
WGAR News: Sovereignty never ceded: A key theme of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy's 40th anniversary

Newsletter date: 21 December 2011

* Interview with Mathew Dhulumbuurk on the continuation of the NT intervention
* Interview with elder Philip Roe after the Supreme Court ruling re Kimberley
* Interview with Michael Woodley CEO of the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
* Michael Anderson: Who deleted the phrase 'her heirs and successors'?
* 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra - 26-29 Jan 2012
* Congress Peoples' Forum: Sovereignty and Self Determination - Canberra - 24-25 Jan 2012

My Christmas letter - The Little Drummer Boy

My Christmas letter - The Little Drummer Boy:

Christmas pending, and a new year around the bend, and for many of us in the spate of a week so will come to pass contemplations for a reclamation of personal reforms. Some of us will take on some reforms, and change some of our ways, however for the majority of folk we shall return to business as usual.

We don't want coal for Christmas!

Flanked by his trusty team of reindeer and elves, Santa visited Melbourne with a simple question – do Victorians all want coal for Christmas? ‘I’m confused’, he told onlookers. ‘If you don't want coal for Christmas, why would Victoria have plans for a new coal fired power station HRL?’ Luckily, the people of Melbourne set Santa straight, signing up in droves to support a joint petition by Quit Coal and other environmental groups calling for No New Coal!


Denied the right painkillers, an Indigenous woman has killed herself in a Townsville prison

A 37-year-old Indigenous woman has killed herself in a Townsville prison because she wasn't given the painkillers she needed for a tooth abscess and old injuries from a car accident.

The Queensland coroner found in an inquest that risk assessment of the woman failed to pick up her history of mental illness because it only looked at the previous six months.

The coroner says urgent changes are needed in prisons.

Report by the ABC.


Australian solidarity actions for Bradley Manning - December 17th 2011

On December 17th 2011, Bradley Manning turned 24 and his pre-trial hearing began. Bradley has been charged with a variety of offences that related to the release of documents and evidence of war crimes by the U.S. to Wikileaks. On this day an international day of solidarity occured and a number of actions occured in Australia. In Brisbane musicians played in solidarity in the Brisbane Mall. In Sydney a daily vigil during the pre-trial has been organised by the Sydney Stop the War Coalition outside the U.S. Consulate General in Martin Place. In Adelaide a small group gathered to sing Bradley happy birthday and to hand out information on his trial. In London, Australian peace activist Ciaron O'Reilly was amongst solidarity protestors outside the U.S. Embassy. Meanwhile Australin journalist Julian Assange will have the next stage of his appeal against his extradition to Sweden heard on December 20th.
Related:Updates on Brad's trial at


Green Music

Find links to the artists (and some You tube versions) here:

Download/listen to full CD Quality version of program (56 MB) here:

Get a faster download (lower quality) version (14 MB) here:


"Change Change" Thistle CANADA

"Dirty Town" Mother Mother CANADA

"My Water's On Fire Tonight" David Holmes & Dean Bekker AUSTRALIA

"Fukushima Song, Talkin End Game" Michael Montecrossa GERMANY

HRA media release: All three major political parties caused the drownings off Java - and more - they must stop criminalising humanitarians

HRA media release: All three major political parties caused the drownings off Java - and more - they must stop criminalising humanitarians

Moral leadership is not being represented by any political party or its leaders.

None are prepared to lead that far from the front that the others behind them can leverage solutions. Instead they are on par with each other and merely casting blame and aspersion and portraying themselves as being able to do the job better.

Save the forests - Save Warrup, Arcadia, the Amazon, all of them

By Gerry Georgatos

Bridgetown-Greenbushes Friends of the Forest (BGFF) are worried that the end is near for Warrup Forest. BGFF coordinated a Warrup Forest twilight rally - more of an information tour - on Saturday, 10 December for interested residents.

70 people coalesced at the old Bridgetown railway station and then by a bus and car pools went into Warrup for the twilight event. Representatives of the Western Australian Forest Alliance (WAFA) and the Conservation Council (CC) were present.


WA government has cleared the way for final obliteration of Yindjibarndi heritage

From the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation

Tuesday 20 December 2011 - - Last Tuesday, the WA Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Peter Collier, reneged on an earlier commitment to hold Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) accountable for identification and protection of Yindjibarndi heritage in the path of its Solomon Project mine. After FMG demanded that critical conditions of his consent be deleted, Minister Collier complied, clearing the way for wholesale destruction of rare and ancient Yindjibarndi heritage.

From Cheri Yavu-Kama-Harathunian

A little about Cheri - Cheri Yavu-Kama-Harathunian (B.App.Sci. Indigenous & Community Health; Masters Criminal Justice)
Director, Indigenous Wellbeing Centre
Central Queensland University

Cheri: “Junjarin-nga dhar’guna yau’eembai’ya ngoolam’bula dhar’kun yar war gow” These are Kabi Kabi words. They are from a 40,000 year old blessing and they mean: “May the spiritual forces of Mother Earth guide and protect your inner self and truth”. I offer this blessing to you.

Brother Jerry,

Just some thoughts I felt to share with you.


Bradley Manning support event in Rundle Mall, Adelaide

A small group of peace activists celebrated Bradley Manning's Birthday in Adelaide's busiest shopping mall on Rundle Mall with signs and giving out birthday cake to passers by on December 17th as part of a global day of action. Lots of folks came to say hi and find out more about who Bradley is. We got a great response, even the security guard asked for a flyer and thanked us!


Swan Valley Nyungah Community: "Why is the Swan Valley Nyungah Community being punished?"

I have written several articles published in various news media that the Swan Valley Nyungah Community has asked me if I could kindly post on Indymedia Australia, a site that they know many come to for the stories few others carry.

DIGNITY IN DEATH DENIED, and SWAN VALLEY NYUNGAH COMMUNITY folk made homeless - "Why is the Swan Valley Nyungah Community being punished?"

Gerry Georgatos


Fair Go for Bradley Manning Sydney protests

Join the campaign for justice for Bradley Manning and win his release from prison, outside the US Consulate General in Martin Place:

Friday, 16 Dec, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Saturday 17th Dec, 11:00am – 12 noon
Monday 19th Dec, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Tuesday Dec 20, 1:00pm – 2:00pm

The week December 16-21 marks the long awaited pre-trial of 24-year-old US army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning who is charged with leaking classified material to WikiLeaks.


LONDON - Report/Vids/Photos - Solidarity with Bradley Manning outside U.S. Embassy

Bradley Manning's Military Tribunal Article 32 (pre-military trial hearing) began a Ft. Meade Maryland on Friday Dec 18th.,continued through the weekend and continues into this week. A callout for solidarity action on Bradley' 24th. birthday - Saturday Dec 17th. was answered in 40+ locations throughout the United States and around the world. In London 60 folks gathered in solidarity with Bradley outside the U.S. embassy.

Candle-lit vigil and performance for refugees in detention over Christmas

On Thursday, December 15, the Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) held a vigil and performative action to remember over 4,000 asylum seekers and refugees that will languish in immigration detention over Christmas. Supporters and activists, and passers-by helped to light the 4,000 candles and keep them alight over a few hours as musicians performed and passers-by stopped to talk to us about the issue, and sign petitions to stop the deportation of a Hazara asylum seeker, Ismail.


: Refugee Action Collective calls on the government to decriminalise people smuggling

Media Release 19th December The Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) is saddened by the news of over 200 asylum seekers who have potentially died at sea on their way to Australia to seek asylum. The Refugee Action Collective also condemns the anti-people smuggling policies of the Gillard Labor government and places them with the blame for the death of possibly over 200 asylum seekers off the coast of Java on Sunday morning.


Extreme weather: Flash flooding kills 500, displaces 100,000 in the Philippines

Heavy rain and flash flooding on Friday night and Saturday in the Philippines associated with tropical cyclone Washi, known locally as Sendong, has killed 521 people, with many still missing and unaccounted for, and displaced over 100,000 people. The cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan were particularly hard hit.

Tropical Storm Washi dumped on the island of Mindanao more than a month of average rains in just 12 hours. According to weather forecaster Leny Ruiz the records show that storms that follow Washi's track come only once in about 12 years. Officials claim it was one of the most destructive calamities in southern Philippines in recent years and struck areas not used to severe flooding. River flooding was worsened by the high tide.

GetUp! petition on Barrier Reef has been delivered to UNESCO

By GetUp!

Amazingly 74,938 people signed the petition to save the Great Barrier Reef. Lincoln has delivered it to the UNESCO head offices in Paris - your voice is being heard!

Lincoln is a a GetUp member who now lives in Paris. Lincoln grew up in Adelaide but moved to Tasmania in 1982 to take up the fight to save the Franklin River. He ran The Wilderness Society's legal campaign which ultimately saw a High Court Victory which resulted in the Franklin River being saved. Like the Great Barrier Reef, the Franklin River now has World Heritage status.

Artists come out in support of Bradley Manning

Brisbane artists showed their support for Bradley Manning yesterday as part of an international day of solidarity for the young soldier. On his 24th birthday Manning is facing life imprisonment and could be facing the death penalty for allegedly leaking classified military documents to the public. Manning Allegedly leaked the documents, the Afghanistan war diaries, the Iraq war diaries, Cable Gate and the footage Collateral Murder to the media site WikiLeaks.
