
Fracking Gas = Climate Crash

For years, governments, industry, and TV ads told us natural gas is the safe bridge fuel while we move away from dirty coal and oil.

Cornell University scientist Robert Howarth wondered "Is that true?". When Howarth found no science to back up big claims for the gas industry, he and a team from Cornell went to work.

Press Statement: Aboriginal News Group Calls For the People To #Occupy & #Decolonize The Fourth World



A Communiqué from the ANG Public Information Bureau:

To the Peoples of the Fourth World

To the Mass Media

Sean Bedlam videos of police raids and resistance at Occupy Melbourne on Nov 21st and 23rd

Independant journalist and stand up comic, Sean Bedlam is continuing making video's documenting Occupy Melbourne and its harrassment by the State.

Here is a short video of yet another council and police raid on Occupy Melbourne on November 21st which resulted in one arrest.


Urgent: Egyptian socialists and trade unionists call for international solidarity

An international appeal for solidarity has gone out today as tens of thousands of Egyptians face brutal repression in the streets of Cairo. Riot police and army forces attacked protestors after mass demonstrations calling for an end to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces' military rule.

The Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions issued a call on Saturday 19 November to its 1.4 million members in affiliated unions to join the protests in Tahrir Square. The protestors are fighting for the future of the revolution.


AUSTRALIA: CEASE DISREGARD FOR HUMAN RIGHTS! Change Immigration Detention Policies and Practices!

AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, Hear the detainees! Better the lives of refugees immediately! There have been multiple detainees on hungerstrikes, insisting on truth and

freedom of information. The indefinite and uninformed detainment of innocent people is unacceptable, harmful and disregarding human rights.

The situation becomes more pressing everyday. Mental health is at risk and detainees are inlficting self-harm to scream out for attention. Three detainees have sown

their lips shut to express their protest! (nov 22, 2011 Herald Sun) There have been multiple suicide attempts.


Woolies: Fresh food, lies and problem gambling?

By GetUp!

Grocery giant Woolworths is the surprise owner of the largest number of dangerous high-loss gambling machine venues in Australia – enabling a social ill that ruins families and destroys lives. Sign our petition to Woolworths now, and we'll deliver it directly to the company chairman at their AGM this Thursday.

Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a new tradition

As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Australians with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods --merchandise that has been produced at the expense of Australian labour.

This year will be different. This year Australians will give the gift of genuine concern for other Australians. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by Australian hands. Yes there is!

Leaked video shows brutal attack on peaceful protest

Leaked video shows the Indonesian military treating indigenous West Papuans like animals.Indonesian security forces, many in plain clothes and wearing crash helmets, are seen randomly firing their weapons and arresting scores of people, many of whom are punched, kicked, beaten or forced to crawl along the ground.

Five Papuans were killed in the incident on October 19.



Signs of hope for the Egyptian Coptic Nahal family


There's good news about the Egyptian Coptic Nahal family's struggle to prevent being expelled from Australia.

While we don't have a final decision yet, things are looking hopeful.

Thanks to an eleventh-hour surge of signatures to their petition, Tony and his family went to their meeting with the Department of Immigration armed with the support of more than 7,500 other signatory Australians. Early signs are positive.

Rainforest Logging Breach: Protesters onsite at Survey Rd

GECO Media Release Monday 21 November, 2011

Rainforest logging breach:
Protesters on site at Survey Road

This morning conservationists have again halted logging in rainforest on Survey Road in far East Gippsland. Five logging machines have been cabled off to a treesit in the forest canopy.

“As if it wasn’t enough that VicForests had sent their logging contractors into a coupe containing precious old-growth forest; conservationists have now verified that rainforest has been logged on site as well”, said spokesperson Amelia Young.


Don't be another brick in Israel's wall - International week against the wall 2011(Melbourne)

On November 12, as part of the 9th annual international week against the apartheid wall, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Melbourne took to the streets to raise awareness about Israel's occupation and apartheid policies.

In November 2000 Israel approved the first project to build a so-alled "security barrier" -- a 8 metre high wall (twice the height of the Berlin Wall), with watch towers, electric fences, concrete walls, trenches, sensors and military patrols.


The problem with libertarianism

Libertarianism is the proposition that we are agents of free will. Libertarians promote freedom.

Particularly you will hear libertarians promote freedom of speech as a right that humans ought to enjoy. If you like, the internet is an expression of this libertarian view. We are each singularly responsible for our own views, and each of us has the right to express that view, free from persecution or censorship.


Upcoming Brisbane and Qld Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 5 events from 20 November 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 November 2011 to February 2012: Townsville, Qld
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Cinema Release Date: Thu 17 November 2011: Qld
Documentary Film - The Tall Man
"... a vivid portrait of an Australian island enraged
by the death of an Aboriginal man while in custody


Upcoming Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 9 events from 20 November 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 20 November 2011: Mullumbimby, NSW
Our Generation Film Screening
With live music by Xavier Rudd and
Q&A with the filmmakers and
special guest Yolngu elder Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Fri 25 November 2011: Camperdown, Sydney, NSW
Launch of the 2011 Social Justice and Native Title Reports
Australian Human Rights Commission
The launch will include:

Draft declaration for Occupy Melbourne

There was a fruitful discussion on the draft declaration at last night's Occupy Melbourne General Assembly. A member of the declaration working group invited feedback in the form of changes in wording relating to substantive issues with the document. Here are my suggestions:

DRAFT First Declaration of Occupy Melbourne


WGAR News: "Federal Government betrays NT communities with second Intervention" STICS

Newsletter date: 20 November 2011

* Federal Govt plans to extend its intervention in the NT
* Interviews with Barb Shaw and Randa Kattan on Income Management
* The Bush to Bankstown: The fight against Govt Income Management
* Two Sydney events highlighting struggles for Aboriginal rights in the NT
* International Human Rights Day - Alice Springs, NT
* Ninety people gathered in Darwin on Nov 18 to launch Walk With Us
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

Byron Bay occupied by cops

Friday 18th November, 2011 by Harsha Prabhu The beaches and streets of Byron Bay - Australia's favourite easternmost tourist destination - were crawling with police of every description on Friday 18th Nov. Officers from the Tweed and the Sniffer Dog Squad, Riot Squad and Mounted Squad from Sydney joined local police in the police operation. The police action was in response to the start of Schoolie's Week - when several thousand school leavers were scheduled to descend on Byron - but the only people who seemed to be about in force on Friday night at 10pm was the police force itself.
