
Banner hanging a prelude of things to come...

"Goldman Sachs rules the world"
- Alessio Rastani

This morning we left a friendly message* hanging from the roof of Malcolm Turnbull's office.

Through it, we send our love and solidarity to all those occupying squares and buildings around the world as a stand against the global dictatorship of state and capital. We stand in struggle with the poor, the prisoners and the indigenous custodians of this
land, now carved up by mining and banking interests.


The Shortwave Report 11/04/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 4) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Indians demand action after Paraguay's 'hiding tribe' spotted

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, November 3, 2011 -- Leaders of Paraguay’s Ayoreo tribe are calling on the government to stop cattle farmers from destroying their forests after signs of their uncontacted relatives were found on a ranch.

The Ayoreo say they overheard uncontacted Indians on the ranch and on further inspection they found ‘fresh footprints and marks on the trees where (their) relatives had been searching for honey’.

Most of Paraguay’s Ayoreo have been forced out of their forests but others, including family members of the contacted Ayoreo, avoid the outside world.

Julian Assange loses latest appeal against extradition to Sweden

A British Court has rejected the latest appeal by Julian Assange, on Nov 1st , against his extradition to Sweden. The court also found nineteen thousand pounds in costs against Julian Assange. He still has the option of appealing to the Supreme Court but there is no guarantee this appeal will be allowed. He could face extradition within 10 days to Sweden where he could be extradited to the U.S. to face possible esponiage charges. The crackdown on Julian Assange is linked and occurring at the same time as a global crackdown by Governments against the global uprising of ordinary people.

Latest United Nations human index ranks Australians 2nd, Aborigines last, worldwide

AUSTRALIA No 2 ranked on UN Human Development index however Aboriginal peoples languish.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has compiled rankings of 187 countries according to their wealth, education levels and life expectancy.

Website critical of mining damage wants your input

Left: Rum Jungle uranium mine in the Northern Territory, which produced uranium for the American and British nuclear weapons from 1954 to 1971.

A new web platform for showcasing and exposing mines that have left and/or are leaving a legacy on Australian soils, in Australian rivers and creeks as well as affecting many communities’ and individuals’ lives is calling for your photos, stories (multimedia, video, audio) and information relating to mining legacies across Australia.

Occupy Melbourne back in the Treasury Gardens tonight

On November 2nd, after the 12th General Assembly of Occupy Melbourne it continues its travel around the CBD last Saturday to RMIT and then the State Library it is now hopefully settling into to its new home at the Treasury Gardens. Will the State allow its citizens to freely assemble and discuss how to create a fairer, more peacful and sustainable world? Time will tell. The following Facebook message was posted by OM tonight

"The park is safe; the police are being cool. It's going to be a fun night in Treasury Gardens for Occupy Melbourne!"


Indian tribe secures unprecedented rights to tiger reserve

Soliga man worships at one of 487 sacred sites
inside the BR Hills reserve © Atree/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, November 2, 2011 - - In a landmark victory, a tribe in India has for the first time had their right to use their ancestral land recognized – even though it is inside a tiger reserve.

In 1974 members of the Soliga tribe were evicted from their homes in the Biligirirangan Hills, Karnataka state, by a local government intent on protecting the state’s wildlife.

Bellotti support group blockades entrance to WA state parliament. WA Police Commissioner promises to meet

- "Better they had been hung than to have brought the system into disrepute." -

Gerry Georgatos

While many revelled in Melbourne Cup race day and festivities, the Bellotti Support Group, and the family of Rex Bellotti Jnr, gathered at the steps of the Parliament of Western Australia to deliver a petition to the Legislative Assembly calling for a public inquiry into the police related incident that has decimated the lives of Rex Bellotti Jnr, his five siblings and his parents.


"....At that appointment, I was taken by complete shock and surprise in that I had to endure false accusations with threatening, grossly intimidating, bullying and vigorously aggressive conduct by an employee of the Prospective Respondent [Centrelink] in his decision making capacity (as he advised me).....


Occupy Brisbane evicted

5:30 am on Wednesday, the Tactical Response Unit surrounded the Occupy Brisbane camp at Post Office Square and ordered a directive to leave the site. At 8am they had relocated to Queens Park, but were forcibly removed by police from there at 9am Thursday. 12 people were arrested. A General Assembly has been called by OB organisers for 5pm today Thursday, Nov 3rd), King George Square.

Occupy Brisbane FB | Occupy Brisbane website


Occupy Perth continues, it has not taken a break. Occupy Perth is on

The Occupy Perth actually HAS NOT taken a break as first reported through the news media. They did not stop after Sunday night. One group that was there, which is not actually the core Occupy contingent however was established as a link with the news media because of the rally for justice against the CHOGM on Friday, did vote to pack up and left and informed the news media that they would resume on the weekend and hence the mix up. However I have been speaking with the occupiers, protestors and they have been camping, are still camping, are still occupying.

Durban conference of the polluters

When I spoke to Patrick Bond, it was very hot in Durban. But it was 36 degrees C in neighboring Zambia. Bond predicts another wave of "heat refugees" will flee Zimbabwe into South Africa.

Durban is the site of the next Conference of the Parties, known as COP-17, starting November 28th, 2011. It is the grand gathering of the countries of the world, under the United Nations, trying to prevent serious climate damage on Planet Earth.

Occupy Melbourne: On 'spokespersons'

There has been some debate on these pages of late regarding the issue of 'leaders' and 'spokespersons' and whether or not they have a legitimate role to play in Occupy Melbourne. It was interesting therefore to read OM's latest press release which did not cast anyone in the role of spokesperson for OM. For example in one part it reads:
'...“It is important that all the people of Melbourne know that they can attend, contribute and support the 12th general assembly of Occupy Melbourne” stated Sam Castro, Occupy Melbourne member.'


An open letter to Occupy Melbourne

Learning to act cooperatively for the greater good is a hard road, fraught with the dangers of interpersonal conflicts and squabbles that can distract us from the bigger issues of injustice.

In the light of the difficulties some Occupy groups are now having, and the steep learning curve for all of us in terms of how best to achieve that fairer, more just world, we need to step back from the emotional whirlpool.
