
Stopping the boats

To Indymedia readers

The problem both the government and the opposition have is they cannot agree what to do about stopping the boats thereby saving lives, as well as the millions of taxpayer’s dollars this costs every taxpayer.

I believed I had the solution to stopping the boats, which meant no offshore processing was needed and a huge saving to the Australian taxpayer.


Eight killed in protest against Australian gold mining in Indonesia

by hidup biasa An Indonesian activist website reports eight people killed, hundreds wounded, ten arrested and many hiding after a police attack on protesters demonstrating against a locally working mainly Australian gold mining company. hidup biasa says the attack was on the occupation of Sape port by thousands of residents of Lambu district, Bima regency, West Nusa Tenggara, repressed and forcibly dispersed by police. The occupation, which had continued for five days, was by local people opposing the operations of PT Sumber Mineral Nusantara. The company is 95% owned by an Australian company called Arc Exploration, based in Chatswood, Sydney.

Related: Raw footage of police shooting into crowd -- ABC coverage of the shootings and protests | WALHI (FoE Indonesia) - Stop The Activity Of Mining & Slaughtering In Bima, Solidarity For Civilians Sby - Boediono Must Take Responsibility | Environmentalists call for Australian government to investigate massacre in Indonesia


Sad Christmas for thousands of parents and children in corrupt foster care and child protection system

Please spare a thought this Christmas for those children who have lost their lives due to child protection authorities negligence and abuse, and the many children and parents wrongly separated by a cruel and senseless child protection abomination.


Child Protection Corruption


Sea Shepherd intercepts Japanese whaling fleet using drone on Christmas day

Sea Shepherd celebrates a christmas for the whales having located the whaling fleet on Christmas eve and intercepted the fleet on Christmas day before a single whale has been killed this season.


U.S. building case against Assange through Bradley Manning trial

In an ominous turn of events the pre-trial hearing of Bradley Manning is now being used to build a future case of espionage against Julian Assange. The military prosecution has now introduced evidence that supposedly not only directly links Julian Assange to Bradley Manning but that Assange directly "coached" Manning into how to obtain government documents. The evidence comes in the form of selected transcripts of supposed chat logs between the two men found on Manning's computers.

Sierra Leone: Land grab for palmoil

Reinhard Behrend at Rainforest Rescue

The people of Sierra Leone are resisting a new biodiesel project. SOCFIN, a Luxembourg-based company, is planning a palmoil plantation of around 12,000 hectares (around 30,000 acres).

The land is being provided to the investors at essentially no cost. While the small farmers have petitioned the government, the government’s involvement in the land deal leaves them with no one to protect their rights. Those who protest against it are subject to intimidation.

Why people get on boats and why we should help them

Gerry Georgatos


There are no displaced or persecuted peoples' offices in places like Sri Lanka, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan therefore the only choice is to flee.

These people would not 'get on boats’ if we actually offered them resettlement options. Therefore we leave people desperately needing to leave immediately and with other choices.

NSW set to hinder wind energy with onerous planning regulations

The NSW Draft planning regulations on wind farms was released on Friday December 23: on the very last working day before Christmas. You don't need to be a cynic to understand the Barrie O'Farrell conservative Government wants to bury news coverage of these draft planning regulations which impose strict limits on wind farm development which are very similar in scope to the draconian Victorian wind farm planning regultions.

"The new wind guidelines introduced today place more rigourous requirements on wind projects than on any other project development in the state." said Lindsay Soutar, national coordinator of the community 100% Renewable campaign. "While coal and coal seam gas get the red carpet, wind power just gets more red tape."


We're winning

Dear Amazing Avaazers, Avaaz is on fire, at 10.5 million people and rising fast. But we're also deepening our activism -- and with the combination of depth and huge numbers, we're winning, over and over again. Scroll down to see some great examples from the last several weeks.

Break the blackout, donate for Internet freedom

By Access What a year! In 2010, our small room of Access servers kept the internet open for thousands across the world. Real people in places like Venezuela, Egypt, and Iran had their internet censored by their governments. But by using our servers, people were able to get around their country's firewall to access the web, upload videos to YouTube, and post information to sites like Twitter and Facebook. Sadly, we may now have to close those servers.

Brisbane transit worker on privatization, the Labor Party & injured bus drivers

Australia Brisbane Transit Worker On Privatization, the Labor Party & Injured Bus Drivers

David Matters, the assistant Vice President of Queensland Rail, Tram
and Bus Union talks about the attack on bus drivers and public workers
in Australia. He discusses the use of privatization to destroy public transit
and the targeting of senior and disabled workers by management to


Occupy Melbourne moves into new phase

Occupy Melbourne has moved into a new phase of the movement after agreeing unanimously at the 28th General Assembly to adopt a short/medium-term strategy involving an expansion to multiple occupation sites and targeted occupations.

The strategy involves both maintaining a Base Occupation & Forward/Mobile Occupations, and co-ordinating an ongoing series Targeted Occupations (such as Occupy Ports in the US). Occupy Melbourne is waiting on confirmation on a potential site for the Base Occupation on private land, where infrastructure to build and support the movement can be established.


Media Release: Refugee Action Collective condemns Labor putting Nauru on the table

The Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) condemns any move by the Labor government to put Nauru or any other third country as an option on the table in an attempt to push through offshore, denying the fundamental right to seek asylum. We demand that onshore processing remains policy and that refugees are assisted in arriving to Australia by whatever means necessary. We reiterate our opposition to any form of offshore processing, be it Malaysia, Nauru or anywhere else.


RAC media release: Robert Manne is wrong


“Robert Manne’s argument that the only alternative is off-shore
processing in Nauru is simply wrong. Any policy that starts with the
idea of stopping the boats can only lead to a conclusion that is
morally and politically flawed.

“Robert Manne’s arguments are of a piece with those of Gillard and
Abbott which both violate the rights of asylum seekers and foster
anti-refugee sentiments in Australian society,” said Ian Rintoul from
the Refugee Action Coalition.


“Aborigines, you are with us or against us - make your choice”

By Michael Anderson
Goodooga, northwest NSW, 22 December - - There’s interference by person or persons unknown, including Aborigines, with preparations for the 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, its last founding survivor, Michael Anderson, alleges.
Anderson has just brought back from London a copy of the original document in which Queen Victoria and the English parliament of the time state that the crown owns nothing in Australia and that Aborigines are sovereign, with their own laws and leaders.


Only a few weeks left to voice opposition to 10 more years of Intervention

By Sabine Kacha

There are only a few weeks left to voice your opposition to the extension of key NT Intervention measures for another 10 years as of 2012. The planned extension of these measures will allow for the continuation of massive human rights violations towards Aboriginal people. One measure, Income Management, has already been announced to be rolled out further in other areas outside the Northern Territory.

3rd world summit for small wind - call for papers

3rd World Summit for Small Wind WSSW2012
"New Standards - New Concepts"
Husum, Germany, 15&16 March 2012

Call for Papers

We invite you cordially to the 3rd World Summit for Small Wind WSSW2012, taking place in Husum/Germany on 15 and 16 March 2012, during the New Energy 2012 trade fair.

Tony Burke will visit the Tarkine before deciding its future

By GetUp!

Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke has confirmed he will visit the Tarkine
with GetUp before he decides on the future of the rainforest area. This is brilliant news! Thank you for adding your name to the invitation. There is no better way to ensure the Minister fully understands just how important it is to save the area than to get him on the ground amongst the ancient ecosystem that is the Tarkine.