
Eliminate the "gay panic" murder defence from Queensland law

By Nathan Elvery,

“Yeah, I killed him, but he did worse to me.” These are the words of a man who reacted to some “gentle touching” from a gay man by ramming his victim’s head against a wall until he was unrecognisable, and then stabbing him to death [1].

Call for Aboriginal and Islander actors and extras for a new TV series called "Redfern Now"

By Patricia Corowa

Anousha Zarkesh Casting wants to hear from Aboriginal and Islander actors and extras for a new TV Series called "Redfern Now".

In 6x1 hour episodes, "Redfern Now" will be produced for ABC and Blackfella Films, set in Redfern.

No experience is required. Those wanted include kids, teenagers, and men and women aged 20-50 years old.

Shooting will be from 14 May - 3 August 2012. Those selected may only be required for one day during those dates.

The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence & institutional racism in Britain

18 years since the murder of black teenager Steven Lawrence, Gary Dobson and David Norris have been sentenced to a total of 29 years for this now notorious murder and race hate crime in 1993. Judge Lord Justice Treacy handed Gary Dobson, 36, a minimum 15 years and 2 months and David Norris, 35, a minimum 14 years and 3 months at the Old Bailey on Tuesday 3rd Jan 2012.

Despite the conviction of 2 of the group now due to new evidence and the overhaul of the double jeopardy law, the actual assailants in the murder remain at large.

Australia-Japan diplomatic crisis brewing over activists held on board whaling ship

In a press conference Sunday afternoon Federal Attorney General Nicola Roxon said that Government officials are in talks with Japanese authorities over the fate of the 3 Australians now held captive on the Japanese whaling security vessel Shonan Maru No2. She said the Government's primary concern was the safety of the three men.

On Sunday morning Forest Rescue activists boarded the Japanese whaling ship in solidarity with Sea Shepherd.

Bilingual education plays a crucial role in Aboriginal communities

By Professor MICHAEL CHRISTIE, 2011 Northern Territory Australian of the Year

WHEN I first arrived in Australia almost 40 years ago, I went straight into a Year 3 classroom of 45 aboriginal children on Milingimbi Island, Arnhem Land, none of whom spoke more than a few words of English.

Forest Rescue will protect Warrup at all costs - hero activists from the forests, to the Kimberley, to the seas

Forest Rescue will protect Warrup at all costs

(south west newspaper article)

Gerry Georgatos

Bridgetown-Greenbushes Friends of the Forest (BGFF) have long warned that Warrup is in danger of being imminently logged. Conservation groups state wide have committed to protecting Warrup at all costs, even if it means arrests.

Forest Rescue activists board Japanese whaling ship in solidarity with Sea Shepherd

In the early hours of Sunday, January 8, three forest rescue activists boarded the Japanese whaling fleet security vessel Shonan Maru No 2 off Bunbury, Western Australia as an act of solidarity with Sea Shepherd in their campaign to stop Japanese commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. While in the Antarctic Sea Shepherd activists from the Bob Barker continue to pursue and harass the main whaling fleet.

Related: Sea Shepherd Media Release - Three Australian prisoners detained on a Japanese whaler in Australian waters | Captain Paul Watson on Forest Rescue men go out on a limb for Sea Shepherd


White supremacists to converge in Brisbane in 2012

A convergence of racist white supremacists is expected to occur under the guise of a music festival "Hammerred" in Brisbane on April 21st this year.

Australian Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Helen Szoke this week labelled the event as "abhorrent to our community", while Queensland Police and the Brisbane City Council are allowing the event to go ahead, claiming it is legal.


Three Australian prisoners detained on a Japanese whaler in Australian waters

Sea Shepherd Press Release Jan 7th 2012 Early this morning The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society assisted Forest Rescue Australia in a complex and daring move to board the Shonan Maru #2 in waters off Bunbury, Western Australia

Was an Aboriginal man bashed to death in an Alice Springs police cell? Police claim he died of 'a lung complication'

On Thursday 5th January a 28-year-old inebriated Aboriginal man died in a police cell in Alice Springs. Friends arrested with him claim he was bashed to death by four male and one female police officers. Police say he fell, injuring his head. At first they said this caused a heart attack. They later said he died of 'a lung complication.' Whatever that is!

Honduras: environmentalist priest severely tortured by police

Honduras: Macuelizo, Santa Barbara

On 5 January 2012, hundreds gathered in solidarity with the priest Marco Aurelio Lorenzo and showed that Hondurans do not tolerate the continued persecution in the context of a coup regime

Priest Marco Aurelio Lorenzo is a recognised activist against environmental exploitation, defending the Merendón mountain ranges against corporate interests, as well as an advocate for the poor.

The Shortwave Report (January 6) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 6) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Some Sydney anarchists celebrate NYE by dropping 18 banners from 5 empty buildings in the CBD

On New Years Eve while the city streets were packed with drunken revellers and riot cops, a group of anarchists dropped 18 banners from five empty buildings in the centre of Sydney. Sound-systems were set up in two of the buildings with an anti-police hip hop/punk/dubstep mix which blasted out onto the streets. Anarchist slogans and symbols were sprayed on the windows in the buildings and on buses and banks in the streets below.


A statement on the current sovereignty debate - Aboriginal Australia, White Australia

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 5th January, 2012

By Michael Anderson ©


This is not a debate about the legitimacy of either or. This is a debate about the need to conclude a messy and genocidal history. It is about working together to get it right and to settle grievances and disputes in a fair and just manner.

It can become ugly, but only if the dominant society rejects outright our legitimate claim to continuing sovereignty and dominion over our lands, natural resources and the naturally occurring biodiversity.

Species biodiversity under threat from the velocity of climate change

Scientists have been able to calculate the velocity of climate change on land and ocean environments using temperature records to determine isotherms and their change in a fifty year period from 1960 to 2009. So how fast are climate envelopes moving? The general median answer is 27.3 km/decade on land, and 21.7 km/decade in the ocean. This equates to a speed needed to outrun climate change on land (2.7 kilometers per year) and in the oceans (2.2 kilometers per year). This rate of movement of thermal climate envelopes poses problems for species facing a high speed migration, or a difficult and abrupt adaptation or extinction.

Related: Indybay - Climate change and habitat loss threaten biodiversity, extinction rate underestimated | Science Network WA - Rare frog population sent to the South-West


Film-screening of "Over the edge" + brief talk about the struggle against youth-prisons in France

Movie-screening of OVER THE EDGE
(directed by Jonathan Kaplan, 95min., USA, 1979)
+ brief talk about the struggle against youth-prisons in France

In 1978, more than 110,000 kids under 18 were arrested for crimes of vandalism in the USA. Over the Edge shows a teenage rebellion against all authorities. It's fiction but the story is based on true incidents that occured during the 70's in a suburban community.
