
NT and Bankstown join forces in campaign for moratorium on income management - Barbara Shaw in Sydney

NT Aboriginal leader Barbara Shaw has arrived in Sydney on a speaking tour to build support for the campaign against income management and the NT Intervention. Her full itinerary is listed below.

On Thursday 6 October, Ms Shaw will visit Bankstown in south-west Sydney to speak at a public meeting launching a national campaign calling for a moratorium on government’s income management.

Bankstown is one of five trial sites across Australia facing the introduction of income management from July 2012.

Climate change, sea level rise and Australia

Average global sea level is rising at the fastest rate in 2000 years according to scientists, and north and western Australia is copping more than double the global average in sea level rise. The rate of increase has accelerated in the last 20 years which has been attributed by scientists to thermal expansion, small glacier melt and accelerating ice sheet loss from the Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps caused by climate change and global warming. A peer reviewed scientific study published in June 2011 from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has shown the rate of Sea level rise is connected to global temperature rise.

Related: CSIRO - Sea Level Rise | Potsdam Institute on Sea level | Sea Level Rise Foundation


Activist sees court judgment questioning jurisdiction over Aborigines

Aboriginal activist and trained lawyer Michael Anderson says a recent appeal court decision implies that Australian courts have no jurisdiction over Aborigines because they have never ceded sovereignty to the white invaders.

On Friday 30th September Mr Anderson appeared in a NSW District Court hearing an appeal by Ms Nicholson-Kitchener against her conviction for using an uninsured motor vehicle at Deniliquin and driving without a license.


Shut-down protest at high-output German nuclear plant

"Nuclear power harms Germany," projected onto the Grohnde reactor in a recent Greenpeace action at several German nukes

Allegedly ripping-prone steel and faulty welding were the focus of a shut-down protest outside one of the world’s most productive nuclear power plants at Grohnde in Germany’s northwest on 2 October.

A rally heard that if anything went wrong in Grohnde, it would also impact on the 523,000 people who live in the Lower Saxony state capital Hanover, about 60 km away.

Upcoming Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 10 events from 4 October 2011

This page last updated 4 October 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 4 October 2011: Chippendale, Sydney, NSW
Sydney speaking tour of anti-intervention campaigner Barb Shaw
Evening Meeting with Amnesty Demand Dignity Campaign
"This meeting is not to be missed as Barbara Shaw,
a delegate to the UN's permanent forum of Indigenous
Issues will be joining us. Barbara is a Mt Nancy town
camp resident from Alice Springs, and appeared
shortly in 'Our Generation' (2010).
Our main focus topic will centre on Amnesty

Callout to defend abortion rights - Parliament House, 8 October 2011

Ever since abortion was decriminalised in Victoria, in 2008, there has been a determined push by the anti-choice faction to reverse this long-overdue reform, with Right to Life leading the way. In addition, harassment at the East Melbourne Fertility Control Clinic has continued on a daily basis, and monthly assemblies by the so-called Helpers of God's Precious Infants are kept at a distance from the clinic by pro-choice supporters led by the Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights.


Rally for renewable energy, jobs and regional communities - Melbourne 29 September 2011

There were protests on Thursday 29 September in Melbourne,Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo at the Baillieu government's policies on renewable energy development in Victoria, with the slashing of the solar feed tariff and prohibitive restrictions on the location of new wind farms.

'The laws give landholders the right to veto any wind development within 2 km of a dwelling and ban them completely within 5km from regional cities. Other whole regions like the Macedon Ranges are excluded from any wind farm developments.


Anti-Gillard protest in Melbourne, 28 September

Same-sex marriage and refugee activists were the main groups protesting outside the Park Hyatt hotel in Melbourne when Prime Minister Julia Gillard was delivering a speech to a lunch of the AsiaLink and Asia Society (


More on the Walmadan anti-gas hub campaign

Melbourne supporters of the campaign against the Woodside gas hub project at Walmadan/James Price Point in WA have continued their activities: on Saturday September 24 there was the second Community Gathering at Northcote Uniting Church, organised by Walmadan is Calling (, and on September 27 there was a candlelight vigil at the Victorian Parliament House, organised by United Peoples of Australia (


WGAR News: NT govt's English in schools policy; Trucking nuclear waste through SA on way to NT

Newsletter date: 2 October 2011

* Reminder of change of venue of 'Rebuilding from the Ground Up' launch with Barb Shaw
* A Tribute to Aboriginal Youth Suicide and Stolen Generations: 10 October 2011
* NT government's draft update to its English in schools policy
* Plan to truck nuclear waste through SA on way to NT
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 29 events from 2 October 2011
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles


Japanese whaling uneconomic but a matter of honor and pride

Media reports from Japan this week highlight that the Japanese Fisheries Agency is likely to send the whaling fleet to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary near Antarctica later this year. A US$27 million boost to security for the whaling fleet is likely, despite the country still reeling from it's triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown. The injection of more Government money into the program is likely to be controversial locally when many people are still homeless as a result of the disasters and when many rebuilding programs still require funding.

International day of protest against killing of Hazaras - Melbourne, 1 October 2011

Melbourne’s Hazara community joined with others across Australia and around the world in protests condemning ‘the silent genocide of Hazaras in the name of religion and to urge the international community, the UN and the Australian Government to end their silence on this brutality’ (Media release from the Australian Hazara Foundation).


I said, “You lying dog, I seen what you did with my own eyes.”

by Gerry Georgatos During the last month Indymedia Australia and The National Indigenous Times in Editions 231 and 233 have highlighted the plight of the Western Australian Nyungar family whose young son, the eldest of their six children, was hit by a police-four-wheel drive. The incident occurred on March 6, 2009 and in that time the struggle for some justice and meaning had been lost in a vacuum of inhumanity, and only recently largely thanks to The National Indigenous Times and to Indymedia Australia and to the consequent awareness-raising have we prised some piecemeal gains.
Campaign resources: Belloti Support Group on Facebook -- Justice for Rex Bellotti Campaign Website
Background articles on IndymediaJustice for Rex Bellotti(4/8/2011) -- Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr an inch closer - new witness and calls for an inquiry(1/9/2011)


The Shortwave Report 09/30/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 30) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Judge's reasoning in Andrew Bolt racial discrimination case

Some of the judge’s reasoning in finding Murdoch journalist Andrew Bolt in breach of the racial discrimination act for his articles imputing that fair-skinned Aborigines identified as Aborigines only to get advantages.

Federal Court of Australia

Eatock v Bolt [2011] FCA 1103 (28 September 2011)
Last Updated: 28 September 2011

Eatock v Bolt [2011] FCA 1103



Burst of carbon from Indonesian peat fires - and India coal mania

Listen to this Radio Ecoshock special on Indonesian peat fires and India coal mania here:

While we worry about the economy here, developments in Indonesia and India could change the climate for generations.

Nobody is reporting on this. The peat fires in Sumatra are blanketing Singapore and Malaysia. None can put them out. Huge carbon emissions. Last time, these fires in 1997 doubled the rate of increase in greenhouse gas emissions globally.

If you had $21.3 billion how would you waste it? Rally against war and waste on October 7

If you had $21.3 billion how would you waste it?

On ten years of increased military spending and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?


On 32078 lollies for every child under 12 in Australia?
