We did it! Spy equipment firms drop Syrian project

By Access

We did it! The new Syrian surveillance system will not go ahead. After global pressure, including over 10,000 of us who demanded that Area, NetApp, Qosmos, and Utimaco end their involvement in building this new system, the main player Area just announced it would drop out and halt the construction of this possibly deadly project. But we won't stop here!

Now we're pushing for the creation of smart, strong, and enforceable laws that permanently stop the sale and service of surveillance technology to repressive regimes. Companies in this multi-billion dollar industry clearly won't police themselves and civil society can't campaign every time this technology is used for human rights abuse. That’s why we need governments to pass robust and enforceable laws to ensure technology is not used to track down activists and suppress freedom of expression online.

Since an estimated 80-90% of these technologies are produced by European and U.S. companies, it's time that Western governments prevent them from exporting equipment used for censoring and spying on innocent citizens. Both the European Union and U.S. Congress must take a stand -- but we also need to ensure that any new legislation or regulation gets it right. Add your name to STOP the SALE petition here:


The need is real and the need is now. We must keep these tools out of the hands of authoritarian regimes while also supporting activists on the ground. That’s why putting a law on the books is critical in the West's efforts to protect and defend freedom of expression on the internet.

Going up against these influential businesses with deep pockets will not be easy. But our collective voice helped put the brakes on this project in Syria. Now let’s call on the European Union and Congress to support activists on the ground and permanently stop the sale and service of surveillance and censorship tools to repressive regimes.

Both the EU and U.S. Congress have begun to consider bills regulating this sector - now let's let them know that we will support them as long as these bills enact requirements for stronger accountability, transparency, due diligence, and put human rights first.


With determination,