
Solidarity with the Baiada workers: Coles flash mob

A flash mob descends on Coles in solidarity with workers on strike from the Baiada Chicken factory in Laverton, Melbourne. Baiada supplies major supermarkets including Coles under the brands Steggles and Lilydale Chicken. And supply fast food chains such as KFC.

Baiada workers have been killed and injured due to unsafe working conditions, the mostly migrant workforce are bullied into accepting terrible conditions, and many workers are paid as low as $10 an hour cash in hand, or employed as contractors.

Workers and community supporters are maintaining a picket 24-hours a day blocking entry to scab labour and trucks with live chickens.
Related Coverage: Support the striking poultry workers at Baiada -- Baiada workers not chickening out of a fight by Benjamin Solah -- Flash mob on Youtube


BBC short changes climate change in overseas sales of Frozen Planet nature documentary

The BBC has relegated the seventh and final episode of the Frozen Planet series presented by Sir David Attenborough to an optional extra. The seventh episode - On Thin Ice - deals with how climate change and global warming is impacting the polar regions and how it affects us all. The final episode is heavily narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

Labor backflip on uranium

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is pressing the Australia Labor Party to overturn a decades old ban on exporting Uranium to India. Meanwhile the high echelons of the Labor Party are pushing for Labor to expand Uranium Mining within Australia. Previously Labor has rejected exporting uranium to India because it is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


Why we have to support the national day of action on deaths in custody (Sat 19 Nov)

Saturday 19 November 2011 has been called to be the national day of action on ABORIGINAL DEATHS IN CUSTODY.

This is an urgent and strong call for real justice for all aboriginal deaths in custody victims and their families. From 1980 there have been over 400 deaths in custody nationally and no police, jail or custodial health officer has ever been found guilty of any crime in an Australian court of law.

Occupy Adelaide Hindmarsh Square camp threatened by City Council

Occupy Adelaide began occupying Hindmarsh Square two days ago. Since then they have been meeting and peacefully protesting as part of the Global Occupy movement(ABC report. However repeating the repression that has occured in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane the Adelaide City Council has issued the camp with an eviction notice today. The following message was posted on the Adelaide Occupy Adelaide Facebook Page


What does Occupy Melbourne stand for: Motions passed at General Assemblies

A lot of people have asked “what does Occupy Melbourne stand for”. In order to make this clearer I have gone through the available but incomplete minutes from the first 17 General Assemblies and grouped all political motions passed as well as listed targets for protests and workshops held. Below this I have also placed the draft declaration which is expected to go to the GA for consideration on Wednesday prepared by the Declaration Working Group. It would be interesting to read whether people think the declaration represents the motions passed at GA’s or not. Perhaps some of these motions could be also be highlighted by the media team as well when asked what OM “stands for”. It should be noted that I am sure more political proposals and action if GA’s had not had to constant ongoing harassment from the authorities.


Original Nations embassy threatened by cops

The Original Nations Tent Embassy at the Treasury Gardens was visited by members of the Victoria Police Force today. According to a message from Occupy Melbourne on Facebook at around 2.20pm, they were told to remove the tent or the police would be back.

Please refer to facebook and twitter #occupymelbourne for updates.

Press release from Occupy Melbourne follows:


“Council Continues Campaign of Harassment and Intimidation Against Occupy Melbourne”


Tree sit stops logging in old growth forest on the Errinundra Plateau, East Gippsland.

GECO Media Release 14/11/11

Tree-sit stops old-growth logging

Conservationists highlighting the ongoing destruction of old-growth forests in East Gippsland have stopped logging on the Errinundra Plateau by attaching a tree-sit to five logging machines.

The tree-sit is suspended 40 metres high in the tree canopy and is held up by interwoven rope that is tied to the equipment.


Environment going backwards under Ted Baillieu

Victorian Environment groups gathered to protest the Environment and climate actions of the Baillieu Victorian State Government on Sunday November 13, 2011 on the steps of State Parliament. To highlight the direction the Government is taking Victoria's environment, the protesters marched backwards to the Treasury Gardens.

Related: Melbourne Protests report | Flickr Photos from Friends of the Earth | Takver
Background: Coalition’s 2km wind farm veto sets a risky precedent | Retreating on climate policy - Victorian Government stops discussions on Hazelwood closure | Victorian Government needs to come clean on plan to achieve 20 percent emissions cut by 2020


Occupy Melbourne GA 12/11/11: The best free show in town

For fans of political theatre, the Occupy Melbourne movement has already given us many moments of high drama, the General Assembly (GA) on Saturday 12th November was no exception. Within three hours there were moments of anger and passion including a stand off with cops and council staff and a practically all in shouting match contrasted with hours of calm discussion in large and small groups. After all this eventually that magical word consensus was reached on the decision to defy the Melbourne City Council’s compliance notices and erect “structures”. The divisions within the movement between socialists, non-aligned hippies, indigenous and non-indigenous, campers and non-campers, working groups and others etc all came to the fore but by the end we all stood united in our defiance to political repression and in our determination to continue our movement for justice.
Related:Photos of the day at Melbourne Protests Weblog


The Mekong River and the millions of people it supports are in jeopardy from proposed dams

By Rainforest Rescue

The Mekong River and the millions of people it supports are in jeopardy. In the next few months, regional governments will decide whether to proceed with plans to build the Xayaburi Dam in northern Laos, the first of 11 dams planned for the Lower Mekong Mainstream.

In April, regional governments delayed a decision on the Xayaburi Dam, largely because of the huge public opposition to the dam expressed by civil society groups, NGOs and individuals throughout the region and the world. It is critical that we again make our voices heard.

Three laws - Aboriginal law, Western law, God’s law

By Pastor Geoffrey Stokes
Ninga Mia Fellowship

The Aboriginal law God authorised and ordained for this land but we also see the Western law and then God’s law.

When the Aboriginal law is questioned and changed the elders all must agree and God ordained this law

Romans 13


Bellotti Support Group - Acknowledgment of invaluable support

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

a couple of evenings ago i had the distinct pleasure of having a long conversation with rex snr. and being informed of the travails that the family has been put through and that they have faced so courageously.

their struggle for justice from both the wa government and their police has been a bitter one as the government has scuttled for cover as the police have been manufacturing their usual skulduggery and lies.

What is happening with the Occupy Melbourne website?

I was just on the Occupy Melbourne website and to my surprise found I wasn't able to leave a comment there. I found this strange as previously people were able to post comments on Is this an intentional change, so that people can no longer have a say on that site, or has someone made a mistake somewhere?


WGAR News: 'cA' paper: Cuts to welfare payments for school non-attendance - requested or imposed?

Newsletter date: 12 November 2011

* 'cA': Cuts to Welfare Payments for School Non-Attendance
* Thanks from leaders to supporters of the Yolngu Nations Assembly
* Paddy Gibson and Barb Shaw: Alternative to the NT Intervention
* Emma Murphy: New NT education policy still sidelines Indigenous language
* Amnesty: Stronger futures in the NT must be a product of the people
* Greens Rachel Siewert: Smarter investments the key for the NT
* More on the National Health Leadership Forum (NHLF)
* What’s Working: So No to Government Intervention

Support the striking poultry workers at Baiada!

On Wednesday 9th of November, workers at Baiada Poultry began indefinite protected industrial action in their campaign for secure and permanent jobs. The campaign under the umbrella of the NUW began when every single worker in the largely migrant workforce at the plant has voted to strike The So far the picketline has come under sustained attack but held strong. Firstly the company employed 30-50 security guards. Then a picketor had their arm broken when a security guard tried to drive through the picketline. The company then successfully received an injunction banning all NUW officials from the picketline. The picketline is relying on community support to now succeed. Lastly on Friday night, 80 police officers rushed the picket line in an attempt to break it but retreated after the line held. Contact Workers Solidarity Network mobile: 0431445978 to find out how to help. Please come to Baiada Poultry (17 Pipe Rd, Laverton Nt) when you can: "nothing goes in, nothing goes out!". Occupy Melbourne Solidarity protest 15t November


OM loses court injunction - what next?

James Muldoon who gallantly took the City of Melbourne to court over his right to put up some small tents in a public place so that people could protest has lost his first battle. This is a big disappointment for Occupy Melbourne who were recently served with a notice not to erect tents or bring any "things" - such as trestle tables and signs - into Treasury Gardens. Muldoon had sought an interlocutory injunction against the notice but this was not granted in the Federal Court today.


Be Leaderless, Be Aware, Stay Clear, Remain Passionate

Sometimes life presents a person with a situation that has no time tested script or traditional path to follow. At times a person is presented with a situation requiring them to be their own boss, the creator of their own plan and the person in charge of writing their own script dictating what decisions they will undertake themselves. There are times when among the many that person's most important job isn't to follow this or that person, but to maintain vigilance over oneself within a specific place and what it means to them to be there.

At the Movies: The Tall Man

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

the link below takes you to the preview of the film documentary, the tall man, based on the book by chloe hooper that andrew boe had requested she write on the killing of mulrunji doomadgee by then sen, sgt. chris hurley during november 2004.
