Occupy Melbourne calls for Treaty with Indigenous Australia

Original Nations embassy threatened by cops

The Original Nations Tent Embassy at the Treasury Gardens was visited by members of the Victoria Police Force today. According to a message from Occupy Melbourne on Facebook at around 2.20pm, they were told to remove the tent or the police would be back.

Please refer to facebook http://www.facebook.com/occupymelb?sk=wall and twitter #occupymelbourne for updates.

Press release from Occupy Melbourne follows:


“Council Continues Campaign of Harassment and Intimidation Against Occupy Melbourne”


WGAR News: "Congress joins opposition to big stick policies in the NT" - NCAFP media release

Newsletter date: 29 October 2011

* What’s Working: Animation of stories
* "Congress Joins Opposition to Big Stick Policies in the NT" NCAFP Media Release
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples (NCAFP)
* Occupy Melbourne calls for Treaty with Indigenous Australia
* Interview with Brian Devlin on cuts to bilingual education in the NT
* Prof Jon Altman: Governments can not afford to neglect homelands
* UTS Lecture by Dr Miriam Jorgensen & Prof Stephen Cornell:
Indigenous Government - A Solution in Settler States