
UN Observers need to be stationed at all Australian Detention Centres. Asylum Seekers punished at Christmas Island.

The Human Rights Alliance Media Release:


Overnight the Christmas Island Detention Centre roof protest escalated with the response a severe lockdown. Christmas Island Detention Centre is now as bad as Woomera and Baxter. UN Observers must be located in these unlawful Detention Centres.

The Christmas Island roof top protest unnecessarily escalated and once again there was no appropriate de-escalation, mitigation or humanity.

Rooftop protest disrupts Christmas Island and Darwin Detention Centres

July 18th Press Release Both Christmas Island and Darwin detention centres have been hit by roof top protests. Christmas Island detention centre has been locked down today (Monday 18 July) after up to eleven asylum seekers began a roof top protest last night. It is not known if the asylum seekers are still on the roof.

The asylum seekers in White 1, Christmas Island are protesting against one of the White 1 asylum seekers being held in the notorious high security Red One compound– the so-called “behavioural management unit”.


Iraqi children amputees, victims of war, landmines, bombings, depleted uranium. We need your help.

Riyadh describes, "The years of sanctions have deeply affected Iraqi society and people have learned to survive individually and have lost the sense of community and caring for others."

"As a result of the 1991 Gulf War the province of Al Muthanna is littered with thousands of unexploded landmines and missiles." "There are many heartbreaking of disabled children in Iraq."


Save Sylvia Creek from logging

What a turn out! 100 march to save unburnt forests. The rain poured and the mists moved through the tall forests of Toolangi as residents and conservationists joined in to protect the precious Toolangi Forests form woodchipping. Save Sylvia was launched in order to protect a beautiful piece of unburnt Old Growth forest just 500 metres from Wirra Willa. A popular tourist destination and old rainforest. The forest is a mixture of tree's from the 1920's back to the 1600's. Yes the 1600's!


Murdoch scandal: hypocritical warmongers exposed

The scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch and his global media empire is giving the world a glimpse of what the face of power looks like today — and it’s ugly.

The revelations of networks of patronage and power, which link politicians and the police to corporate interests that believe themselves to be above laws, ethics or scrutiny, are frightening.

However, Murdoch’s reputation for deciding elections and dictating policies to governments, and the notorious right-wing bias (and looseness with inconvenient facts) of his media outlets, is not new.

Former Accru partner leads fight against child trafficking

Russell Hawksford, former Accru Rawsons partner and co-founder of 'The Grey Man' charity, has been working hard behind the scenes in South East Asia to rescue children from slavery and exploitation.

Child Trafficking in Asia – The Grey Man tackling it head on

Price on Carbon Pollution: Give facts a head start

As the carbon price announcement went live, politicians and polluter lobbies were in a frenzy. Check out this video to make sense of all the noise - and read our FAQs about why the sky won't fall in. If you're looking for other ways to keep momentum building, check out this community letter - it's a great way to keep your neighbourhood talking why about a price on pollution matters.

* How will the carbon price work?

Brisbane Peace Protestor to face Rockhampton court - media release

Media Release, Monday July 18, 2011

Brisbane peace activist Bernie Pat Maloney will appear in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court today (Monday July 18) after being arrested for peacefully blockading the Rockhampton military barracks on Saturday (July 16).

Mr. Maloney was taking part in a weekend of action against Talisman Sabre, the US-AUS military exercises being conducted this month in the region.


Conservationists arrested protesting logging in Tasmania and Sarawak by Malaysian Company Ta Ann

Conservationists have today participated in a protest on Hobart's wharf, where a vessel is being loaded for the Malaysian logging company Ta Ann. The protest highlights the ongoing loss of high conservation value temperate forests in Tasmania and the rapacious logging of tropical rainforests of Borneo and destructon of habitat for Orangutan and dispossession of the indigenous Penan people from their ancestral forests and lands.

"Four conservationists have attached themselves to the vessel, we are participating in today's non violent protest to highlight the ongoing loss of high conservation value forests," Huon Valley Environment Centre's Jenny Weber said.

Youtube video | Photos of the action

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 19 events from 16 July 2011

Newsletter date: 16 July 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 May to Sun 9 October 2011: Kalgoorlie, WA
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Thu 30 June to Sun 17 July 2011: Newtown, Sydney, NSW
Exhibition: Stars, Sky, Breeze, Trees
Photo artist: Jagath Dheerasekara

The great Indymedia climate debate

The mainstream press is prosecuting a farce of a carbon tax “debate”. In the one corner opposing the tax you have climate denialists, middle class welfare recipients complaining about their lack of “compensation” and billionaires such as Twiggy Forest and Gerry Harvery masquerading as “ordinary” Australians. In the other corner are the ALP and the Green’s arguing that the carbon tax is a bold step towards solving climate change and anyone who opposes them is a selfish climate denialist.


Forests play a major role as carbon sink say scientists

The world's forests remove over one quarter of current annual human carbon emissions from the atmosphere each year, the equivalent of about 2.4 billion tonnes of carbon according to the latest published scientific research. An international team of scientists, including from the US Forests Service and the Australian CSIRO, have quantified the greenhouse gas carbon sink provided by the world's tropical, temperate and boreal forests.

The implications of China’s increasingly active role in multilateral Institutions.

The implications for Asia Pacific security due to the active role and growing influence from the Peoples’ Republic of China’s (PRC) approach to particular multilateral institutions are both economic and strategic. The PRC has also been active in several regional multilateral institutions such as the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) but it is with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) where the PRC’s greatest multilateral engagement has been witnessed.

Free Belgrade six

On June, 16th 2010 Belgrade 6 anarchists were released and proved innocent (international terrorism) in the lower court. Prosecution than appealed the verdict. secondary court (higher court) on July 1th ruled that there were some processional mistake being done so they reversed the verdict. the trial will now again start on the lower court from the beginning (all witnesses, statements, everything). More informations (English, Italiano, Español)

Day 2 Youtube - Julian Assange of WikiLeaks exits High Court to "I Shall be Released"

Day 2 of Appeal Against Extradition Wed July 13
VID-Julian Assange exits High Court/ London.
Catholic Workers, War Resisters & WikiLeaks Support sing "I Shall Be Released"

Verdict on appeal against extradition to be delivered in the 2-6 weeks.

Mainstream media today in lynch mob mode....reporting solely on prosecution argument (same prosecutor who defended Pinochet when he was hold up in London!) and little reporting on defense argument by human rights solicitior Gareth Peirce and barristers Ben Emerson and Mark Summers.

Brisbane Food Not Bombs Kitchen vs Talisman Sabre 2011

Food not Bombs kitchen, Brisbane Square, Brisbane CBD, 1pm on Saturday the 16th of July- to voice our opposition to the Talisman-Sabre War Games, 2011.

These military ‘games’ are costing the Australian taxpayer over $100 million.
Who decided that? Not the Australian people.

The games are being held in various locations across Australia including in Shoalwater Bay, part of the Great Barrier Reef region; threatening the areas’ ecology and the existence of more than 25 endangered species.


WGAR News: 'Say no to government’s income management, not in Bankstown, not anywhere!'

Newsletter date: 15 July 2011

* 'Say No to Government’s Income Management, Not in Bankstown, Not Anywhere!'
* Interview with Rosalie Kunoth-Monks about the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Government uses Aboriginal mining royalties to pay for leases on Aboriginal land
* The fight to stop the James Price Point gas hub
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles


- New website

The Shortwave Report 07/15/11 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 15) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and the Voice of Russia.