
The Shortwsve Report 12/9/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 9) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Survival reveals ten hidden abuses against tribes on Human Rights Day (10 Dec)

Xoroxloo Duxee died of dehydration after the Bushmen's water borehole was disabled. © Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL - - Survival International has highlighted ten tribal rights abuses ahead of UN Human Rights Day this Saturday (10 Dec), to expose violations that still pass largely unnoticed.

Signed 63 years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was the first global expression of the rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled.

Renewable energy in Australia approaching 10 per cent says Clean Energy Council

The Clean Energy Council of Australia announced at the climate negotiations in Durban that 9.6% of Australia's power now came from renewable sources: solar photovoltaic, wind, and large scale hydro-electric. More than half a million household solar power systems were now installed on Australian rooftops – around 35 times the amount just three years ago at the end of 2008.


Update on Honduras coup for November 2011

Since this report was compiled, the first woman journalist has been assassinated in Honduras, and in Tegucigalpa.

On December 6, 2011, journalist Luz Marina Paz Villalobos and her cameraperson Delmer Canales were leaving her house when they were killed by gunmen on board a motorcycle. Luz Marina directed for years the radio program “Tres en la Noticia” (Three in the News) in Radio Globo and lately worked at a local radio. The total number of journalists killed since 2009 coup is now 23, making Honduras the deadliest place on earth per capita to report in.

Wave Energy pilot project for Port Fairy receives Victorian government funding

Surf coast residents in Victoria may be drawing some of their electricity from the ocean waves that come crashing onto the beaches in the not too distant future. The Victorian state Government has awarded Ocean energy company, BioPower Systems (BPS) $5 million of funding under the Sustainable Energy Pilot Demonstration Program to establish a $14 million pilot demonstration of the company’s 250kW bioWAVE ocean wave energy system at a grid-connected site near Port Fairy, Victoria.


Stop the deportations - Refugee Rights Action Network emergency action at Perth airport detention centre - this Sunday


Two Sri Lankan men are to be forcibly deported with the first person to be deported on December 12 and the other on December 13 to Sri Lanka - where they fear for their lives. They believe this will have implications for their families and anyone who may support them once back in Sri Lanka.

December 10 was ruled out in terms of deporting them - as it is (United Nations) HUMAN RIGHTS DAY!


Our planet is dying - sign an urgent climate petition here


Our planet is dying and big oil companies have key nations in their pockets, blocking any chance of a climate treaty. We have 3 days before UN talks end -- let's call on the EU, Brazil and China to lead us towards a deal to save the planet! Click here to sign an urgent petition.

Execution case dropped against Abu-Jamal

Prosecutors in Philadelphia announced on 7 December that they had dropped their attempts to execute Mumia Abu-Jamal, the death row inmate convicted of killing a police officer 30 years ago and whose subsequent legal case based on claims of innocence had received international attention.

Mr. Abu-Jamal will spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole, said Seth Williams, the district attorney for Philadelphia.

Heat kills gardens & guerrilla planting

Listen to/download the audio:

SHOW LINE UP - 24 minutes

1. "Guerrilla Gardening"

How to create an edible landscape on public and private lands. UK "Guerrilla of Love" Chris Tomlinson explains how he secretly plants food, perennials and trees, in waste lands, untended gardens, and even city streets. Fun interview on serious topic, as economy erodes. Try it where you live.

2. "Global Famine Starts in Texas"

Required listening for heat waves in Australia. Your garden may produce nothing.

Occupy Melbourne protestor applies for intervention order against police

Sarah, the Occupy Melbourne protestor stripped publically of her "tent dress" in Flagstaff Gardens has applied for an intervention order against police. As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald and on Ninemsn Sarah went to the court on December the 7th to make her application.


Occupy Melbourne protestor applies for Intervention order against police

Sarah, the Occupy Melbourne protestor stripped publically of her "tent dress" in Flagstaff Gardens has applied for an intervention order against police. As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald and on Ninemsn Sarah went to the court on December the 7th to make her application.


How much profit is too much?

The four major banks have refused to follow the lead of the Reserve bank and reduce their interest rates charged on borrowings.

Last financial year these four banks amassed a whopping 24 billion dollars in super profits. They are four of the most profitable banks int her world, protected by the government from failure. Their largesse is a crime.


Coal seam gas update

By GetUp!

The coal seam gas movement is growing across the country. Like never before people are mobilising, standing up to protect their communities. Every day brings many more news reports and with so much going on, we'd like to take a few minutes to touch base on the campaign.

WGAR News: Djiniyini Gondarra message to ALP conference; Analysis by Hilary Tyler and Paddy Gibson

Newsletter date: 7 December 2011

* Herald Sun: Aboriginal leader takes fight to Europe
* ABC: Major Arnhem Land employer in financial trouble
* Video: Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra message to ALP conference
* Dr Hilary Tyler and Paddy Gibson: Still no evidence for Macklin’s Intervention
* Jon Altman: The cunning of consultation: school attendance and welfare reform
* 2SER's Razors Edge: Labor looking lost on Poverty
* Eva Cox: Stronger Futures demands are un-Australian
* Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud exhibition: support needed!
* What's Working: Valery's Bus

Occupy Melbourne “Tent Monster” stripped and assaulted by Council workers and police

A day after the video of Occupy Melbourne “Tent Monsters” went viral, revealing the absurdity of the Melbourne City Council and police harassment of Occupy Melbourne, the authorities have responded with another display of brutality. As if offended by the display of non-violent creative resistance police and council officers today stripped “Tent Monster” Sarah of her the tent she was wearing as her clothes. Despite being repeatedly told she was not wearing any clothes other than the tent, it was removed with some violence, leaving her only clad in her underwear in a public park.
Related:Liberty Victoria condemns police -- OM press release -- OM tent monsters chase off the Victoria Police!
Footage of the assault 10min version -- 90 second version -- 5 min version -- Sarah confronts police after assault


LONDON - British High Court rules that Assange can seek Appeal to Supreme Court

Today, Veterans for Peace, Catholic Workers, Occupy London and other anti-war activists gathered outside the High Court in London in solidarity with WikiLeaks activist Julain Assange. Julian has spent the past 363 days in England under house arrest without charge.

Woman sexually assaulted at OM: Officer identified

Truth Media has identified the main officer responsible for a serious attack in Melbourne today. (see attached file) An innocent 20 year-old woman was sexually assaulted by a gang of Melbourne City Council and Victoria Police Officers in Flagstaff Gardens. She was protesting against the unjust power of corporations as part of 'Occupy Melbourne'. There is no suggestion that the pig has done anything unlawful.


OM Press Release: “Occupy Melbourne woman stripped in public by Police ”

TUESDAY, 6th DECEMBER, 2011 This morning at 8:45am a peaceful Occupy Melbourne Protester was forcibly stripped of her protest costume and discarded on the ground in her underwear in public.

The individual in question was part of the Occupy Melbourne protest and was dressed in a protest costume made from a converted tent. The significance of the costume was to highlight restrictions placed on protesters staging a 24/7 protest in Flagstaff Gardens.


Liberty Victoria condemns police action at Occupy Melbourne protest

6 December 2011 Liberty Victoria today condemned police interference with Occupy Melbourne demonstrators in the Flagstaff Gardens this morning, 6 December 2011. At approximately 8.30 am, several police officers approached a female demonstrator who was wearing a small tent.

This appeared to be the demonstrator’s way of protesting against an instruction by Melbourne City Council that no tents should be permitted in the Gardens.
