
Some Critical Notes on the Occupy Movement's Attempt at a General Strike in Oakland, California U.S.A..

My personal experience of the Nov. 2nd, 2011 attempted general strike in Oakland was a blast. The event was beautiful and exhilarating -- even the colors in the sky were perfect! More importantly, as the first attempt at a general strike in a U.S. city in sixty-six years, I hope Nov. 2nd in Oakland can stir a long-suffering wage-earning class in the United States to see the collective power we can have when we use a mass-scale workplace walkout as a political weapon against the owners of America.

LONDON-British High Court rules that Assange can seek appeal to Supreme Court

Today, Veterans for Peace, Catholic Workers, Occupy London and other anti-war activists gathered outside the High Court in London in solidarity with WikiLeaks activist Julain Assange. Julian has spent the past 363 days in England under house arrest without charge.

We did it! Spy equipment firms drop Syrian project

By Access

We did it! The new Syrian surveillance system will not go ahead. After global pressure, including over 10,000 of us who demanded that Area, NetApp, Qosmos, and Utimaco end their involvement in building this new system, the main player Area just announced it would drop out and halt the construction of this possibly deadly project. But we won't stop here!

Conservationists in tree canopy lead way for tiny Leadbeater’s Possum

                                  Conservationists in tree canopy lead way for tiny Leadbeater’s Possum

Logging has been halted today in the Toolangi State Forest, in the Central Highlands just an hour and a half north of Melbourne. 

“The forests of the Central Highlands have been decimated by years of unsustainable logging and more recently by bushfire. Any forest left standing must be immediately protected from logging”, said spokesperson for the group, Luke Pavia.


Eureka protests in Ballarat: from dawn vigil to pool protest

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, December 3rd, some 40 people gathered in the dark at the monument in Eureka park in Ballarat. For the last 10 years people have gathered at the monument for a dawn vigil to remember those who died one morning 157 years ago fighting to defend basic rights and liberties.


We stand with Assange

Today is the 5th of December we held a vigil for Julian Assange outside the Department of Foreign Affairs in theBrisbane today

We honour Julian Assange as an Australian, as a man of principle. We are extremely

proud of his contribution and commitment to truth and justice.

Julian Assange is a man of courage who has stood up for the oppressed and dispossessed.

World wide, he has shone a bright light on the daily atrocities carried out by Military

forces, by Governments, and by Corporations .


Conservationists halt logging across Victoria

Media Release                                                                                                                                           5/12/11

Conservationists Halt Logging Across Victoria


Conservationists are taking action across Victoria today to expose and hold accountable the Baillieu government and Vicforests for the ongoing destruction of threatened species habitats.



NSW Department of Community Services Bowral regional manager corrupt Leonie Martin


With regards to my complaint about the 26 corrupt DoCS workers in the one NSW office, you replied asking me to send the woman who sold her house to prove in court the children were wrongly taken, with the DoCS office destroying evidence, making false statements, providing a false psychiatrist report etc.


Assange appeals extradition in court today: Brisbane solidarity vigil

Today Julian Assange faces court again to appeal the order to extradite him to Sweden. If his appeal fails he will face court in Sweden within a fortnight.

This is Assanges tenth court appearance since his arrest for questioning in relation to sex crimes in Sweden, over a year ago. Assange has maintained that the charges are politically motivated by Wikileaks release of secret US government documents and video, particularly that that show US military engaged in war crimes.


Occupy Melbourne Tent Monsters chase off the Victoria Police!

Occupy Melbourne's strategy of "going mobile" to get around the "Notice to comply" orders, continually issued against them by the Melbourne City Council and enforced by the police, was taken to a whole other level today 4th December. Watch the video below to see the Occupy Melbourne "tent monsters" emerge from their tents and literally chase the confused police and council officers out of the Flagstaff Gardens. This is a beautiful example of how creative non-violence can use humour to highlight and undermine the absurd use of state power. The hilarity of these actions does not change the fact that the State is trying to prevent Occupy Melbourne through constant harassment from creating a public space to discuss and organise for a fairer, peaceful and more sustainable world. On the 5th of December the Federal Court will hear a case testing the legality of the Melbourne City Council's actions against OM. May their spirit of resistance stay strong - get down there and support them!
Related: Occupy Melbourne outfoxes council and police -- OM Digest for news about the campaign -- OM Monsters on Youtube


Labor's Right occupies national conference

The Right of the Labor party have totally dominated this year's National Conference. The small win on gay marriage was effectively nullified because a conscience vote in parliament is doomed to be defeated with the Liberal Party opposed to any change on this issue. Labor's conscience vote is effectively a "no" vote.

IRAQ – landmines, bombs, depleted uranium – devastation – children amputees. How you can help.

Gerry Georgatos Riyadh Al-Hakimi was brought to tears watching a small Iraqi child drag himself along the street. The stump of his right leg left a trail in the dust as he dragged his body inch by inch. It was 2003 and Riyadh would soon be on his way to Australia and to a university education; however he vowed to do something for the children of his war-torn homeland. Related: SBS Podcast: Wheelchairs for Iraqi children -- The West Australian newspaper - Helping Iraqi children who are victims of depleted uranium, landmines and war


WGAR News: Interviews with Dianne Stokes, Kylie Sambo and Barbara Shaw

Newsletter date: 3 December 2011

* Interview with Dianne Stokes and Kylie Sambo re Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* MAPW: Risks of transporting radioactive waste to Muckaty
* Interview with Barbara Shaw, vocal opponent of the NT intervention
* Michael Anderson: Aboriginal tribal leader off to Europe to challenge Australian sovereignty
* Aboriginal Tent Embassy to mark 40th anniversary
* Michael Mansell: Why The Preamble Is A Hollow Gesture
* ANTaR: Govt commits to act to reduce Aboriginal imprisonment
* Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians': Opinion - NTER Evaluation 2011

The Shortwave Report 12/02 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Brazilian gunmen brandish tribal hit list in wake of leader’s murder

Guarani leader Nísio Gomes was murdered by
gunmen. © Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, December 1, 2011 -- Gunmen in Brazil are brazenly intimidating indigenous communities with a hit list of prominent leaders, following the high profile murder of Nísio Gomes last month.

Reportedly employed by powerful landowners in Mato Grosso do Sul state, the gunmen are creating a climate of fear to prevent Guarani Indians from returning to their ancestral land.

The Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutions will no longer oppose bail for the Indonesian children

The Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutors will no longer oppose Bail when Indonesian children dispute their age. The CDPP will not exclusively rely on the wrist bone scan to assess age. This is a positive step, and time in Immigration Detention will count as custodial (though I believe that in terms of the predicament of bail they should be in the care of the Indonesian Consulate(s).

Justice for Rex Bellotti Jr - Bellottis to go before Parliamentary Standing Committee

Gerry Georgatos The father and mother of 15 year old Rex Bellotti Jr, and Shilo Harrison, coordinator of the Bellotti Support Group will front a Parliamentary Standing Committee which is considering their call for a public inquiry into the police related incident that left Rex Jnr fighting for his life.

The Western Australian Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs has undertaken to consider the call for a public inquiry and at this time is taking submissions, including from the Bellottis and the Western Australian Police.


Can agriculture help save the climate?

Building on the work of Australian carbon farming pioneer P.A. Yeomans, and his son Allan's book "Priority One" - there is a race among farmers to capture carbon from the air and sequester it in richer soil.

In 2007, billionaire Richard Branson announced the Virgin Earth Challenge. He offered a 25 million dollar prize to the best method to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, with no harmful impacts.

Out of 2600 submissions, Allan Savory and the Savory Institute survived to the current short-list of 11 technolgies to do it.

Coastal ecosystems suffer 100 fold decrease in capacity to store carbon

The carbon sink capacity of urbanized river estuary and coastal environments to mitigate climate change has reduced by 100 fold according to scientists from the University of Technology Sydney. The Scientists used core samples from Botany Bay in Sydney to reconstruct the sedimentation changes in the past 6000 years, highlighting the changes in the ecology. The plant samples in the sedimentation changed as rapid industrialisation occurred around Botany Bay during the 1950s.

"We have effectively gone back in time and monitored carbon capture and storage by coastal ecosystems, finding a 100-fold weakening in the ability of coastal ecosystems to sequester carbon since the time of European settlement. This severely hampered the ability of nature to reset the planet's thermostat." said Dr. Peter Macreadie, University of Technology, Sydney Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
