Environment Victoria

Reversing Victoria's anti-wind farm regulation could boost regional development

Victoria has a new Premier with Ted Baillieu falling on his own sword, with Denis Napthine, the member for South West Coast, being appointed into the role of Premier of Victoria. Just in time as new economic statistics show that the Victorian economy is in recession. Restoring sanity to planning regulations for wind farm development could boost regional development and the Government's very low environmental credentials as it faces re-election in 2014.

Related: Petition - Let's get Victoria back on track: clean energy, protect our farms


Baillieu government budget fails the environment, public transport

Environment Victoria has said there is virtually nothing in the Victorian State Budget to improve Victoria's environmental credentials. Environment Victoria's campaign manager Mark Wakeham said the State budget was “deeply disappointing”. He described the budget as failing "to deliver on key environment election promises, significantly cuts environment and climate change policy funding, and ignores opportunities to create green jobs and reduce household energy and water bills."


Rally for renewable energy, jobs and regional communities - Melbourne 29 September 2011

There were protests on Thursday 29 September in Melbourne,Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo at the Baillieu government's policies on renewable energy development in Victoria, with the slashing of the solar feed tariff and prohibitive restrictions on the location of new wind farms.

'The laws give landholders the right to veto any wind development within 2 km of a dwelling and ban them completely within 5km from regional cities. Other whole regions like the Macedon Ranges are excluded from any wind farm developments.
