global economy

Crash on Demand - Holmgren and Foss

Last week on Radio Ecoshock we looked at a growing group of activists, authors and scientists who say only a serious economic crash could save us from climate doom. Now we'll talk with the man who started this flurry, the co-founder of the permaculture movement, Australian David Holmgren, in a rare radio interview.

I'll follow that up with reaction from Canadian finance and alternatives expert Nicole Foss from

If you care about the future, this is radio you won't want to miss.

International bulletin about crisis : Why talk of “crisis?”

We want to attack a certain discourse, the dominant discourse of the crisis, which explains to us that its causes lie in bad, finance capitalism. We think the financial crisis is just a symptom of another. In reality what’s at stake is a crisis in capitalism itself. The consequences of this crisis will be terrible, but they might also put capitalism into question—or rather, become the occasion to do so—down to its very foundations.


Retrospection mp3

Looking back with spoken word, song, and comedy to where we are NOW !

"The Economy Isn't That Bad" by Jeremy Essig, Rory Bremner "Impersonations",, "Regulate The Economy", Onion News, MC Samplers "Da Market Popped The Economy Bailout, GFC wrap, "The Philosopher" by Robert Reed

29:50 min 128 kbps stereo 27.4 MB
