Avaaz hits 10 million!!!


Just a few hours ago, our community reached 10 million people!

10 million of us. From every nation, every walk of life. Hopeful, and serious about creating the world we all dream of. Campaign after campaign, we're winning. Not just the little fights, the big ones, the ones they said couldn’t be won. And we're just getting started.

There's never been a community like this before – and we’re accelerating – growing by 4 million in the last 9 months! If we stick together, anything's possible. The world may be awash with fear and fatalism, but people power is on the march everywhere, and together we're renewing and sustaining the most powerful force for change ever known...


With enormous gratitude for every person in this extraordinary community,
Ricken, Alice, Luis, Ben, Ari, Saravanan, Wissam, Diego, Mia and the entire Avaaz team.

PS – we'll celebrate this milestone soon in a big way – this quick note is just to share the moment right now. And here are some recent features in the media about our amazing journey and what we've accomplished together, in the Guardian, the Economist and the Times.

Avaaz.org works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages.

Biggest campaigns



To contact Avaaz, write to www.avaaz.org/en/contact or phone +1-888-922-8229 (US).