I said, “You lying dog, I seen what you did with my own eyes.”
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/10/2011 - 6:21pmby Gerry Georgatos During the last month Indymedia Australia and The National Indigenous Times in Editions 231 and 233 have highlighted the plight of the Western Australian Nyungar family whose young son, the eldest of their six children, was hit by a police-four-wheel drive. The incident occurred on March 6, 2009 and in that time the struggle for some justice and meaning had been lost in a vacuum of inhumanity, and only recently largely thanks to The National Indigenous Times and to Indymedia Australia and to the consequent awareness-raising have we prised some piecemeal gains.
Campaign resources: Belloti Support Group on Facebook -- Justice for Rex Bellotti Campaign Website
Background articles on IndymediaJustice for Rex Bellotti(4/8/2011) -- Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr an inch closer - new witness and calls for an inquiry(1/9/2011)