
WGAR News: Tracker's Brian Johnston: Reality in APY Lands different from media agenda campaigns

Newsletter date: 9 October 2011

* Tracker's Brian Johnston: Reality in APY Lands is different from the media agenda driven campaigns
* APY Council general manager calls for full community consultation about their needs
* Head of Amnesty says govt's "top-down externally driven" efforts widen the gap
* Media re Barbara Shaw's Sydney speaking tour - 3-9 Oct 2011
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 25 events from 9 October 2011
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

Call to scientists to sign anti-“biofuel†appeal

Europe’s agrofuel devours the rainforests.

In a joint letter 168 scientists have warned the EU against so-called “biofuelâ€. They say plant energy from field crops is anything but climate-friendly, which the EU claims it is.

“Treating biofuel as climate-neutral is very definitely not supported by scientists,†the researchers say. Rainforests are felled for agroenergy and rising food prices are worsening hunger in the world.

Five arrested at Brisbane military base

Christel Palmer Five Christian pacifists were arrested as part of group of 25 people protesting outside Enoggera army Base in Brisbane today. Enoggera Army base is a major staging point for troops departing for the Afghan war.

The group gathered to mark ten years of what they called an illegal and immoral war in Afghanistan. After a quiet prayer service and songs the group picked up a large banner reading “In the name of God Stop the Warsâ€, and proceeded to block the main entrance to the base.


Earth relay action on climate change entertains Sydney Road motorists

Motorists, pedestrians and tram passengers were entertained by environmentalists from Climate Action Moreland during Saturday mid morning shopping traffic snarl on Sydney Road, Brunswick. Wielding a huge blow up planet earth, the activists asked motorist to honk for climate action, cyclists to ring their bell, and pedestrians to sign a petition against the proposed HRL coal fired power station. See Images on Flickr


Abbott's 'Community Forum' in Bendigo neither open nor community focussed

On Wednesday October 5 Tony Abbott attended a 'community forum' at the Capital Theatre in Bendigo (See Report in Bendigo Advertiser - Bendigo forum a chance for some sticky questions). Attendance was by a selected audience of about 190 who attended by invite only. Unfortunately the 'community forum' was neither representative of the community nor very open.


Upcoming Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 7 events from 10 October 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 10 & Tue 11 October 2011: Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, Qld
Brisbane Regional Forum 2011
"The Indigenous Human Rights Network Australia (IHRNA)
invites members and those interested in becoming members to
attend Regional Forums across Australia in 2011. Membership
is free and open to individuals who are actively working in
and/or are interested in Indigenous human rights."
Event details: [scroll down page]

NSW forest protestors found not guilty

MEDIA RELEASE: 7/10/2011 Conservation group South East Forest Rescue have today called for the complete end to native forest logging following the finding of not guilty in Moruya Local court. In this case defendants were prosecuted for a Sunday walk in Mumbulla State Forest, north of Bega on the south coast.

Brazilian tribe’s ‘unequalled’ suicide rate highlighted on World Mental Heath Day

Guarani Indians evicted from their land, live in dire
poverty by roadsides © CIMI/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, October 7, 2011 - - On World Mental Health Day (October 10) Survival International has warned of the fatal and lasting consequences land loss can have on indigenous peoples.

An epidemic of suicide unique in South America has beset one tribe in Brazil – the Guarani. More than 625 Guarani have taken their lives since 1981, the youngest just 9 years old.

The tribe has seen virtually all its land stolen in recent decades by farmers and cattle ranchers.

The Shortwave Report 10/07/11 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 7) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

The Plan to put it all together.


The World Wide Movement is Great but needs to be tied to a working Policy. Politicians don't have the answers to your demands they are stuck in limbo. PlanQ can change all that energy, but can't do it without you. Need you to push it along loud and clear.

The following blog is in relation to several questions I have asked myself about the ongoing circumstances revolving the GFC for last year and any action that could or should be taken by our Governments.

Philippines calls for progress in climate talks in typhoon devastation aftermath

Filipinos are fighting for survival amid worsening climate change according to the Philippine delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) round of talks in Panama. The main island of Luzon and the national capital Manila have been blasted and battered in late September and into early October by two consecutive typhoons which have killed at least 76 people and caused at least US$200 million in damage to infrastructure and agriculture.

JOHN PAT – a death in custody – “We’ll get you, you black cunt.â€

Gerry Georgatos "We have to get rid of racist cops. I don't want to dwell on the past but I have grown up bitter," said Nyungar Elder Ben Taylor. Mr Taylor is on the mark when he says, "They have been killing our people for two hundred years."

On 28 September 1983 a young life came to an end that sent a community into tears before it became rage and outrage dulled into anguish and sorrow by the passing of time. The tears of 28 September 1983 filled Roebourne, breaking the hearts of its Yindjibarndi peoples. A mother lost her eldest son, 16 years young. John Pat's death contributed to the call for an inquiry into Aboriginal deaths. Some things have changed however not enough has changed. His mother Mavis remembers him every hour of every day and not just on September 28 - there is a hole in her heart that nothing can mend, such is a mother's pain.


Rapes, beatings, intimidation, herds stolen - now Ethiopia’s ‘bulldozer’ government arrests 100 tribal people over dam

Young Hamar boys painted with white ash. The Gibe
III dam also places their tribe at risk
©Magda Rakita/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, October 6, 2011 - - Survival International has received reports that around one hundred Ethiopian tribespeople have been arrested and jailed for opposing Ethiopia’s controversial Gibe III dam.

Plans for the dam and irrigated land plantations nearby are gathering pace, along with rising repression and intimidation to any opposition.

Countries with no water

No Water.

Tokelau and Tuvala have no water. Parts of Samoa are also running out of water. Rising sea-levels and changing weather patterns have left some countries in the South Pacific with no fresh water. New Zealand and the US are sending bottled water and a tanker is sailing with a load of fresh water to Tuvalu. The Red Cross has donated two desalination machines.

States of Emergency have been declared in Tuvalu and Tokelau, and water rationing has been introduced in the parts of Samoa affected by the water crisis; they still have a few weeks supply left.

Sudden & Abrupt Change

It's a fine time for bad news bears. World floods continue, this time in Asia. The Arctic has an ozone hole. Oh yeah, the global financial system is on the edge of bankruptcy. Now we learn the climate can become unhinged, pretty quickly.

Both the economic system and the ecosphere are at risk of massive and abrupt change.

From the popular financial blog "The Automatic Earth" writer "Ilagi" on the European banking mess, and blowback to America.

Public vs. private banks mp3

Samples of Ellen Brown from GR TV.CA talking about publicly owned Banks as a remedy for ailing economies. Interview by James Corbett

music by Fine Line Sub Prime Decline The Richter Scales, American Economy Rap, excerpt of Another Day Another Dollar by Wayne Stewart, excerpt of 2009 Economic Crisis The Inflation Nation Theme Song, Keith Jarrett

Upcoming Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 9 events from 6 October 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 6 October 2011: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW
Sydney speaking tour of anti-intervention campaigner Barb Shaw
Public Forum
Not In Bankstown, Not Anywhere!
Why we need a moratorium on Government's Income Management
Speakers include:
* Barbara Shaw, BasicsCard recipient and anti-intervention
* Randa Kattan, CEO of the Arab Council of Australia
* John Falzon, CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society's Nat'l Council
Organised by the Campaign coalition of the
Say No to Governments Income Management:

[WGAR-news] Public forum launching a national campaign calling for a moratorium on income management

Newsletter date: 6 October 2011

* Sydney public forum launching a national campaign calling for a Moratorium on Income Management - 6 October 2011
* Alice Springs public forum: No Income Management - Women demand a Moratorium on Income Management - 13 October 2011
* Media Release by Aboriginal activist and trained lawyer Michael Anderson
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 26 events from 6 October 2011

Flooding rains now burning plains - Bushfire risk and climate change

Grass fires and bushfires are starting already, and it is only early October - with bushfire season officially still nearly a month away. The extremely wet season Australia had at the end of 2010 and start of 2011, brought on by one of the strongest La Niña on record, has stimulated vegetation growth and is set to cause great concern as it dries and cures in the summer heat with the onset of the summer bushfire season.


From our Hazara peoples incarcerated in SCHERGER.

Subject: stop systematic genocide of Hazaras
To: "Gerry Georgatos"
Received: Wednesday, 5 October, 2011, 12:15 PM

Unfortunatly after terrible terrorist attack at EID UL FITR (31/08/2011)in Quetta pakistan,our tears not yet become dry that another terror attack happened by cruel and ruthless terrorist at(20/092011) even seperate Hazaras passenger from others,and pull off them & shot fire on their heads & killed 29 inocent HAZARAS.