by Gerry Georgatos An Aboriginal youth, Rex Bellotti Jnr, aged 15 was run over by a police four-wheel-drive Holden Rodeo and more than two years have passed without any compensation, without any closure. When it comes to Aboriginal victims this is nothing new.

Nyungar-Yamatji Maaman Rex Bellotti Sr and Nyungar Yorga Liz Bellotti, 42 and 40 years old, have spent their lives working very hard to ensure the likelihood of the personal advancement of their children, in the belief that Aboriginal advancement should be achieved by Aboriginal peoples. They had never asked for help and had worked to ensure that their six children, now aged 6 to 17, have had every reasonable opportunity. They have given every little bit of what they have to provide for their children the experience and hopes of a private school education. Rex Sr often says that Aboriginal children are treated harshly by the public education sector. Far too many are forced to drop out of public schools. Rex Sr and Liz go without many things in order to educate their children. They have never wanted to be at the discretion of philanthropy. Rex Sr has often described that Aboriginal peoples have for far too long been oppressed by the inter-generational attitudes, premises and prejudices of non-Aboriginal Australians and that Aboriginal peoples cannot depend upon non-Aboriginal Australians to help Aboriginal peoples - however that Aboriginal peoples, even in the weighty blight of the voluminous adversities and disparities faced by them, must scrap for everything they can to bring about the reduction of the disparity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. Non-Aboriginal Australia has continued to fail in its promises to Aboriginal peoples, and merely being an apologist cannot ensure freedom and ones full suite of rights.
On March 6, 2009, the Bellotti family's eldest son, Rex Jnr., aged 15, was involved in a police-related-incident. It was not of his making, he was an Aboriginal person at a place that police were converging upon. Since March 6, 2009 the Bellotti family has endured the severest forms of unrelenting grief and for the most part had been abandoned in their grief - without any form of adequate support, in a bleak vacuum of inhumanity. Since this police-related-incident Rex Sr, Liz and Rex Jnr and his five siblings have not only had to deal with the trauma of grievous injuries sustained by Rex Jnr however they have had to cope with the culture of brutal silence surrounding the Albany Police and the Western Australian Police and with the contemptible minimalist fodder that we have all long learned to expect from various government authorities, ministerial portfolio holders and from the agencies which argue various demarcation and claim to be independent auditors and investigators.
On March 6, within the last hour prior to midnight Rex Jnr was leaving a Wake when he was struck by a police vehicle, a four-wheel-drive, with a roo-bar, which according to witnesses was driving on the wrong side of the road. It has been alleged that Rex Jnr was hit by the vehicle on the opposite side of the road, on the wrong side of the road, however the police officers in question deny this and conversely claim that they were driving on the correct side of the road, and that it was not on the opposite side of the road that Rex Jnr was struck by their vehicle. However, what beggars belief for many non-Aboriginal Australians is the keystone, almost circus-like police investigation that for a significant period of time struggled to take effect, and for a crucial period of time had very little form and content. There was no bona fide investigation during the immediacy of the event. However, for our Aboriginal brothers and sisters, for the Nyungar communities of the south west of Western Australia, and the Nyungar peoples number 34,000 of Western Australia's 80,000 Aboriginal peoples, and for all of Western Australian Aboriginal peoples, and for Aboriginal peoples across this expansive continent, and to those non-Aboriginal folk who have lived and worked alongside our Aboriginal brothers and sisters there is nothing here to beggar belief – this is routine - the silences, the mind-boggling fodder, the passing of the buck, the casting of aspersions upon the victim and the victim's family, and upon the victim's cultural identity and their community – for Aboriginal peoples these insults, these discriminations, these racisms are a daily experience, are matter-of-fact. They are some of the veils of this country's racist identity.
For near two and half years the Bellottis have been unveiling the discriminatory and racist layers which damage the Australian national identity, and which keep oppressed peoples who otherwise should enjoy a right to their historical and contemporary identities, who should be able to enjoy unfettered self-determination through various political persuasions and cultural settings. The Bellottis have not only been staring into the abyss of spiteful hate by those who are scared by the Bellottis unveiling the layers of racism however they are now being victimised by this very hate because they have the audacity to seek some raindrops of justice, some remedy, some closure for a police-related-incident which thereabouts just about destroyed the life, and most certainly the once immediate hopes, of their son, and which has spiralled Rex Bellotti Jnr into a dark world of melancholia and into the high-end risk of various clinical disorders. Rex Jnr seeks respite through damaging altered states when he cannot cope with the grief of his injuries and the discriminatory and racist insults from the hostile silences that humiliate him and his family. The trauma is so deep for Rex Jnr that he has to live apart from his immediate family, far from the sterile inhumanities of a metropolis such as Perth, and is now living in northern WA, in Carnarvon, with his Aunty Melanie. His family is trying to find the money to buy a caravan for him to live in, with a modicum of independence, on a nearby property to his Aunty in Carnarvon while the passing of time tries to heal Rex's physical and mental wounds. In the meantime the various authorities, who should represent the interests of each of us rather than some of us, act as if they have a right to be affronted by the questions put to them by the family and by others who are now in support of the rights of this family which for far too long endured what most Aboriginal peoples far too often suffer in silence when they have been victim to various injustices.
Simply, this whole article can be summed up with the assertion that Police should not investigate Police - this should be 'a given'.
Since the 6th of March 2009, it has remained unclear whether then promising footballer Rex Bellotti Jnr will need to have his right leg amputated after he was run over by the four-wheel-drive police vehicle, in Albany, Western Australia. The police vehicle struck Rex Jnr with such force that it dragged Rex Jnr under the vehicle, breaking his femur and horrifically extensively lacerating his right leg. The police reports which have been secured under Police Freedom of Information Acts state that the police officers in question allege the vehicle was not being driven at a speed greater than 41 kmph at the time of the impact with Rex Bellotti Jnr. Though not impossible, it is difficult to fathom how any vehicle travelling at only 41 kmph would subsume a reasonably sized human being asunder beneath its undercarriage. For the average person it is difficult to imagine a vehicle travelling at only, or less than, 41 kmph causing the grievous injuries that Rex Bellotti Jnr incurred in that impact. Aside those involved and those alleged as witnesses we would know much more today, and be able to displace the presumptions of various questionable and conflicting evidences beyond reasonable doubt, if this police-related-incident had obliged the courtesy of an extensive investigation. Demarcated investigators should have been called in to examine the scene of the accident, to ensure a full forensic examination, to ensure that all potential witnesses had provided their testimonies. Most of this, if not all of this, did not occur. Therefore, once again the opportunity for trust building exercises between non-Aboriginal Australians and our Aboriginal brothers and sisters has been shattered.
It has been alleged the police officers involved did not stay long and in fact left the scene of the police-related-incident and that to some of those present, and to many supporters and advocates of the Bellotti family, this is in effect the 'leaving of the scene of an accident' which Australians have been schooled by the news media and by the Police at every opportunity for us to understand that the leaving of a scene of a crime and accident are unlawful and in fact are a criminal offence. Many people, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal believe that the involved police officers could be guilty of a 'hit and run'. The police reports are not clear however they do describe the involved police officers as having remained at the scene for a period of time and that in fact other police officers did arrive. Witnesses have described that Rex Jnr was hit on the opposite side of the road. Witnesses, who were at the Wake, or who were Passers-By, describe that the involved police did not remain at the scene and according to them in fact they left the scene of the accident, and that in fact at no time while they may have been there did any police officers offer to assist Rex Jnr., and that they did not assist Rex Jnr. However the police reports describe the presence of the involved police officers and of another Albany Police Officer having been called to the scene. Rex Jnr., lay encumbered by his injuries pale, hardly a murmur, bleeding profusely, and many would have been questioning whether there was a whisper of life left in Rex’s body, and yet the police officers did not assist. The police reports do describe that the involved police officers called for an ambulance. The victim was left in the care of bereft and horrified relatives and friends and shocked Passers-By. Fortunately, one of the Passers-By was an off-duty medic who in the immediacy provided assistance.
Thirteen hours would pass before Rex Jnr., with his injuries threatening his very life, utterly traumatised, would undergo urgent surgery. Rex Sr., has explained that by this time irreparable damage had occurred to the leg in question. Rex Sr., and Liz with eyes welling, exhale pained sighs of relief in the fact that their son was not killed by the impact.
If Rex Jnr had died at the scene or some time later in hospital he would in fact have been another Australian Deaths in Custody statistic. Rex would have been an Aboriginal and Australian deaths in custody statistic. This would have been a police-custodial-related death in custody. There have been 2056 Australian deaths in custody between 1980 to 2008, with 379 of these deaths Aboriginal deaths in custody. Between 1980 to May 1989 there were 99 Aboriginal deaths in custody. However since May 1989 the crude totals have risen, with thereabouts 150 Aboriginal deaths in custody each decade since. During this last decade Aboriginal deaths in custody have in fact increased as a proportion of total deaths in custody in this country - in fact from 18.3% during the nineties to 20.2%. Since 2008 to present there have occurred thereabouts another 160 Australian deaths in custody, and my research indicates Aboriginal deaths in custody rising both in terms of crude totals and in terms of proportion to total deaths and in proportion to the total Australian population. Western Australia has Australia’s worst Aboriginal deaths in custody record, and during 2008 WA had three times the national average of Aboriginal deaths in custody. Western Australia has the worst incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples in Australia, and Aboriginal people die in custody in Western Australia younger than anywhere else in Australia. The lowest median average of age is in Western Australia. It is imperative to seek explanations as to why they die younger in Western Australian police and prison custodial related incidents than elsewhere in this country. Western Australian Aboriginal peoples are more likely to die in custody, especially prison-custodial, than non-Aboriginal peoples, at rates much worse than any other Australian territory or state. Are Western Australian Aboriginal peoples and their youth this bad or is the criminal justice system skewered and the non-Aboriginal peoples of WA harsh upon Aboriginal peoples? In my 17 years in Western Australia, a place I now call home and very likely where my bones will rest, I have never been so appalled by the various prejudices and racisms and by the abhorrent disregard by the majority of the Western Australian population towards its Aboriginal peoples. One government after another is at fault for its persistent human rights abuses and its impoverishment of peoples long owed their freedom.
The disturbing fact is that none of these thousands of deaths in custody, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, have culminated in a successful prosecution of police or prison officers. The average Australian knows for a fact that some of these deaths are without reservation the result of not only inhumane maltreatment of peoples however that they are the result of criminal negligence and sheer violence. The Australian landscape, cultural and political, is stained by the bloody memories we own, and which affect our national identity and tear at our very humanity, of the unnatural deaths of so many people while within various custody. For every death in police and prison custody it is a given that there are many near deaths in custody, such as that of Rex Jnr., and that for every death in custody, it is another given that there are scores of people maltreated, abused, and beaten to a pulp – and for every death in custody such as that of 16 year old Roebourne boy John Pat who was beaten and had his skull smashed as it slammed to the concrete, and similarly of the death of Palm Island's Mulrunji Doomadjee, there are scores of people taken to within an inch of their life such as Kevin Spratt, tasered at least 41 times over five incidents by Western Australian police and prison officers.
Our ability to discover the truth is outstripped by our ability to manifest deceit.
Western Australian Police Officers lied that Kevin Spratt was a physical danger to them and that he was resisting arrest. The Western Australian Corruption and Crimes Commission thanks only to the harsh unavoidable brunt of CCTV footage proved that the Western Australian Police Officers in question brutishly lied and that they outrageously fabricated the charge sheet. Subsequent the CCC's viewing of the CCTV footage, the CCC had no choice but to instruct that certain convictions against Kevin Spratt be quashed. It is self evident that the nine police officers, and similarly with the prison officers, 'covered' for each other even if it was by 'silence'. In terms of the litany of charges against Kevin Spratt that he resisted arrest and that he was violent to police, or that he was a physical threat to them, an innocent man was persecuted. If such an obvious culture of cruel favour-dispensation and vicious nepotism and the immoral covering up for each other has been proven again and again why would we all of a sudden trust in police investigating police? This culture does not just victimise Aboriginal peoples, however it is obvious they are the victims of this more often, it also occurs to non-Aboriginal Australians, as has been proven not just in Western Australia, once again by various CCTV footage, however throughout Australia. It can be argued that it is human nature to cower support for one another in a profession as difficult as that of a police officer. People will sacrifice others, even if innocent of any wrong-doing, before they will own up to their perpetration of injustice, even if inadvertent.
Rex Jnr's distraught parents arrived at Albany Hospital to find their son sedated by medication however acutely traumatised. Their son said to them that a police vehicle hit him, and he had tried to get out of the way when all of a sudden he saw it. Rex Jnr said that he was trying to cross the road when all of a sudden the lights of the vehicle came on. He does not remember much more than this as he suffered heavy concussion. Rex Sr said that it is often the case that police vehicles attend events, even Wakes, where Aboriginal peoples coalesce. His son's comment that the police vehicle's lights were not on and then were suddenly turned on does not surprise Rex Sr. He believes that often police vehicles at night when approaching such gatherings may turn their lights off so as not to be conspicuous. However the Police reports do not support the claim that the police vehicle may have had its lights off for any period of time during the heart of night's darkness.
Rex Jnr's injuries were life threateningly serious and at near six o'clock the following morning the Royal Flying Doctor flew out of Albany with Rex Jnr for Perth and from there onwards by ambulance to Royal Perth Hospital.
After Rex's surgery at Royal Perth Hospital he was humiliated by the prejudicial stereotypes and assumptions of some non-Aboriginal Australians. Rex Jnr was forced to undergo a supposedly 'random strip search' after medication in his shared ward apparently went missing. Rex Jnr's parents, Rex Snr and Liz, after working hard all their lives, after trying to develop one opportunity after another in their Albany-based family life, while managing the various humblings of the various layers of racism that work only to spite many Aboriginal folk, had to pack up and leave Albany for good and of course with their other five children and relocate more than four hundred kilometres north to Perth so as to be able to provide adequate and appropriate care for Rex Jnr. They have endured a two year struggle in the seeking of a sliver of justice, and it is always obvious that in a country like Australia with a predominant hostile denial of its racist identity that real or substantive justice for them shall never succeed. However they are entitled to aspire to some justice, and to some closure through various remedies and in the seeking of some admissions of liability and some ownership of culpability and maybe even some discovery of other vicarious liability. Rex Jnr's injuries, as grievious and as life threatening as they remain, in terms of him refusing an amputation if it were to become necessary, are no longer limited to just physical injuries.
Rex Jnr is finding it difficult to come to terms that his life has been dishevelled, that a once promising footballing career has come to an end. His mother encourages his siblings to not play or speak football when Rex Jnr is nearby as this can send him spiralling into depression. Rex Jnr's deepest wounds come from the fact that the police will not admit that they hit him on the opposite of the road, and that he did not as the police claim intentionally step in front of the police vehicle, a four-wheel-drive with a roo-bar. Rex's deepest wounds are that his testimony means nothing to most of non-Aboriginal Australia however of late he has been comforted by seeing others, many non-Aboriginal Australians, support and advocate for Rex's truth, for Rex's right to be heard and for Rex's full suite of rights. Rex can see that his identity is not seen by every non-Aboriginal Australian as a liability and that he is entitled to be a Nyungar, a Yamatji, an Australian and entitled to be enobled with human worth and dignity. This was denied to Rex by the disgraceful police handling of the investigation.
The core problems with the police investigation of the police-related-incident in which Rex Jnr was hit and run over by a police vehicle is that no third party witnesses were interviewed by police for more than a month. Clearly, it appears that if it were not for the persistence of his parents and some mainstream news media the Police would never have interviewed anyone outside of themselves. Other than the involved police officers, as if we are forever expected to maintain an investiture of faith and goodwill in our police, no one was interviewed. Interviews only occurred after The Sunday Times newspaper published a significant article on the tragedy. In the local Albany newspaper, The Albany Advertiser, the only article published four days after the incident quoted police officers, " appeared the teenager had deliberately walked in front of the ongoing car" and which they claimed had "...slowed down to 40 km per hour."
Why was it that for more than a month, local police did not seek testimonies from other sources beyond those of the involved police officers? Why would they have not secured these statements especially when it is alleged that at the scene people had screamed out dissimilar testimonies to those of the involved police and when Passer-Bys noted that they overheard disturbing allegations? An October 2009 internal police inquiry would conclude that while police mishandled the investigation they were nevertheless "satisfied that every effort had been made by the WA Police to undertake a thorough and transparent investigation into these matters." The following month, November 2009, the WA Corruption and Crimes Commission, slammed the police investigation - stating, "Given the injuries suffered by Rex Jnr., it would be hard to accept that the lack of obtaining statements is merely an oversight." However the CCC limited itself predominately to observations that the investigation was mishandled and did not commit to any acknowledgment of discrimination or racism. However, the WA Police can never argue that the CCC absolved them of the imputation of a culture of cover ups or favour dispensation, this remains as arguably self evident, though it may be argued interpretive, in imputations from this very observation by the CCC. In November 2009 Rex Bellotti Sr said, "Police investigating police again. At the end of the day they exonerate each other... they've got each others' backs."

Rex Sr's distrust of non-Aboriginal Australia extended to the CCC. At the time he said he doubted the integrity of the CCC investigation, after his family had been emotionally exhausted by the apparent indifference by the WA Police. Rex Sr., said "Do you trust them? In the past, police investigations have proven they are not worth the time and space and effort. At the end of the day, they can exonerate each other... they've got each other's backs." However at the time CCC Director of Operations, Nick Anticich rejected Rex's concerns and was quoted, "The CCC has referred the complaint for a full internal investigation... However, this is not a matter of 'police investigating police' as the Commission will be monitoring and overseeing their investigation. In view of the seriousness of the matter, when the investigation has been completed (by police), the Commission will conduct an independent review into the adequacy of that investigation." The CCC findings did include, "(Police) have admitted that Sgt (Jason) Liddelow made little effort to gather witness statements in a timely manner. His case management and investigation plan was fundamentally flawed and mistakenly based on the presumption that one highly important witness... needed to be interviewed prior to any others." Rex Sr at the time said it was good that the CCC had concluded that the investigation was flawed however added, "The CCC describes the things that went wrong as flaws, oversights, inexperience and anomalies. But these are just other words for racism, because the police did not investigate (the case) properly." At the time Police Great Southern District Superintendent Dene Leekong said, "I admit we should have done it better. We didn't get the statements from some witnesses in time. That's an oversight on our behalf. We had other priority issues unfortunately in our district at the time." This statement alone by the Superintendent is indicatively appalling let alone discriminatory and arguably racist. Superintendent Leekong continued, "We probably did not manage that case as best we could. We're certainly trying to correct our errors now. But it's not racism and it's not anything sinister." At the time Rex Sr said, "They can say what they want, but the fact remains they didn't investigate this as they would have for a white Australian. They were hoping it would go away, as it had done in the past where crimes against black people have been covered up."

Witness statements were finally taken by police from Rex Bellotti Jnr, and from witnesses Michael Coyne and Ashlee Riley. All three stated that Rex Jr did not deliberately run or walk into the front of the police four-wheel-drive. They gave testimony that Rex Jnr was crossing the road near a house where a Wake was being held and that in fact when Rex Jnr saw that the police vehicle was approaching him, when allegedly the headlights came on, he tried to 'jump out of its way' however was run over. Rex Jnr's lawyer at the time, John Hammond, was quoted in the news media, as affirming that after The Sunday Times published articles of the various allegations by the witnesses that all of a sudden he received phone calls from four police officers all urgently seeking to interview Rex Jnr. Mr Hammond was quoted, "Why was the accident never investigated until the matter was exposed by The Sunday Times?" Furthermore, Mr Hammond was apparently disappointed that there had been no community outcry about the incident in lieu of other recent police-related incidents at the time and he was further quoted, "Why is there not the same response when a 15-year-old-boy is run over by a police vehicle and faces life-threatening injuries?"
Central Queensland University's Cheri Yavu-Kama-Harathunian, Kabi Kabi Senior Elder, with a Masters qualification in Criminal Justice, and Coordinator of the Nulloo Yumbah Learning Spirituality Research Centre said, "In spite of the RCIADIC, the Fitzgeral Inquiry, the Dawes Report, other reports about injustice within the criminal justice system metered out to Aboriginal peoples, one thing seems clear, time for justice has stood still for First Nations people of Australia." Aunty Cheri pointed out, "Our people are still holding the record for being the most incarcerated peoples in our country and worldwide. Our people are still persecuted if we dare to speak out about the inadequate 'justice' process. Our people, just like younger brother Rex, are left in limbo while the perpetrator is part of the justice system." Aunty Cheri, who contributed research to submissions to the RCIADIC, said "Has there truly been any change?... When stories like (Rex Jnr) come to light one realises that those within the 'justice' system can and will continue to use the very same system to maintain the status quo - injustice - for the members of the First Nations peoples... I ask myself what I can do, how do we as a people construct within the 'justice' system a mechanism whereby justice is done when the perpetrators are officers of the system, public servants or the ordinary person in the street who commits a crime on one of our people... Misconduct in the police rank and file seems to be an 'in-house-joke'. It is a joke that is aimed at us - Aboriginal peoples, and is based... within 'the rightness of whiteness' pervading the most powerful social systems."
Whatever happened on the night of March 6, 2009, we may well, as a community and as a common humanity, never know, nor will the mutually accepted account of the evening ever be recorded, however what we do know without doubt is that for a variety of reasons, and some of them having root in favour-dispensation, in various discriminations, be they coated with an investiture of faith, that justice was not sought by the Albany Police at the scene following the incident nor in the weeks subsequent to the incident. It is fact that the testimonies of Rex Jnr and other witnesses were not sought by investigating police officers. This is unequivocal unfettered discrimination and with this point I have no qualms whatsoever standing by it. For the fact that testimonies were not secured from the various witnesses and involved parties indeed bespeaks volumes. Rex Jnr was finally interviewed by police on April 16, and in his police statement Rex Jnr explains that he was not intoxicated, that he had not drunk any significant amount of alcohol at the Wake, that if the police vehicle had its headlights on that it would have been impossible for it to have been missed in the heart of the darkness of the night, that the police vehicle did not have blue lights flashing, that all of a sudden headlights appeared, he tried to get out of the way, he was hit by the roo-bar and from then onwards went in and out of consciousness. Statements were secured from various witnesses at a snail like pace between April 5, in Albany to April 30, in Bruce Rock, and then to May 5 extending to Katanning, with various statements conflicting with the police officers' versions of the events. However, on July 15, after Major Crash Investigations filed several statements and memorandums, the Great Southern District Police Office 'found' that there was 'no offence' committed by the driver of the police vehicle, and that there was 'insufficient evidence for any charges' and that the matter was 'finalised'. What is concerning about this 'finding' is that in the documents attached to this 'finding' there is an assessment by the investigating police officer that there were conflicting versions of the events, so dramatic, that any reasonable person would have assumed that an 'external' inquiry occur even if no for no other reason than to remove aspersions and imputations against the Police however preferably in pursuit of a contextual truth beyond reasonable doubts. Police should not be investigating police - we need demarcated Police Inspectorates who do not report to the Police.
Two months ago, after two years of pleading for assistance, to no avail, from the under resourced Aboriginal Legal Services of WA and from the small social justice community group Deaths in Custody Watch Committee WA, neither being in a position to provide support or to assist in advocating for the rights of Rex Jnr, Rex and Liz came to me - my heart went out to their pain and lone struggle - and we coordinated a snap action rally at the steps of WA's State Parliament - in the pelting rain 30 people turned up. We stopped WA shadow Attorney-General John Quigley and Australian Senator Mark Arbib who both said their offices would assist. We followed up with another rally in the following week once again at the steps of WA's State Parliament - and this time 50 turned up. At the conclusion of the second rally the Bellotti Support Group was formed and has met every week since. Last Saturday a rally was held in Mokare Park, in Albany, on the main strip, near the town hall. More than 60 turned up, and more than half had driven hundreds of kilometres from Perth, Bunbury and Bridgetown. The rally was followed with a march through town and to the Albany Police station - where supporters and advocates spoke to the Albany Police via the intercom. The Police Duty Officer said, "You can protest outside the Police Station, you may not enter." We asked if we could file a complaint to Albany Police about the police investigation. He said, "No comment." We asked who do we complain to when we have a complaint against Police. He said, "I acknowledge 'your existence'. No comment."

Nyungar Traditional Owner and Curtin University Indigenous Research Fellow, Associate Professor Len Collard simply said, "This matter needs to be taken seriously. A young man's life has been destroyed and the people who did this need to be held responsible for their actions and therefore they need to be held to account."
Sydney's Indigenous Social Justice President, Elder Ray Jackson said, "When are the WA cops going to realise that they too are responsible to the laws of the land as is everyone else? Surely, the outrage over the death of Mr Ward, the tasering of Kevin Spratt, along with so many other abuses quite clearly shows corrupt actions will not be tolerated, and that mistakes and acts of bastardry will be paid for."
Recently, an Albany Police Officer was twice caught on the same day by 'speed camera' reaching driving speeds of 140 kmph. However he is yet to be dismissed. You cannot apply to the Police Academy without at least a twelve months clean driving record. The Bellotti Support Group is calling for compensation for Rex Jnr, in addition to insurance payments that are yet to occur, and for a framework of support mechanisms, and for some accountability for what may or may not have occurred on the night in question, for the truth of what did occur, for an external non-police investigation of the involved police officers and of the subsequent police investigations. The Bellotti Support Group spokespeople have assured they will not desist from educating the wider community of the indiscriminate discriminations faced by Aboriginal peoples and that they will hold Public Meetings in Perth (August 11) and in Albany, and that they will campaign to the Government of Western Australia in the seeking of some justice, remedies and closure for the Bellotti family. The Group stands steadfast in the belief that Rex Jnr did not have to be a death in custody for justice to be sought, and for them to stand by him, and that they will campaign loud and clear, far and wide in the name of Rex Jnr and all those who suffer injustices because of the wells of prejudices and stereotypes and in which their origins-of-thinking are inter-generationally 'old', from days when racism was matter-of-fact and delivered with 'pride'.
Justice does not come for everyone and more often than not it does not come for those who are the object of prejudices, discrimination and racism. However even though there is no CCTV footage to incite some expeditious justice, to raise the 'alarm', or to ensure remedies and closure this family and the folk of the Bellotti Support Group have no choice but to seek a sliver of justice sadly inch by inch.
Photos by Zebedee Parke

Gerry Georgatos
I love my Indymedia, if I want to find the news I come here. You don't read about these stories in the big newspapers. I must say that Gerry Georgatos is one hell of a writer but more importantly one hell of a human being. Mate, do you never stop, you are some sort of human rights one man machine, how many people do you help that no one else helps. Mate, you should be in charge of some of these big organisations that are there to help but don't! One minute I am reading about campaigns you write about for refugees, next minute the fight to free children locked up in adult jails by the government, next minute police running over kids, I've just googled the hell out of you and you just don't stop. You fight to stop deaths in custody, you blow the whistle on corruption, you take on politicians from every damn political party! you fight for people here and overseas, shit mate you should be the Prime Minister. Well mate may God, if he be, bless you and be with you because in my book you are one of a bloody kind and I too am a West Aussie and proud to live in the same part of the world as you, all the power to people like you. If I needed someone next to me in a time of need I would want it to be YOU.
In awe and with all the respect in the world. Regards, Martin.
Thank you Martin.
Thank you for these kind words, they do mean much to me, and more importantly please copy and paste the link to the article and circulate as widely as possible, do this for every story you feel others should know about, kindly, Gerry.
Re: Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr
Shit, this is bad.
(July 26, 2011 - The Albany Advertiser - Page 3, with a large photo of mum Liz Bellotti and family holding a placard with a The Sunday Times Article headlined "CCC slams police")
By Elle Farcic
GREAT Southern police district Supt Dene Leekong says he is offended by claims police were negligent during an investigation into an accident involving a young indigenous boy because of his race.
In 2009, Rex Bellotti Jr, then 15, was hit by a police vehicle in Lower King.
The Bellotti Support Group claims the police were driving on the wrong side of the raod and failed to stop and provide assistance to Rex after they hit him.
On Saturday, the support group held a rally at Alison Hartman Gardens, calling for an independent inquiry into the incident.
One protestor used a megaphone to recount the support group's version of events on the night.
He then launched into an attack of the police's handling of the investigation.
"Could you imagine that happening to you or anyone you knew if they were white? I ask you that," he said.
Supt Leekong said the police had done everything they could.
The investigation had been reviewed by a senior executive officer and the Corruption and Crime Commission.
"The outcome had not changed on all of those investigations," Supt Leekoing said.
"The police were not at fault."
"The CCC also found there were allegations of racism put against police, which I find personally offensive that we get accused of racism when my surname is Leekong and I am a Chinese descendant."
"It is pleasing the CCC supported our position that it was not racist at all."
I emailed the following letter to and hopefully it will be published in the coming days. The Albany Advertiser publishes tri-weekly, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
I am appalled by the nonsensical and misleading comments of Great Southern Police District Dene Leekong to the Albany Advertiser (26.7.2011) in relation to a page 3 article by reporter Elle Farcic about the public rally in Albany the preceding Saturday for Rex Bellotti Jnr who was hit by a police four wheel drive on the night of March 6, 2009 when he was aged 15.
I do not believe that we well ever have recorded the contextual truth of the incident and this is something that all parties have to live with, the WA Police and the Bellotti family. However what remains 100% indisputable is that a police vehicle, whether by sheer accident, carelessness or recklessness definitely hit Rex Bellotti Jnr. It is indisputable that 100% of Rex Jnr's injuries, mental and physical, and they are grievious, were directly and indirectly caused by the impact of the police vechicle upon him. His injuries were shocking and he is still healing. Therefore the WA Police, if nothing else, should expedite compensation and other paid for support - there should be no further delay as this family has been impoverished by this 'accident'.
I am a PhD Law researcher in Australian deaths in custody, and because of a number or factors, historical and contemporary, Australia has one of the world's most disturbing deaths in custody records, prison and police custodial related. Police and prison officers are victims of zero tolerance practices and of the fact that there are no demarcated Inspectorates to investigate complaints. In the most serious of matters police should not be investigating police.
Supt Dene Leekong in the Albany Advertiser article claims he is offended by claims that police were negligent during the investigation. The fact is according to both Police and CCC investigators there was negligence, clearly, however it has been limited to mishandling of the police investigation rather than to any assertions of favour dispensation or criminal negligence and other vicarious liability.
Police statements from third party witnesses were not collected till after a significant Sunday Times article. Statements had been limited to the involved police officers. The incident occurred on March 6 however statements from third party witnesses were collected between April 5 to May 16. I have read the statements under the Police Freedom of Information Act and some of these statements do not corroborate other versions.
How dare Supt Leekong state to reporter Elle Farcic that 'the police had done everything they could'? In November of 2009 investigating police officers admitted to The Corruption and Crimes Commission that there had been 'oversights' during the police investigations, and there had been assertions this was because of 'inexperience'. The CCC responded, "Given the injuries suffered by Rex Jnr., it would be hard to accept that the lack of obtaining statements is merely an oversight." In fact the CCC found that the police investigation had been mishandled. In fact as recently as July 23, 2011, the day of the Albany rally The West Australian reporter, Kate Bastians interviewed WA Police Spokesperson, Bill Munnee who said
the Corruption and Crime Commission investigation led to the re-education of police in regards to giving witnesses information about available counselling services. He said the "original investigating officer conducted an inadequate investigation" and was therefore subject to a managerial action plan. Officer Munnee said, "The investigation into the traffic crash and subsequent reviews have concluded that there is no evidence that the driver of the police vehicle was at fault."
How dare Supt Leekong consider 'personally' offensive that the police can be "...accused of racism when my surname is Leekong and I am a Chinese descendant." I am of Greek descent, so what? The CCC stated that it had inadequate evidence to substantiate any assertion that racism was a factor. This may be the truth however without CCTV the CCC would never have upheld some of the findings against police and prison officers in the incidents relating to Kevin Spratt. On that occasion police fabricated charge sheets!
Involved police officers assert that Rex Jnr intentionally jumped in front of the police vehicle. I do not believe this. Other evidence states he was trying to cross the road. However if in the event an accident did occur, or maybe the police vehicle was driving with its lights off in the heart of the darkness, in order not to be conspicuous, converging upon a Wake, where Nyungar folk had coalesced to pay their respects, and maybe neither saw each other in time, I find it questionable that in the heart of the darkness police officers could make an assessment in a couple of seconds that someone was trying to kill themself. I have long wondered whether they would dare to make this assertion if he were not Aboriginal. In this boy's case his family is a hard working family, with six children and all of them in private school education. I find it an insult to the parents that an aspersion was cast upon their son (and them) just as police officers may likewise argue they find such aspersons cast upon themselves. Several days after the incident the Albany Advertiser reported the police officers' accusation that he tried to kill himself. This was a horrific public statement. If this is untrue then this accusation is one of the worst forms of sheer racism and hence we are yet to unveil our racist layers in this country.
Supt Leekong owes the Bellotti family a public apology on page 3 of The Albany Advertiser. I do feel sorry for police, and there are police officers in my family, as the majority of police officers are victims of practices and zero tolerance protocols and other ignorances. Imputations and aspersions can be eliminated by demarcated Police Inspectorates that do not report to the Police and rather to another body or to the Office of the Attorney-General or a Parliamentary Inspector.
Gerry Georgatos
Article in The West Australian
Re: Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr
Thank you Gerry for letting us all know. It is disgusting this family has not received compensation to date. How disgusting is this? Sue.
Re: Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr
You are gem in helping these people, it will come back for you as karma or some good fortune. Your family must be proud of you.
Re: Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr
Awesome Gerry. For all those who are praising your good deeds, maybe they would like to help too? This family is an incredible one, kind and selfless, and fighting for justice while raising 4 other children. Fighting in solitude has stripped Rex Jr's parents of any savings, and they are in financial dire straits. Donations would really be appreciated as well as the simple fact of spreading the word. Please help where and how you can, because WE ALL CAN HELP, we just have to chose to.
Bellotti Support Group - Project Coordinator
Re: Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr
Shilo I will write to you and I encourage others to do so too. I am not in Perth so let me know in what ways I could help your JusticeforRex group.
Re: Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr
What exactly can we do from here?
Re: Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr
Gerry, for goodness sake you are a human rights machine. My goodness you are a brainiac, too smart for the majority and probably for your own good mate. Power to you.
NEW WITNESS APPEARS and Rally this Friday.
Bellotti Support Group
26 AUGUST 2011
12:30 - 3:00
Parliament House
Perth WA
The Truth. What They have Done to Rex Bellotti Junior
People need to know the truth, the truth that the reality of Western Australia is very different from the reality which community organizations, legal organizations, and government bodies wish members of the community to believe. That is why this article is being written, because Rex Bellotti Jr., a 15 year old child, an Aboriginal boy, was run over by a Western Australian Police 4WD, and all that has followed is lying, manipulation, intimidation, and no truth.
What is so abhorrent about this case is the conduct of the officers of the Western Australian police force, the legal community of Western Australia, certain organizations and the fact that the Bellotti family has had no support. All of the evidence, within the Corruption and Crime Commission Report (2009), as with the Western Australian Police Report (2009), is like reading the scribbles of a moronic compulsive liar. These documents contain so many contradictions; it simply does not make sense. The only thing that does make sense is that those Western Australian police officers involved are so arrogant that they believe they can commit criminal acts and then lie in legally binding documents, without being held accountable.
In the Bellotti case, we have a 15-year-old boy who is attending a wake, Rex Bellotti Junior. A boy who is reflecting on a life gone and experiencing extreme loss. As Darryl Kickett, his great uncle, said, ‘imagine if you were at a wake, saying goodbye to someone you love and minutes later, you are fighting for your life, and people are grieving for you?’ What happened on that night is unacceptable. It is unacceptable that two Western Australian police officers swerved onto the wrong side of the road to hit Rex Junior (claim supported by witness accounts). The key witness, who was five feet away from Rex Junior when he was hit by the 4WD, states she was just off the driveway, virtually not on the road, and the car came so close it brushed against her face.
It is beyond a miracle that Rex Junior did not lose his life that night, in March 2009. The extent of his injuries were so horrific that he had to be resuscitated twelve times during the thirteen hours it took for him to undergo vital surgery. This is an ‘incident’ (as the Western Australian Police Force call it) that left Rex Junior crippled for life. As stated by Rex Senior, during his interview on Sovereign Voice with Robbie Thorpe (19 August, 2011), ‘the only thing holding his leg together is his kneecap.’ He needs knee reconstruction surgery, and if they make one small mistake, knock it the wrong way, he will wake up without a leg, and there is no chance his leg will ever recover
This is a boy who was being watched very closely by AFL scouts, had a promising future ahead of him, but now all hopes of him even being able to walk properly again are gone. This call into question the issue of compensation, of which there has been none. John Hammond commented on the issue of compensation and stated Rex Junior was to receive seventy percent, however, I will reiterate there has been no compensation awarded to Rex Junior, despite the fact that he is now permanently disabled. This young man has never had a chance to have a professional career, or any kind of job.
The Western Australian Police Report (2009) supports the investigating officer’s claims that he was not aware of the extent of Rex Junior's injuries, not aware that they were life threatening. This is an absolute lie. One of the officers who attended the scene noted that he could see tissue ripped from Rex Junior's leg. Rex Junior was bleeding from his ears and his nose, he also had a severed femoral artery, (main artery), and there was blood all over the road. Rex Junior's medical report also states that his injuries were life threatening, supported by witness accounts, and this legally constitutes grievous bodily harm.
Despite the fact that there were at least twenty people, who either saw Rex Junior being hit by the Western Australian police 4WD or saw the events following the ‘incident’, witness statements were not taken until early April, over a month after the fact. The majority of those taken are unsigned, which means they are legally invalid and cannot be used in criminal proceedings.
The following questions demand answers; why cannot one police officer, despite the interesting fact that four police officers, (four police patrol cars) were at the scene within 90 seconds of Rex Junior being run down, accurately say what direction they came from? Why is it that supposedly not one of those police vehicles was fitted with GPS or a CCTV camera, when that has been part of standard police issue for many years? Why is it that the Western Australian police produced two maps of the ‘incident’ scene, with Rex Junior's body being placed on one side of the road in one map, and the other side of the road in the other?
Recently someone asked why more witnesses have not come forward? The reality is that if you are an Aboriginal Australian, such injustice can happen to you and nothing is done about it, it happens all the time. What happened in Palm Island, to the police officer, Senior Sergeant Hurley, who ‘lost his temper’ and murdered Mulrunji Doomadgee?
We all need to understand that unless we all know about what has happened to Rex Bellotti Junior, and so many others like him, and make a stand against it will keep on happening. It is not good enough to simply detach yourself from the reality, because even if you want to be selfish, it could be you, and this is unacceptable. Who wants to live in a community, where a young child, an old man, anyone can be run down, can be killed, can be beaten to death in a jail cell, simply because there are racist criminals within the Western Australian police force and vile individuals who protect them.
There must be a public inquiry into what happened to Rex Bellotti Junior, compensation, criminal charges against those responsible and there must be accountability from the Western Australian Police, which is what the Bellotti Support Group (BSG) is demanding; what we should all demand, now. The Bellotti family, a family of eight, has been fighting ever since March 2009, with no support whatsoever in their rightful struggle. Rex Senior and Liza Bellotti have five children, children who know what was done to their big brother, and know that those responsible remain unaffected and free to commit such an injustice again.
There is no way that justice can continue to be denied to Rex Bellotti Junior or the Bellotti family, because they are going to keep on fighting, except now, they have people fighting with them. This is thanks to the incredible brave new witness who has come forward, to those involved with the Bellotti Support Group (BSG), members of the Socialist Alliance, as well as the invaluable information provided by John McManus of MOJO Scotland (Miscarriages of Justice Organization). This is something that will never go away, and until social justice is more than a concept, it should not. Every single person living in Western Australia, Australia, or the whole bloody planet has a responsibility to understand that this has happened and that if we do not actually raise our voices about it, it will never end.
For further information, including copies of the damning Western Australian police documents (2009) and the Corruption and Crime Commission Report (2009) as well as other documents obtained under Freedom of Information, please contact the Bellotti Support Group. Please lend your support however you are able, as the fight for justice for Rex Bellotti Junior is a fight for justice for all.
Sincerely and in Solidarity,
Shilo Harrison Bellotti Support Group (BSG), Coordinator
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