dorinda Hafner and Alistair Nicholson about the NT Intervention consultations
* Background to the 2011 round of consultations in the NT over the Intervention
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 24 events from 6 August 2011
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles

The Shortwave Report 08/05/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 5) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan, and the Voice of Russia.

Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr

by Gerry Georgatos An Aboriginal youth, Rex Bellotti Jnr, aged 15 was run over by a police four-wheel-drive Holden Rodeo and more than two years have passed without any compensation, without any closure. When it comes to Aboriginal victims this is nothing new.


Money Doesn't Talk - But We Do ! mp3

MS - media samples, Robert Fisk, Onion News, Noam Chomsky, Kevin Slavin, Clarke and Dawe, social commentator Graham

sounds: The Nomad, Drapht Brother's Grimm, Entropy Factory Seconds, Waxaudio, Eddie Palmeri

related show: KR # 202 Understanding Financial Reality

35:52 min 128 kbps stereo 32.9 MB
